Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

29. museum

It was noon when Mr. Carson saw the excited little Claudia at his door. Like her mother, her slender body and tousled hair gave them a crispy air of youth and anarchy.

- Good morning, Mr. Carson, - Claudia said.

- Pleasure to see you, Miss Claudia. Please come in! Billy is waiting for you in the movie room. I assume you'll be going downtown to hang out, -  Thomas said.

- To the art museum, - Claudia replied. - Then we'll grab a bite here and there. -

-Ah, the museum. I've been living in this city for fifteen years and I've never visited the art museum. But I know where it is. I had a date nearby once, - Thomas said.

- Oh, Mr. Carson, you should go. Museums are beautiful in themselves. Billy hasn't been, so I decided to take him, - Claudia responded, as she walked away from Mr. Carson and headed to Billy's screening room. It was a luxurious area, with a large house spacious enough to fit three apartments.

- Hey, Billy! - She saw him freshly showered, or at least with wet hair, lying down watching some old movie he wasn't exactly familiar with. The room had a state-of-the-art projector and a library filled with films, almost like a video store. She recognized some familiar ones.

- Claudia, I've been waiting for you since 9 a.m., - grumbled Billy. Sundays were his days off.

-Come on, Billy, hurry up. We're running late. I have the whole day planned, - Claudia said, ignoring Billy's words.

-Huff. - Billy sighed and grabbed his coat, following Claudia down the stairs.

-The bus from here comes in about ten minutes, - Claudia said, looking thoughtful.

-No, my father will drive us. We'll use public transportation on the way back home, - Billy said.

The journey lasted nearly 45 minutes due to the traffic. The main highways were congested despite being designed for better circulation. The number of cars was insane in a country where almost every family owned a personal vehicle. Traffic issues were expected.

-Thanks, Dad. See you tonight, - Billy said.

Be careful, and call if you encounter any issues, -  her father said. - Come here, say goodbye to your old man with a hug."

Billy approached, and his father asked him how much money he had and if he had enough to treat Claudia.

-I have 100 dollars from the bet, - Billy said.

-Well, take fifty and be careful, - his father replied, handing him the bill with a handshake.

Claudia was lost, examining a slightly worn-out blue brochure.

-Well, let's visit the museum for a while first, and then we can check out the restaurants I mentioned, -  Claudia said cheerfully. - And stop grumbling. -

-How are things going with the theater group? - Billy asked, keeping pace.

-Terrible, I quit after taking the photos for the school newspaper, - Claudia said.

-What? Why? You liked the place, - Billy said.

-Well, I found out some things that dampened my spirits. So, I'm giving the club space for the next season. Besides, I had already finished my artistic part with the sets, - she said.

-Some dispute with your friends? -

-Nothing interesting, Billy. Hurry up, I have the whole day planned, and I don't want to miss a thing,-  Claudia said.

- It's very beautiful inside! - she whispered to Claudia. The museum exuded an elegant contemporary charm, quite different from the museums in Europe, which had their modernism rooted in centuries-old cultures. Billy caught a whiff of Claudia's pleasant perfume.

- You see, in a way, I didn't lie. We're visiting the art museum, - Claudia said.

-By the way, is your father still planning to open an artisanal hamburger restaurant? - Claudia asked.

- Yes, we're thinking of inaugurating it early next year, in January, - Billy said, observing the paintings in the museum.

- Well, it's very close by, near San Jose State University. Grabbing the attention of the students with delicious burgers is a good idea, - Claudia said.

- Just five streets from here, not far at all, - Claudia responded. - I hope you take me to the opening. You know I love hamburgers. -

- I'll take you, and you can spread the word among your friends. For the first month, the burgers will be priced at three dollars. My father hired a chef to create a special vegetarian menu—we have lentil burgers and a special potato bun, - Billy said.

Claudia fell into thought. - I'll talk to some friends to go as a group. It all depends on whether your burger meets the special requirements of my delicate palate, - she said.

-It better live up to it, I'm telling you. We opened a call for some renowned chefs and fast-food experts. There are a total of six special burgers and one vegetarian option. From the traditional cheeseburger with cheddar and Swiss cheese on top to one with tomato jam and bacon bits... –

You've made me hungry! It's forbidden to mention delicious dishes in front of me unless you have the honor of inviting me to eat, - Claudia said, amused and happy. She paused, looking into Billy's eyes, then turned her attention to the sculpture at the center of the room.

