Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

323. English patient.

june 4.

"The English Patient" begins with a love story, an impossible love. The entire work is a perfect narrative, a tale tailored for consideration of what the Oscars should represent: a love story that can be called the epitome of tear-jerking romance.

Billy acts as a Turkish mapmaker, part of an expedition team. The journey started to head to Marrakech. Both people wanted to keep their distance from the cold farewell from Gwyneth upon seeing Winona with the traveling team, the team that carried him, the team that was at a distant reach.

-It was somewhat uncomfortable, - Billy commented to Winona.

She simply nodded, feeling a bit uneasy. Everything was unfolding in a way that bothered her. The issue turned out to be a noticeable change: Billy's hairstyle is now short, with spiky hair. He's thinner but more muscular. A strict one-month diet has shed almost six kilos, coupled with exercise to give him the appearance of a well-traveled man. Billy's beard, along with other details, makes him look much older, a few years older, with a few tweaks.

-Don't worry; we're making a movie. We have to make the movie... we must immerse ourselves as much as we can. You must be the woman that 'Katherine' should be, and I must be Almásy. We must perpetuate our emotions in the film, - Billy commented.

For Almásy, someone serious, strong, who represses his emotions, who forgets everything and devotes himself to deep, expressive but subdued emotions. The way everything unfolds... the fear, the dread, and the dark way love is sustained. Love is filled with betrayals, full of deep, remembered emotions, over time and the end, a world that blurs the line between good and evil in a disturbing pulse of madness.

-A perfect movie, - Winona murmured.

-More than deep love, we must play with denial, deny, prohibit, but we must be passionate, deep, sublime, - Billy said.

Despite everything, the screen of his system was more than anything else; the points invested in interpretation, the skill dedicated to improving his acting abilities, reached into the thousands. The way up, the way to add and continue improving, was the intrinsic ability that any actor must have. Perhaps now, it was necessary to surprise them with his performances. It was fair that he continued to act, fair that he continued to take the spotlight in his movies.

Billy Carson:

Drawing: 34,009

Literature: 32,000

Acting: 35,9500 – 36, 0000

Points: 8450

-We'll do the work as much as we can, - Winona commented. Without paying attention, many actors were already arriving in Morocco. The cast was undoubtedly admirable, mostly British, and Almásy, Billy, was one of the few Americans, with a young William Dafoe, widely known for his many roles but forgotten and remembered on certain occasions.

-I know you're talented; many considered various actresses, but everyone decided that you were simply the best for the role. It's all your qualities that make you a star, - Billy commented, pondering how to win the Oscars for Winona. His desire to perform was so intense that Michelle's advice was beginning to wane. Billy's dedication melted anyone; now he could even be considered a world-class actor. Overall, it was a culmination of so many things, seeing deeply into the character, the infamous English patient, now present.

-You're inviting Gwyneth; she seemed angry, - Winona stammered, guilt weighing on her shoulders. She had seen how Billy interacted and practiced with the blonde, and it was intense.

-She has a free pass to participate; it's just that her schedule is booked, - Billy commented, sketching on the plane. He was estimating the end of the first arc of One Piece, originally expected to have 100 episodes for the beginning of the East Blue arc. However, Billy, knowing many situations beforehand, expanded the story by adding more mysteries that would be answered in different timeframes. He included subplots about Trafalgar Law and Kid, stories about the Marines but concealed and unexplained, and tales of other characters from the worst generation and Kaido's crew. Adding mystery upon mystery, different timelines, and evoking new characters.

Winona observed everything with growing discomfort. - Why are we sitting together? - she thought. - First-class had nice seats, and the production team mostly traveled together on a first-class flight with the best airlines available to Morocco, a city different from all expectations. -

-Do you have a problem with that? - Billy questioned, taking note of his drawings.

-It's just that I thought we weren't on good terms, but you've acted as if nothing happened, and it's scaring me, - Winona said.

-Are you afraid that we're together? Or are you afraid of the cat getting your tongue? - Billy teased.

-No, idiot. Stop misinterpreting everything, - Winona retorted.

-Well, I did it on purpose, - Billy admitted, to Winona's astonished look. - Don't blame me; it's just a way to confront you. You've been very prickly during rehearsals. -

-It's because I already know your game; you're everything I despise in a man, -  she said, closing the deal. Long chats with her friends made it clear that she should steer clear of Billy.

