Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 930 The nature engraved in Otsutsuki’s marrow


Inside the King City.

King Gaya was suppressing the rebellious tribesmen while observing the external situation.

I also saw the sudden appearance of Otsutsuki Kyoshi.

For an instant.

His anxious heart became even more anxious.

Originally it was just a guess.

Now he was finally sure that it was Xu Shi who was instigating him behind the scenes.

Or maybe the two sides conspired to cooperate and then joined forces to deal with the royal family.

"Damn old guy, he keeps causing trouble again and again."

"The spineless guy blindly pins his hopes on some ancestor. He has simply tarnished the title of [King of the First Generation]!"

King Gaya cursed and spat.

Although he knew the integral relationship between dragon style and virtual style.

But from the bottom of my heart, I still don’t want to accept that the mighty [First King of Otsutsuki] His Majesty has now turned into such an unscrupulous old cunt.

of course.

What he was even more afraid of was the appearance of Xu Shi at this moment.

I was afraid that he would have some unexpected tricks that would make me unable to guard against it.

no way.

Talk about strategy and insidiousness.

There is no one in the entire Otsutsuki clan who can compare to this old guy.

So, when he saw Kyoshi taking out the magical mirror that only existed in Otsutsuki's history books, and then handed it to Natsume.

King Jiaye couldn't help but tense up in the back yard.

no way.

[Yata Mirror] is so mysterious that there are basically not many records.

What specific effects it has, even the kings of Otsutsuki throughout the ages don't know.

It’s unclear whether it can really threaten the [Wedge Realm].

'Wait a minute, if there really was a suitable artifact, why didn't they use it earlier? '

'Aren't we all prepared to use the Dark Star to perish together? '

'In other words, are they acting on purpose? '

'You want to trick me into taking the initiative? '

'But, what if it's not acting? '

King Gaya's mind was a bit lost.


The more you think, the more doubts you will have, and the easier it is to get confused.

It's also because of the impression Xu Shi left on others that he was too sinister and cunning.

a time.

King Gaya even missed those Moko people.

Although those guys are cruel by nature, at least they don't have so many twists and turns. They can solve them with fists and never use their brains.

How wonderful!

What a peace of mind!

Not like Xu Shi and that human demigod, eighty thousand thoughts are not enough to describe them.


Just when King Gaya hesitated.

There was no dawdling on Natsume's part.

After making a decision.

Natsume was still cautious and did not touch the [Yata Mirror] rashly.

Instead, he first separated a divine magic clone to contact the divine mirror to avoid any traps left by Xu Shi on it.

some inspection.

Plus Tomoko's scan.

Only then was it confirmed that there were no traps on the [Yatata Mirror].

Moreover, it also severed the connection with Xu Shi, and it was indeed an ownerless [artifact].


Xu Shi also sent a message telling him how to use the divine mirror.

A certain quantity and quality of fragments of divine magic law need to be dissolved in order to activate the [Yatata Mirror].

Where did the magic fragments come from?

Either sacrifice part of your soul, and the law and authority controlled by the demigods have already been integrated into the soul.

Or give up some props and weapons containing the power of magical laws, which can also provide power.

It goes without saying how precious the soul of a demigod is.

The value of semi-artifacts is also not low. Some top-level semi-artifacts themselves are even more valuable than some ordinary demigods.


The cost of using this [Yata Mirror] is indeed very high, far beyond what ordinary demigods can afford.


Natsume doesn't have much else.

After searching and managing all the way, there are quite a lot of various reserves.

I have also stocked up on more than a dozen unused semi-artifacts. It will be fine to feed this Pixiu artifact in the short term.

If it weren't for Xu Shi's identity, he would be there.

Natsume had to wonder if he was trying to trick his semi-divine weapon.


Until this moment, Xu Shi's true body has still not appeared, but has come in the form of a projection.

I really don't know whether to praise this old guy for being cautious or scold him for being as cowardly as a mouse.

However, that doesn't matter anymore.


Soon, Natsume had to endure the pain and cut the flesh.

He used pieces of idle semi-artifacts as rations and melted them into the "Yata Mirror".

Even the poorest quality semi-artifact is enough to recover tens of millions of gold coins.

Compared to losing a huge amount of money.

Death seems less scary.

at last.

After devouring four semi-artifacts in succession, the [Yatata Mirror] was finally activated and could be used barely once.

Natsume immediately urged it.

Following the guidance and intuition, he successfully locked a 'mirror' within the royal city as the landing point.

