Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 895 Temptation and Cooperation

As the root-style elders ordered.

A large number of cadres of the Otsutsuki family outside the tower retreated one after another.

Let go of the ghost of the underworld.

The latter was not timid, and flew straight into the tower.

After entering.

With the help of Ta Ling, he quickly retrieved and matched the identity of An Yujinyu from the vast parliamentary database.

And send its information to the root and sickle elders.


An Mitsuyu also came in front of the Genshi two.

"Datong wooden root style?"

An Mitsuha's tone was very cold, and it was not difficult to hear the hatred for Otsutsuki.

"Dark Yujin Yu? The ghost of the underworld?"

"You are very courageous!"

"How dare you throw yourself into a trap."

Datong Mugenshi also mocked in a bad tone.

He is also prepared, if the other party has any abnormalities, he will immediately kill him!

"Stop talking nonsense."

"I came to find you to cooperate."

"Can you represent the entire [family council] now?"

An Mitsuha goes straight into the main body without dragging his feet.

And endured the disgust, followed Natsume's secret command, and started the induction.

"Of course I can represent Parliament."

"As for cooperation?"

"With you, a ghost of the underworld, a group of lingering survivors, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?"

If it is not for the identity of the other party's demigod.

Genshi will never see each other at all.

The status gap between the two sides is no less than the gap between the five permanent defense ministers and the tribal chiefs who are almost extinct.

And maybe even bigger...

"I know the situation in [Wangcheng], and I also know the exact location of [Zhenruo King]."

"And I can tell you clearly that he is attacking the [True God Status] and may succeed at any time..."

An Yujinyu ignored the other party's ridicule and directly broke the big news.

Hear this.

Root is not calm for an instant.

"Where is he?"

"It's within the [Royal Palace]."

"How do you know for sure?"

"I just came out of the [Royal Palace]..."

"Can you bypass the artifact barrier? It's impossible! I need proof!"

Genshi is not a fool, it is impossible to just believe in the nonsense of a ghost.

What if the other party is sent by the royal family?

Didn't his family fall into the trap of the other party?

An Mitsuha was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Raise your right hand, and lightly touch the air, and recall the scene in Natsume's memory, [Royal Palace·Central Hall].

In the form of the soul wave, the root form and the sickle form are passed on.

The latter two were shocked.

The scene in this memory screenshot, as well as the appearance of [Royal Pillar], are indeed the same as they know.

The other party most likely did not lie.

But don't believe it easily.

After all, it is rumored that Huang Quan's lineage is best at soul secret arts.

Nowadays, there are still some shadows of Huang Quan in the soul magic of the Datongmu clan.

Basically, it was only handed down after copying and imitating and improving.

There is no guarantee that this screenshot of the memory was not deliberately forged by the other party.

More importantly.

The opponent actually went deep into the [Central Hall] where [Zhenruo King] was.

And get out of the way?


She has such strength?

I'm afraid, she is simply a spy sent by the royal family!

Root formula: "How do you prove that you didn't forge it?"

An Mitsuha: "No proof is needed."

"Because you can't afford to lose."

"Compared to us, you are more reluctant to see [True King] ascend to the position of true god."

"Once he succeeds, the entire [Parliament] will cease to exist."

"As long as possible, you will definitely do your best to prevent..."

Genshi's eyes lit up, and the elder Sickle beside him also looked solemn.


The other party is very aware of the current predicament of the parliament.

This is also the reason why Genshi is racking his brains to think about how to stop [True King].

After taking a deep breath.

The sickle-style elder on the side suddenly turned his face and threatened:

"You are very smart."

"Stupid too."

"The premise of cooperation is that there are enough bargaining chips."

"You who have already told us the bargaining chip, what value is there?"

"Why don't you contribute your soul, and finally let us confirm the authenticity of your information."

"In contrast, I can meet some of the requirements."

"For example, on the side of the slave army, there are still many survivors of the Huangquan lineage?"

