Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 889 The Forbidden Power of the Council

Seeing the outbreak of fighting in the branch continent.

Natsume was also overjoyed, and subconsciously thought that the Otsutsuki clan had also broken out into a civil war just like in [Sim World].

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be!

In order to determine the authenticity.

Natsume and Tsuba set off immediately, opened the portal of [Huangquan Hirazaka], and transferred to the branch continent.

And the area close to [Duke Castle] is the same as [King City].

They are all set up with space confinement, and it is difficult to open the portal;

In essence, it is to prevent the enemy from using space capabilities to attack remotely.

If there is no limit.

Just [Yellow Spring Hirazaka] and [Tailed Beast Jade], you can easily destroy the four major kingdoms in Konoha.

However, there are pros and cons to this.

It also made the Otsutsuki members in [Duke Castle] unable to escape through space ability...

We can only stick to it and wait for help.

Or through the fixed-point space barrier, teleport to several other [Duke Castles].

It's a pity that the [Duke Castles] on the four continents were all attacked at the same time, so it was useless even if they teleported there.

After all.

At the beginning of the design.

The ancestors of the Otsutsuki branch never considered that the enemy could attack the 【Duke Castle】.

That is almost equivalent to the fact that the Datongmu clan is about to perish...


When Natsume and the others arrived.

It is indeed found that three unknown 'demigods' are besieging 【Night Castle】.

There are also a large number of Otsutsuki branch warriors around, who have discovered the shock and are gathering towards the castle.

But how could these ordinary sect fighters be the opponents of demigods.

Many are not close yet.

was quickly killed by the enemy...

They are like moths to a flame, sacrificing beyond their means.

"Three demigods?"

"Are you attacking the branch?"

"they are?"

"One is a humanoid Speck."

"The other two races of demigods I do not recognize".

Natsume murmured in confusion.

According to the perception just now, the main castles of the four branch continents have all been attacked.

In other words, the enemy has at least ten demigods or more!

Isn't this too grand?

When the Otsutsuki clan went on an expedition to the [Fallen God Starfield], they only sent a total of 11 demigods.

Is this the work of [Moco Clan]?

Not right!

These guys are very different from the Moco family, and they have never used natural energy.

Could it be that it was a secret weapon cultivated by the Moco clan?

But they don't attack [Royal City], they don't attack [Parliament]...

Running to attack the Separation Castle?

Is this collective insanity?

Natsume was full of doubts.

At this time, An Mitsuha gave the answer.

"They're people from Parliament."


"How did you know?"

"[Sophon] gave me a [High Tower Source Core], which records part of the future information she simulated."

"You can tell me some information that will not be shielded by the correction force at a specific moment."

"But I can't take the initiative to check it myself."

An Mitsuha explained.

This is also one of the capitals that [Sophia] dared to instigate An Yutsuyu to seize the [Pillar of Yu].

Even if it is only a limited [omniscience].

It is also enough for [Sophon] to find the optimal solution and become invincible.


Forget it.

This is also good news.

At least with the blessing of [Sophon]'s intelligence, the advantage on his side will be even greater.

Enough to know many secrets and avoid many dangers.

"What's the specific situation?"

"These alien demigods were secretly cultivated by the [Parliament]'s [Elder Xushi]."

"A long time ago, [Xu Shi] began to prepare a secret "God Creation Project". Of course, it is not to create [True God], but to mass-produce [Demigod]."

Xia Mu was shocked.

That old fox in Xushi really has terrifying ambitions!

Want to mass-produce demigods?

If this is successful, what's the deal?

Not to mention tens of thousands of [Demigods].

As long as hundreds of [Demigods] are created, it is estimated that [Moco Clan] can be pushed horizontally, and the entire star field can be unified.


Looking at this, the virtual formula seems to have succeeded?

"[Artificial demigod], [Huangquan Daguo] also tried it back then."

