Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

130. great television series.

2D Tecnology.

The Gargoyles series will mark the milestone of being one of the first computer-animated series to use a refined design. After all, more than half of Lux Channel's human resources will be invested in creating the animated series.

The headline producers are Anna Szymańska and Butch Hartman. The Gargoyles process continues, and Billy keeps drawing the in-between lines of the second animated chapter.

Craig McCracken, with his Powerpuff Girls series, continues to have some discussions with Billy about the animated characters in his series, the Powerpuff Girls. The main concern is the script. While Craig is an excellent animator, he has an old-school approach ingrained in his memory. He tends to create series with multiple episodes without establishing a proper timeline.

-Okay, I understand. The first part is when the Professor creates the Powerpuff Girls, the second is them learning to use their powers, the third arc is about the supervillains they encounter, the fourth is creating multiple episodes in various ways with an established quota of villains, and the fifth is adding more villains without disrupting the whole process, - Craig said.

-Exactly, though it doesn't have to be so rigid. We're happy as long as you continue doing spectacular work, - Billy replied.

-Thank you, - Craig said, with bags under his eyes. Although his series may seem straightforward, he has worked tirelessly to meet all of Billy's demands, from improving the image quality with 2D animation technology to detailed backgrounds and well-defined characters.

-No worries, just take a break, - Billy said.

-Hahaha, you're a bad example, you've been in this office for a day and a half, drawing non-stop for the entire Gargoyles series, - Craig laughed.

-I love this; I'm eager for the television channel, - Billy said.

Everyone was; the Luxtoons animation team had worked very hard to make everything perfect.

-I've grown fond of this company. It respects my ideas and teaches, encourages, and takes care of me, - Craig thought.

-We all are. This job is everything I could dream of. I heard that you sent an invitation to Gennady Tartakovsky, but he completely rejected the proposal. I told him he was an idiot, but he works for Hanna-Barbera, so I can't blame him. Although I may have mentioned that I am now the creator of my series, - Craig said.

-Unfortunately, he didn't want to come to the company. Although I plan to expand the team, it all depends on the success we have. For now, we're just burning a lot of money, and even the profits from Hercules haven't been very beneficial, - Billy said. One of the main animators who worked very hard to bring Hercules to the big screen, along with The Lion King. The poor progress in his acting career in these two years is the result of his numerous jobs in animating the movies.

-Wow! I had heard that we earned $243 million worldwide. I heard that the toys, DVDs, everything was going smoothly, - Craig said, surprised.

Billy finished touching up the scene of the Gargoyles fighting, just as he had remembered it, with some slight improvements that his technical knowledge had gained over the years.

-Well, in truth, we earned 133 million, and out of that, 21.3 million was distributed. The rest I've reinvested in expanding the production team, improving production facilities, and bonuses as well. Plus, Pixar keeps asking for money, like the reinvestment for Toy Story, - Billy explained.

The profit of 480 million dollars, after short sales, didn't last long. Debt payments, investments in technology, franchise expansion, tax payments, series acquisitions, licensing fees, and expanding production teams devoured that money as quickly as it arrived. What did it achieve? It stabilized his businesses and provided financial security, with investments in stocks worth 80 million dollars and a Certificate of Deposit (CD) of 16 million and 4 million.

-I'd hate to be the boss. I can barely keep up with my household expenses, - Craig said with regret.

-Don't fret. We have financial health, and the numbers are positive in all our companies. We have money in the bank to last for five years without earning a cent. And, of course, we'll only make more money once the TV channel premieres. I have complete confidence, - Billy assured.

-When is this special premiere date? - Anna asked, entering the conversation.

-At the end of this year, hopefully. I plan to acquire the film rights for Woody Woodpecker, which will give us a good number of series. A television channel needs at least 15 series, - Billy said.

-We have five completed series, including the Cow and Chicken series that you approved, plus Gargoyles. In total, we need eight more series to deliver, - Anna said.

-Actually, I've invested a significant amount in the X-Men and Power Rangers series. That adds up to nine series in total. With the purchase of some anime series, we would only need two more series. I have full confidence that I can negotiate the Woody Woodpecker series. Also, together with Chris Savino, we've created a series. He has worked hard on the script, animation, and art for the series, - Billy explained.

-What is it, and why wasn't I informed, Craig? - Anna asked, as Craig and Chris are part of the production team for the Dexter's Lab show.