-Well, let's finish looking around here and head to that Italian restaurant you've been talking about all week,-  Billy said.

-Damn it, now I hate you even more for being understanding! - Claudia replied.

Silence punctuated their conversation. Billy wasn't very good at responding to Claudia's constant ramblings.

The fast-food restaurant, T-Box Burgers, was set up as soon as her father found a location in a designated area with good sales traffic, according to the real estate agent. The rest was sorted out in a matter of days; money tends to solve problems. The space already had a kitchen, previously used for a Thai restaurant, so the funds initially planned for kitchen renovations were allocated to advertising and burger development.

The location is still being prepared, along with the necessary permits, but everything will be ready by February 1990. They spent almost $9,000 on creating the menu and hired a recently graduated gastronomy student as the head chef of the burger joint.

-Well, we've arrived. It's this way, - Claudia said.

The Italian restaurant was spacious, with a back garden basking in the afternoon sun. The wooden chairs were exquisitely refined and decorated, and the large tables had umbrellas to shield them from rain and sun. The pleasant flowers and ecosystem partially justified the restaurant's prices.

-Welcome to 1976, an Italian restaurant. What would you like to order, folks? - the young waiter asked.

-Hmm, I would like some pesto ravioli, please, with fresh orange juice, - Claudia said, licking her lips.

-A traditional lasagna and a Coca-Cola, - Billy said. - Two servings of the house pizza as well. -

-For starters, I'd like some bruschetta and tomato with burrata plates, -  Billy replied.

The waiter happily took their order and left with the tray in hand.

-Billy, you're crazy! That dish costs $25; it'll cost you a fortune, - Claudia said.

-Don't worry, my dad knew we were coming to eat and gave me a hundred dollars for the meal, - Billy replied.

-Well, you don't have to spend it all. There's something called saving, you airhead, -  Claudia said.

-Don't worry! I know you had your birthday five days ago. I found out on the same day, so consider it a belated birthday treat. I owed you something special, - Billy responded.

-You're unbearable, but thanks. You remembered the burrata, - Claudia said, smiling. - Plus, you gave me the $70 clothing coupon."

-Well, you've been telling me about this amazing place for almost a week. I couldn't forget even if I wanted to. Since we're here, it would be a waste not to try all the dishes we can, - Billy replied.

-There won't be any room left for ice cream later, -  Claudia whispered, eager not to miss out on ice cream.

-In two hours, you'll be hungry again. So I think we'll manage, - Billy said.

-Well, just so you know, from now on, I can only embarrass you on your birthday because I have to repay you for kindly inviting me to this delicious meal, - Claudia said.

-I celebrate my birthday during summer vacation. Good luck with that, - he replied.

-Ha, just wait and see, Billy Carson. When I set my mind to something, I follow through,-  Claudia said playfully.

The day passed by so quickly that they only realized it had come to an end when they set off to catch a taxi that would take them home. The Italian food was as delicious as Claudia had promised. They closed the day with a stroll through the "The Tech" museum, accompanied by a particularly tasty mixed berry ice cream. Their father was waiting for them at the entrance, reading a newspaper under the late afternoon lights.

-Well, you took long enough, - Mr. Carson said.

-We visited several places, Father, -  Billy said. - We'll be in the screening room for a while; there's a movie Claudia urgently needs to see. -

-Are you hungry? Shall we order a pizza? - Thomas asked.

-That would be great, - Billy replied. Claudia nodded, pouting.

-I hope The Shining is as excellent as you've said. I've been told it's not worth watching, so it's good to have one of those at home, - he said, pointing to the projector. During this time, it wasn't very common to have the means to watch movies at home.

-Well, you'll enjoy it. Dad will order a pepperoni pizza, and you'll get to see Jack Nicholson. By the way, isn't your mother bothered when you come home somewhat late? -

-She'll come here after she feels it's been enough time and interrogate your dad. Then she'll realize we're watching a movie here, calm down, and either smoke a cigarette with your dad or have a drink, - Claudia replied.

-Well, then enjoy the movie, -  he added, sounding like a know-it-all.

-This movie is yours, but the next one is mine. You have to accompany me to see "Enemies: A Love Story." It premieres next month, and you can't escape. They say it's the next winter romance, - Claudia said.