"The biggest difficulty is that ordinary lives and souls cannot bear or control them at all. Only demigods can grasp the power of law and authority."

"Unfortunately, until the end, we failed to succeed."

"The virtual formula was successful?"

"It's a success."

"How did he solve it?"

"Look at those three demigods, what do they have in common?"

Natsume looked carefully.

The anomaly was quickly found.

The three alien demigods have a strange eye pupil between their foreheads and brows.

It was pitch black, with diffuse dark streaks like fireworks.

Unlike all special eye pupils known to Natsume.

"That is?"

"【Reverse Eyes】"

Natsume: "Is it a product of the virtual "God-making Project"?"

An Mitsuyu: "Yes."

"That is a special eye pupil produced by the distortion of [Tianshengyan], which is enough to carry the power of demigod-level divine power."

"You know, the pupil art of the Otsutsuki clan is essentially a weakened version of divine art."

"The tribesmen under the demigods can carry the weakened magic through special eye pupils, thus releasing the powerful power of [Heaven's Yuzhong] [Huangquan Biliangsaka] [Dahetian] and so on... "

"As long as enough special and powerful eye pupils are created, it may be able to carry the complete power of divine power."

"Let the user have power close to or even comparable to that of a demigod!"

Natsume suddenly realized.

No wonder the Otsutsuki clan has been completely banning the possession of [Tenseiyan].

What to say: [Tenseiyan] is synthesized from a large number of [White Eyes], and the ban is to prevent fratricide.

It is estimated that they are all beautiful words on the bright side.

In fact, mastering [Chakra Fruit] and [Wedge Printing Technology], you can mass-produce white eyes and integrate [Tianshengyan] on a large scale.

It's not difficult at all.

However, knowing that [Tenseikan] is an evolved version of [White Eye], with stronger power and characteristics, it is still completely banned.

Is it because I am afraid that [Tianshengyan] will become a [Reverse Eye] if it is distorted?

Although the chance of orientation distortion is extremely low.

But as long as the [Tenseikan] base is large enough, it is still possible to be born!

Just like bloggers can distort a [clean eye]...

At that time, it will be troublesome for the royal family to also master the characteristic of [Reverse Eyes].

"I see!"

"However, the conditions for directional distortion to produce [Reversed Eye] should be very harsh, right? How did the virtual form hide it for so long?"

Natsume continued to ask.

"The imaginary formula is very secretive.

He used his long life span to complete it step by step.

The [Gene Pool], [Picket Court], [Inaba Wheel] and other institutions and facilities are all set up for it and serve it secretly.

【Gene Pool】Collect a large amount of gene data of Datongmu, induce and record the sequence and direction of gene mutation.

The trillions of slaves under the [Picket Court] are the best experimental materials, and they can test the adaptability of different races of life and [Reverse Eyes].

[Inabawa], as a medical institution in name, actually secretly provides transplant technical support for the "God-making Project".

and many more……

These institutions were established at different times, and all of them have obvious functions to cover up.

In addition, Xu Shi took action in person, directly under the management.

Nature greatly reduces the risk of exposure.

Even if someone found out, it would probably have been silenced long ago.

The explanation given by [Tomoko] is like this..."

listen to this.

Natsume took a deep breath.

It turns out that most of the internal mechanisms of Datongmu that I know are under the control and utilization of Xushi.

That old bastard really started planning a long time ago!

These institutions operate on the surface, consolidating the status of the [Parliament] and enhancing the power of the entire family.

It operated secretly, and carried out a secret plan for him, accumulating terrifying personal power.


This might just be one of his methods.

A long lifespan, enough patience, bottomless cunning, and its own terrifying strength;

The combination of all these is the scary part of the virtual style.

No wonder even the almost all-knowing 【Sophie】can't figure out all the plans and schemes of Xu Shi.

It's no wonder that even a perverted genius like [Zhen Ruo Wang] has repeatedly suffered under his hands.


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