Compared with the other party's dictation.

He still believed in his own means even more. If he could devour the other party's soul, it would be clear whether the other party was a spy sent by the royal family.

The radical formula feels a little inappropriate, but for the sake of the entire parliament, it is indeed a little more secure.

In this regard.

Natsume naturally expected this long ago.

For these Datongmu, there is no such thing as honesty and morality at all, only strength is respected and interests are paramount.

Therefore, An Mitsuha continued:

"That's not a bargaining chip for cooperation. The position of King Zhenruo is just a bonus."

"Even if you have determined the position of King Zhenruo, the biggest problem is still the enchantment of artifacts covering the entire [Royal City]."

Both the root form and the sickle form have a black complexion.

What the other party said was right, that layer of artifact enchantment was the biggest problem restricting them.

Even if you want to stop [True King], you have to break the enchantment of the artifact first.

Otherwise it's all just fantasy.

"Do you have a way to break the enchantment of the artifact?"

"I can sneak into [inside the royal city]."

"How many people can you bring?"

Genshi's eyes brightened, and he felt hopeful.

If you can bring more elites into the royal city, you may not be able to stop King Zhenruo!

"You can't bring people..."


A wave of anger rose from Genshi's heart, as if the other party was playing tricks on him.

But don't wait for his anger to erupt.

next moment.

An Yujinyu spread out his right hand, and a divine light rose instantly.

The powerful coercion of the rules spread out, making the elders of the root style and the sickle style stunned, and their hearts were horrified.

Artifact: [Huangquan Seal]!

In order to show force, but also to achieve cooperation.

Under Natsume's signal, An Mitsuyu directly revealed this artifact of the underworld.


At the same time, the meaning of Natsume's side is also obvious.

To know.

When the Moke clan invaded the Underworld Realm.

[Demon City] is much larger than this [Royal City]; the smaller the range of the enchantment, the stronger the defense.

Moreover, the [God's Nest Day] that was launched at that time was also weakened by the [Demon God Soldier].

At that time, Natsume had to use all his strength to urge [Huangquan Yin] to hit it several times before it broke open.

just now.

It is much more difficult than before to break through the enchantment of artifacts covering the entire capital.


Unless there are two artifacts that can attack the barrier from the inside and outside at the same time [God's Nest Day].

It is possible to temporarily break the enchantment!

There is no need to say anything outside.

If there is no big [family council], if there is not a usable artifact.

Then what kind of fight is there with the royal family, just admit defeat early.

And internal words.

As long as someone can sneak in with an artifact.

Even if there is only one person, this condition can be fulfilled.

Tried to destroy the barrier with the outside world.

And once the barrier is broken, there will be no restrictions on the parliament side.

He could even directly open the [Eye of the Tower], lead an army, enter the [Royal Palace], and destroy the ritual of becoming a god of [True King].

Seeing this, the root and sickle elders suddenly realized.

This is the other party's so-called real cooperation!

It is also the confidence that the other party dares to form an alliance with himself alone!

Even if the cooperation fails, there is a high probability that An Yujinyu, who is holding a divine weapon, will be able to break out of the encirclement, or replace several demigod elders...

As for whether the other party is a royal spy?

Now there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

As long as they can cooperate to break the barrier, all problems will not be a problem.

If it can't be broken, there seems to be no loss on the parliament side.

"Cooperate or not?"

"Hurry up and decide!"

An Yujinyu put away the Huangquan seal and urged in a cold voice.

Aloof, proud, confident...

These are the negotiating elements that Natsume set for An Mitsuha from the very beginning.

Only in this way can it stimulate the parliament to take the bait.

Make them more urgent than your own.

listen to this.

The root and sickle elders glanced at each other, and quickly talked several times in the consciousness space.

Finally, this cooperation was agreed unanimously.

"We can cooperate."

"What requirements and conditions do you have? Let's put it forward together."

"As long as it's not too outrageous, I can represent the parliament and promise you."


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