-Well, it's Hey Arnold! A series that Billy initiated, and it's been flowing gracefully ever since. Once we finish the twelve more episodes of Dexter's Lab that are currently in production, we'll start with the new series, - Craig said.

-My series also needs to be published, - Anna said, displeased.

-Talk to Butch Hartman. He's a great scriptwriter and can help you with some things, - Craig suggested.

-It's not fair, - Anna said, dejected. She's worked so hard, but her series hasn't been accepted. It's the series of her life, about a girl who lives on a train, encountering all kinds of magical people and situations.

-Don't worry. When we finish Gargoyles, you can come to me, and we'll make a mini-series of fifteen episodes. I don't think the story can be extended much further. I even have a friend who owes me a favor and can help you, - Billy reassured.

-Who is it? - Anna asked anxiously.

-You know Frank Miller, he writes and draws comics. Well, he owes me many favors. You can ask him to help you write a script with your ideas, then we'll pass it on to Butch, and then I'll create the characters and storyboards myself, - Billy explained.

Anna's smile reached the sky, and her fangs and vibrant blue hair gave her a rejuvenated look.

-I don't want to interrupt, but I'd like a similar treatment too, - said Paul German, a part of Anna's team, holding his rectangular glasses.

-What's your idea? - Craig asked.

-Well, I've always been a fan of the Speed Racer franchise, -- Paul German began. -- I'd like to propose a reboot. -- He spoke slower and softer as he continued, -- It's just that I've always had a soft spot for it. -

-Sure, that would be great! I'd even be willing to buy the rights. Who has the series rights? - Billy asked.

"Based on my research, Trans-Lux has the film rights to the series, but recently, Fred Wolf created a series that's nothing like what it used to be," Paul German explained.

-Speed Racer isn't Japanese, right? Are they still adapting the manga? - Billy inquired.

-They've produced some standalone volumes, but in Japan, it's aired on Fuji TV, - Paul German replied, his excitement mixed with disbelief.

-Fantastic! Let's buy the series. I have a great idea. Let's acquire the complete series from Fuji TV, hire its creator, have Paul work on it, purchase the license from Trans-Lux or Fred Wolf, and create an amazing series, - Billy suggested.

-Really? - Paul German exclaimed.

-Of course, I don't see any problem with it as long as you promise to make the best television series, - Billy replied.

-I watched it as a kid with my father. I won't let you down, - Paul German said, rushing to the large glass cabinet filled with numerous files and documents. He grabbed an application form for series acquisition, filling it out quickly.

-Ready, - Paul German said.

Billy just had to sign, and Anne would probably kill him, but he'd have time to purchase the series. Paul German took off from the third floor to the second floor to hand the request to Mr. Cloud and Gorman, who would then deliver it to Anne.

-That was faster than I expected, - Anna said, as surprised as everyone in the studio.

-Tell me, Billy, do you want to buy The Jetsons for me? -Craig joked, laughing.

-I don't think Warner Bros. would be willing to sell it. We have a bit of a conflict there. But as long as it makes sense for creating a series, I'd gladly do it, - Billy replied.

-Too bad for us, - Craig said.

-Don't worry, I plan to acquire some series for our channel, one way or another, - Billy said conspiratorially.

Raimon climbed the stairs, sweaty and tired.

-Billy, your girlfriend is in the parking lot looking for you, - Raimon said.

-Alice, - Billy said hesitantly.

-Yes, she's in the parking lot, looking for someone named Billy Carson, who's been exploited at the company, - Raimon said, apologetically.

Billy glanced at the remaining details for the series, and there were still many.

-I'll be back tomorrow, guys. I need to get some rest, - Billy said.

-See you later, boss, - Anna said, along with six other employees. Craig just gave him a smile and a slight nod. Billy went down to the second floor and calmly told the security guard, -- Let Anne know I'm leaving, and I'll be back tomorrow morning. -

-Of course, boss, right away, - the guard said.

Alice was in Billy's van, sitting in the passenger seat, doing a bit of makeup and fixing her curly hair.

-Hello, darling, - Billy said.

-Hello. Your father told me you spent the night working. You don't look too good. I'll take you home, but first, you need to freshen up. You kind of stink a bit, - Alice said.

Billy simply nodded and settled into the passenger seat of his car, half asleep.


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