Although it is the first time to use it.

But the artifact is not an electrical appliance, so there is no possibility of operation failure.

And the choice of mirrors as the point of descent is also very broad.

Any flat surface that can reflect light can be used as the bearing point of the "Yata Mirror".

Mirrors, metals, crystals, liquids, stone slabs, and even nebulae... can all carry it.

That’s why [Yata Mirror] is extremely versatile.

And Natsume chose an ordinary stone slab in the royal city.

Not exactly secretive, but very convenient.

Besides, as long as you can enter the royal city, it doesn't matter whether you are secretive or not.

next moment.

[Yatata Mirror] is activated, bursting out with infinite brilliance, instantly connecting the two sides, creating a shuttle tunnel.

Natsume is not reckless either.

While guarding against the virtual form, he closed his eyes again to predict.

After using [Future Vision] to calculate more than ten times, most of the threats were eliminated.

Then he moved and quickly flashed into the mirror.


The tunnel inside the mirror is amazing.

No color, no light.

There is no scale of space.

It's as if space and time have been stretched into lines and combined to form this tunnel.

At the same time, massive amounts of space and time information surged into Natsume's consciousness.

If he didn't have the mental power of a demigod, he would probably be turned into an idiot in an instant.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to Natsume.

I have experienced similar information torrent impact after ascending to the [High Dimensional Underworld] several times.

However, it was much more turbulent back then than here.

It is probably the protective effect of [Yata Mirror] that isolates and weakens most of the dimensional erosion.

See here.

Natsume also basically understood the principle of traveling through the [Yatata Mirror].

It's probably the feeling of 'moving through four-dimensional space, you can pass through any obstacle in three-dimensional space and reach any point'.

That's why [Yata Mirror] can ignore all barriers and barriers in the real dimension.

In fact, [Michishiki's Heart] and [Higan's Bridge] can also do something.

But it cannot be set at will.

There is no way to arbitrarily descend from the dimension to the exact location in the real world.

at least.

Natsume, who has not yet reached the level of true god, is unable to travel at certain points.


Time is almost imperceptible here.

It felt like a long time passed, but it seemed like only a moment passed.

Natsume arrived at the end of the 'tunnel'.

In other words, the temporary high-dimensional space shaped by the [Yata Mirror] was spit out.

And beyond the end point is the 'mirror bearing point' that Natsume locked in advance.

That is, within the [King City].

"call out--"

After spitting out Natsume, the [Yata Mirror] that ended its activation turned into a ball of golden light from the ground and retracted into Natsume's hand again.

And Natsume looked around.

Sure enough, we could see the confused Otsutsuki royal warriors around them, as well as [King Gaya] floating on the edge of the barrier in the distance.

I finally came in!

Fortunately, Xu Shi did not lie to me, but used me.

The Otsutsuki warriors around Natsume were indeed confused.

in their perspective.

Only to find that the floor not far from his feet suddenly lit up, forming a strange golden mirror.

next second.

The human demigod enemy who was originally outside the barrier instantly jumped out of the mirror and appeared beside them.

It was completely unexpected and impossible to prevent!

And, without waiting for them to react.

Natsume killed Natuo with his magic sword and flew out first.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of surrounding Otsutsuki were harvested and the area was cleared.


King Gaya's reaction was also extremely quick.

The moment he discovered Natsume's disappearance, he suspected whether the other party was smuggling into the city.

And the moment Natsume appeared in the city, King Gaya immediately locked eyes on Natsume.

Seeing this mortal enemy of mankind, he actually penetrated the realm and entered the royal city.

King Gaya was even more furious.

This also means that the entire royal family's first elite army was sacrificed in vain and turned into fertilizer in the realm.

And the self who clings to the barrier, endures the aggravation, and acts like a shrunken turtle has become a joke.

How can he not get angry?

in rage.

[King Gaya] Without saying a word, he immediately killed Natsume.

He vowed to stop Natsume and approached the [Royal Palace] area in the center of the royal castle.

And how could Natsume get entangled with it.

He is not a martial artist or a fighting maniac.

'Stop Shinwao King and rescue Anmikazuha' is just around the corner.

Who will continue to fight with this bald old guy?

next moment.

Natsume also exploded at full speed and flew towards the [Royal Palace].


Neither side noticed it while chasing each other.

Outside the royal city.

After confirming Natsume's entry into the royal city.

Otsutsuki Kyoshi slightly raised the corners of his mouth and murmured:

"Finally got it!"


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