-As you wish, - Billy responded, focusing on one thing, wanting to disdain and free himself from burdens. He understood clearly that, for now, women would only be a problem, and it's better to focus on his career. The departure of Alice, as his only partner, was his expectation. There was no one else who aroused true interest. Gwyneth was just a passing interest; the chemistry lasted less than two months. Now he understood how special his relationship with Alice was, above his other relationships. In two lifetimes, Alice was his best relationship.

Scene 5.

Take 9.


A new, smart plane, a STEERMAN, makes a smooth landing on the flat desert. The expedition team heads to greet the newcomers. Almasy is not with them. He is walking, seemingly less enthusiastic. A young couple kissed and newlywed, exits the plane. They are GEOFFREY AND KATHARINE CLIFTON. It's immediately clear that Katharine is the woman from the plane accident at the beginning of the movie. Madox makes all the introductions. Handshakes hello all around as the couple disembarks with their leather flight gear. Geoffrey removes his helmet and, in what we will come to know as a ubiquitous gesture, pulls out a bottle of CHAMPAGNE and pops the cork with a flourish.

Clifton: Hereby christened International. Sandfly Club!

The party is in the shade of the tents.

Almasy joins the group.

Madox nods towards Clifton's plane.

Billy observes everything well-organized. They're shooting in the desert; the heat is stifling and causes dark sensations of terror, making it quite challenging due to the temperature. He feels the sand on his face, but his character doesn't mind that.

Madox: Wonderful plane. Did you look?

Clifton: (smiling at Almasy) Isn't it? Wedding gift from Catherine's parents. I'm calling it Rupert Bear. Hello. Geoffrey Clifton.

Madox: Finally, we can hand over my old bird... to the scrap heap.

Almasy smiles and walks over to the others.

D'Agustin: Mrs. Clifton—Count Almasy.

Katharina: (smiling, offering her hand) Geoffrey gave me your monograph when I was reading about the desert. Very impressive.

Almasy (stiffly): Thank you. Almasy's role is to be different.

Katharina: I wanted to meet a man who could write such a long article with so few adjectives.

Almasy: A thing remains a thing no matter what you put in front of it. Big car, slow car. Car, chauffeured car, still a car.

Clifton: A broken-down car?

Almasy: Still a car.

Clifton: (joining them and handing out champagne) Though not much good.

Katharina: Love? Romantic love, platonic love, filial love—very different things, surely?

Clifton: (embracing Katharina)Uxoriousness—that's my favorite kind of love. Excessive love for one's wife.

Almasy: (dry smile) There you have me.

-Cut, - director Anthony Magnolia responded.

Billy wiped the sweat from his forehead; the concentration of his mind continued to cause a series of disconcertments, and his method of carrying out activities was to proceed with extreme caution. He didn't deny that the director was disconcertingly strict.

-You were great, - Billy said, handing Winona a glass of water. The director stopped her three times because he considered Winona's performance insufficient. She lacked expression or exaggerated on the edges.

-Not at all; I've never felt so questioned,- Winona commented.

-We can practice tonight. In recent instances, I've noticed that you handle things with mystery. Be soft on the edges, be happy. Katharine is a happy woman, and she has her charm. We'll do everything tonight, - Billy commented.

-That sounds good. I hope I can measure up, - the young woman responded, lost in her thoughts about what had happened. Had she become complacent with her abilities, and now she was being questioned in different ways than before? Was she just a pretty face?

-Just keep acting. I think if we take on more challenging roles, you can improve your skills. You already know how to act; it requires great skills to embody roles. Some require you to be musical, others require you to be a killer, a fighter, or a chef. It depends on the role and the intensity, - Billy commented.

-Alright, let's go to the trailer and continue practicing, - Winona said. The attention of Anthony Mignaelia had thrown her off. Instead of being treated gently, as she was accustomed to, she was treated harshly. She couldn't open her eyes because it was improper for the role. She had to be smiling and stop portraying drama with a blank face.

They were joined by Mr. Clifton, a man portrayed by Colin Firth, who had graduated from the drama school in Great Britain, and his skills were magnificent for his relatively short experience.

-You indeed have very big eyes, - said Colin Firth.

-Hey, you cheeky, - Winona replied, playfully hitting him.

-It's good that you have big eyes, but you repeat the gesture too much, and it becomes a tic. The director saw it and wants to correct it. When you make expressions, it will stand out the moment you open your eyes, - Colin commented.

-As brilliant as always, Colin. I think I'll take a break. We'll shoot some scenes tonight, - Billy commented, stepping out of the trailer. Everything was ready to proceed.


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