Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 919

Natsume moved and struck instantly.

As soon as his mind moved, he used [Double Divine Power] combined with [Space Authority] and the semi-artifact [Phase Apocalypse].

He forcibly tore open a space crack and teleported towards his own continent.

between several teleportations.

He has already crossed tens of millions of kilometers of interstellar distance and arrived at his home continent.

"The teleportation distance has been shortened?"

"Space has become more viscous..."

Natsume noticed something unusual.

Logically speaking, with his current strength, it would not be a problem to travel hundreds of light years in an instant after activating his time and space abilities.

But now it is necessary to teleport several times in succession before reaching the home continent, which is abnormal.

"The True God of the Ancestor is about to resurrect. His divine body has regained its activity and is affecting and interfering with the entire [Shiyuan World]."

"The entire space is oppressed by Him, which naturally weakens all time and space abilities."

"After arriving on our own continent, the suppression will be further strengthened."

"You need to prepare in advance."

Tomoko prompted quickly.

It is good to have a nanny who is experienced and almost omniscient.

He can help Natsume solve problems at any time.

Of course, the premise is that the other person is not the kind who is always thinking about how to kill your stepmother.


Natsume snorted softly, indicating that he already knew.

At the same time, he also officially entered the area of ​​[Home Continent].

next moment.

A strong pressure came instantly, and the surrounding space became several times more viscous.

Looking at it like this, even if the time and space ability is activated, it is estimated that it can teleport tens of thousands of meters.

It's not as fast as Natsume's body's physical movement speed.


There was a throbbing in life and soul that constantly alerted Natsume, making him quite uncomfortable.

It was as if ordinary people were being targeted by giant beasts.

"This is the natural suppression originating from the life level and soul origin of the true God."

"The more pure the Otsutsuki royal bloodline is, the less affected it will be."

"You don't contain much Otsutsuki genes, so the suppression will only be stronger. Overall, your strength may be weakened by about [-] to [-]%."

Tomoko prompted again.

Natsume clicked his tongue secretly.

Is this the true God?

They have not yet recovered, and they are suffering from the erosion of massive amounts of Huangquan sewage, and they can still have such a great impact and suppression on themselves.

Otsutsuki's ancestors had an awesome ancestor, it was really amazing!

"Is there a way to get exempted?"

Natsume asked.

If he were to fight to the death with [Zhenruo King] and still be suppressed with so much strength, he would definitely lose!

"Relying on the power of [artifact]; or turning on the 'field'; you can be temporarily exempted."

Natsume understood.

It's no wonder Tomoko wants to promote himself to [Ultimate Demigod] first.

The 'domain' controlled by the ultimate demigod.

It is not only a condition for merging the divine eye, but also an insurance for getting close to the divine body of the ancestor.

Without this ability, it is simply not worthy to 'dance' on this huge ancestor god's body.



Natsume has just set foot on his home continent.

Soon, a large number of royal Otsutsuki warriors gathered.

Not many, the nearest ones are only a few thousand people, and there are people of all levels of strength.

But most of them are royal warriors.

And after they discovered Natsume's figure.

He also immediately sent a message to contact him, as if he was reporting Natsume's location in order to contact more people to surround Natsume?


How was it exposed?

Did the virtual leak the information?


Most likely it was the Otsutsuki who were stationed around the shrine before.

A large part of them are elites of the royal family. After they evacuate, they will most likely report the abnormality.

Although the senior members of the royal family don't know their purpose.

But facing an unknown alien extreme demigod, it was at such a critical moment.

There is a high probability that he will make the worst plan and immediately deploy an army to prevent himself from attacking...

Many conjectures flashed through Natsume's mind instantly.

But it doesn't matter.

How could these ordinary soldiers and generals stop him?

The only thing Natsume has to do now is to fight in.

Crush all those who stand in your way.

Fight to the center of the continent, fight to the center of the palace, fight to the front of the [Zhenruo King]!


"Report, report, find the target!"

"The target is moving, suspected to be heading towards the royal city..."

"Open [Shikigami] quickly! Stop him!"

"I can't stop it, I can't stop it at all!"

"Be careful! That guy's attack can strangle the soul, and the wedge will also fail..."

"Request support! Request support!"

"Impossible, how can there be such a strong human being, such an inferior creature..."

"My reincarnation eye is broken, damn! My eyes..."

"Is he immune to pupil magic? Divine magic doesn't work either? How is this possible?"

"Gao Huangchan Lingzun! Watch me suck you!"

Before he could finish his words, a dark light pierced the throat of this royal warrior.

Follow along.

Together with the red samsara eye in his palm, it was also crushed to pieces.

Even his soul was annihilated by the special effect of [Pseudo Amanuma Spear].

In an instant, he was completely dead.

And the black light transformed by this [Pseudo Amanuma Spear] was still powerful, and it penetrated and killed several Otsutsuki queens one after another.

Then it instantly returned to Natsume's hand, and then shot out again.

Continue to strangle the large number of Otsutsuki royal warriors who block the road along the way.

this moment.

Natsume no longer had to hold back.

No need to hide, no need to transform, no need to retain...

All you have to do is unleash your power and create massacres.

[Kunxian Knife] opens the way, [Pseudo·Tiannuma Spear] attacks the enemy, [Hushenna Tuo] harvests, [Falling Glass] protects...

Almost all semi-artifacts have been used by him.

Swinging the harvest all the way, it was dizzying.

During this period, Natsume did not use too many ninjutsu, pupil techniques, or secret techniques.

There was no rush to activate the [artifact].

This can also save some chakra and reserve energy for the final fierce battle with [King Gaya], [King Zhenruo] and others.

But Rao is so.

Only with terrifying physical skills and a bunch of semi-artifacts.

Natsume was already in a crushing state, unstoppable and unbeatable.

Under the demigod.

Let alone obstruction, there is no possibility of even resisting.

If you rub it, it will hurt, if you touch it, you will die...

Not enough to describe.

It was as if Akai had driven the [Eight Gate Armor Formation] all the way, and also used Ye Kai, and single-handedly penetrated the entire battlefield of the Four Ninja World War.

Raise your field of view and look far away.

All he saw was a blue aurora, like an exploding rainbow light.

Moving at extremely fast speeds on the vast home continent.

The extremely high temperature and pressure formed by the ultra-high speed turned into a dazzling diamond-shaped shock wave thousands of meters long in the air, as if hundreds of gorgeous Mach rings were superimposed...


Even the space along the way was squeezed and greatly deformed.

Even if there was Otsutsuki, he forcibly used a time and space ability like [Yomi Hirazaka] in front of Natsume's movement, trying to move it away.

They were all destroyed by the distorted space and could not be formed at all.

As for the massive defenses along the way.

What kind of defensive lines are the Ape Rock Earth Wall, the Jade Barrier of Seeking Dao, the Chakra Rod Array, the Deep Obsidian Cube...etc.

They were all smashed to pieces by top-level semi-artifacts such as the [Kun Tho Knife].

In the absence of artifacts.

But no defense can stop the edge of this top-notch semi-artifact.

What's more, the [Kunxian Knife] has inherited some of the characteristics of the divine weapon [Shendu Sword] and is inherently indestructible.


Even without using weapons, just relying on physical strength.

Natsume can defeat most semi-divine weapons.

His current physical skills are already one of the most powerful killing weapons!

For example, weapons such as the Six Paths Tin Staff, the Jade of Seeking the Way, and the God of Waves can be crushed with bare hands.

At this moment, Natsume was like a bloodthirsty and crazy beast.

Before reaching the goal, there is no external object or outsider that can stop him in the slightest.


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