-Well, we'll see. We can go in January when the movie loses its audience, - Billy replied.

-Boooo... People will spoil the movie for me. We'll go to the premiere. Don't be a crybaby; let's go early. People usually go after lunch, - she added while gesturing. She tends to act like a spoiled child when she wants to be right.

-You're so demanding. Let me focus on the movie, - Billy said.

-Boooo... I won't stop talking until you say you'll take me to the movie premiere. Billy Carson, it's only fair that you take me to enjoy the movie, - she said while approaching Billy and pinching his ears.

-Alright, I'll take you to the premiere! - Billy said.

-Hahaha, it's settled then. You promised, and you can't back out now.

-Now pay attention to the movie. The Shining can be considered a classic among the classics. Among many, the writer Stephen King has always been able to depict human nature in various events in ways that can captivate people in a whirlwind of suspense. Jack Nicholson's portrayal of madness is truly memorable, - Billy said.

-Hey, Billy... Have you ever thought, - she said.

-About what have I thought, - Billy responded, paying attention to the movie.

-You know, - Claudia said, drawing closer to Billy boldly.

-Claudia, what's gotten into you? You're acting a bit strange, - Billy said.

-Come on, you damn fool! How is it possible that you're so naive, - Claudia commented.

In some way, she got closer to Billy and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Their mouths collided fiercely, and their teeth clashed. The bold girl continued, but this time her kisses were smaller and gentler, though still uncomfortable.

-You're quite an intense woman. Has anyone ever told you that, - Billy said. He gently approached her cheeks, caressing them. Claudia's beauty is unique—thin and bony. Her crooked teeth and straight blond hair contrast with a few freckles on her nose.

He saw her aquamarine eyes widen, and he lowered his gaze to her lips. He lightly touched her cold lips, while her cheeks felt as warm as a fireplace. His mind went blank, and he could only focus on that almost ferocious, primitive, and exhilarating kiss. He leaned in again, giving her a soft kiss on her mouth as their saliva mingled between them.

I continue kissing her lips, gently caressing her tongue against Claudia's lips, which made her flinch slightly.

Billy felt his chest pounding, his heart thundering in his ears, and his eardrums resonating like bass. Claudia tried to speak, but their mouths intertwined once again. He felt the soft gasps amidst the tangle of recurring moments when their mouths caressed each other, and the pleasure gradually faded away, everything around him fading into a mental void.

-Kids, the pizza is here, - Mr. Carsen said from the doorway.

Claudia's eyes jumped like a deer's. She jumped off the couch, startled, and stared at the movie with her head lowered. In many ways, she was quite embarrassed and couldn't understand how the situation had escalated to this point... she had never kissed a boy in her life, unlike Laura from her previous class, who made it seem so effortless. All sorts of mental images entangled in her adolescent hormones flooded her mind.

- Ah, yes, Dad. I'll come down for the pizza, - Billy said.  - You need to act normal, Claudia. My father will suspect something if he sees you with swollen lips, blushing, and completely silent. -

- Ah, to hell with it, I don't care... If he finds out, I'll tell him you pounced on me, you idiot! - Claudia said, slumping back into the couch.

-Well, I guess we have to watch the movie again. We missed almost half of it, which means we'll have to repeat it, - Billy said, smiling mischievously. He dodged the cushion aimed at his head, turned around, and saw Claudia with her arms crossed, a look of hatred on her face, as he headed to the kitchen.

-So, it seems like the movie was interesting, son, - Thomas said from the table, watching the game on TV with an amused expression and Sunday beer foam on his mustache. It had become a tradition to have some leisure time with his father after going to church when he was young.

-Ha... as interesting as today's game, - Billy replied.

-Well, son, next time, try to close the door if you're going to make out with your girlfriend in your room, - his father said.

-Dad, not a word! - Billy responded, his ears turning red.

-There's juice in the fridge, - Billy's dad said, laughing heartily.

Claudia took small bites of pizza and focused on the movie, paying no attention to Billy. The tension became evident when her mother arrived, and Claudia quickly ran to her car without any explanation or goodbye.

-What did you do to her? -  his father asked.

-I have no idea. She just suddenly changed completely and stopped talking to me, -  Billy replied.

-Well, son, congratulations! It'll pass in a few days. Try not to do anything stupid, -  his father said, heading to his room. -





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