Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

335. Jerry Maguire

June 30.

A knock awakened him, the sounds and the sun settling high above, while the chapel-like atmosphere illuminated. The view was beautiful; somehow, he had slept peacefully as if angels had sung overhead, and the sheets smelled of lavender.

Spreading his suit over the table, he gave a slight sigh. There was a skeleton on his shoulders, thick by constitution, not by exercise; there was much to touch up. The knocks continued as he hurried to make his way around the apartment. On the terrace, Monica was there, with an espresso cup on the table, along with Neapolitan toast and some basil. In the middle, a large jug of water with partially melted ice and drops that dripped down, moistening the wood. Her hair was wet and spread in the air, paying no more attention to the sun climbing the morning.

-Your guards are very punctual; they've been here since nine, even though you gave them the day off, they've been sending messages, - Monica commented. Taking a quick, discreet but deep look at Billy. From the way everything unfolded, she understood very well that Monica's mysterious image, her calmness, was like a painting, a canvas beneath which took the profile of a woman, her sagacity, confidence, and charm entirely different from any other woman known. Not the passivity of Alice nor the brute encounter with Gwyneth. Even if he didn't make a promise not to be with a woman, friendship could be seen as a muse that feels in the air as alien and distant as a deafening part that runs aground in a foggy harbor, which is unknown. It's intriguing.

Seeing Monica Bellucci, having her in any of his films, would give entrance to the European scene, as long as she is willing to make her debut, and there is a movie she can be perfect for without extra costs. She's perfect to represent the character he desires.

-How good are you with dubbing? - Billy asked, approaching Monica, his black eyebrows delicately raised.


June 30.

-It's fantastic, but I don't have the headspace to face a new film in this timeframe. After Forrest Gump, I don't have much headspace for another role, and the script doesn't convince me, although I want to honor the commitment I made with Cameron Crowe, it just comes too late, - Tom Hanks commented in a meeting with his agent, less than half an hour before the meeting with Cameron himself. Although the discontent gave a dark aspect to things, because rejecting people isn't a good thing, especially when opportunities can't be stated, the Oscar winner can't be turned down. It's a milestone that hasn't been achieved since 1939. Perhaps now he's a consecrated star, requested by many people, but after such a deep focus, he's completely exhausted.

-We can take some time, Tom; there's nothing to worry about. We'll always see one film a year, and from there, we'll do what's possible with our schedule, - Johnny Grupier, Tom Hanks's secondary agent, who is the closest contact and is usually defined as an assistant, commented. Since Tom won in 1993, he has been working tirelessly.

-Thank you, but I must say that Cameron is someone I've known for a long time. I gave my word, and breaking it is not something I like, - Tom said.

-We can help with the investment. The word is out that Billy Carson is interested in the script, and Jim Wait has spoken with Cameron several times, but they've only exchanged minor words. As we know, you are the condition clouding their negotiation, - Johnny commented.

-It must go well! The note that it's the guy who's behind it only hints at a part that he doesn't know. -

Tom Hanks's profile is somewhat more mature, from his prominent forehead to his captivating eyes, a greenish tone that shows a deep sympathy for the people in his circle, along with his growing change to a much rounder face, and his appearance of a good family man. It's very contradictory to reject this man who, in one way or another, cannot be seen as wrong. For some time now, the meeting they have with Cameron has been plagued by contradictions that can be exacerbated by the many mistakes that have dictated today's meeting. Five years ago, they both promised to work together, but as they did their work and time passed, Tom Hanks's success grew, and the profit of the last two years is something that could not have been predicted... so the negotiation is different.

For some time now, things have started to be completely different. Now, Tom Hanks wants to only do films chosen by him, good films that carry meaning. He only wishes to be part of great movies that have significant meanings, and it's those meanings that are given to people.

-It can't be possible. I have a new project, and my schedule is already booked. I'm preparing for this script that looks very promising, and due to that commitment, I can't accept being part of this work. As a professional, I don't have the preparation for the role, and of course, it comes at a bad time, - Tom Hanks commented, without wanting to belittle Cameron. However, the moment he saw him with clear signs of anger, an anger that could reshape, he saw him take a breath, and Tom felt inclined to roll his eyes. They're in a completely different class now. He's just a director, and he's a two-time Oscar winner. He can't be offended by a rejection.

-I see. It's logical... after all, it's been a long time, - Cameron commented, showing some guilt for his delay. But the script was written many times, a dozen times, edited and rewritten, over and over again. It can't be compared, but it's all his fault. Now, something he thought was possible, having a movie with a great actor, would lead him to stardom, and that stardom can't be seen, just like his mistakes have caused an uncomfortable feeling, lurking, for everything that happened.

Tom's eyes showed regret.

-We can collaborate another time when we have more time, - Tom said.


July 1.

Jim Wait sighed inwardly, totally incredulous at how Cameron decided to approach production, and from there, observed that every time Billy said something, he fulfilled it. The mention that Tom Hanks wouldn't be part of the team for Jerry Maguire, and it's in that form that now they'll follow what they commented on and pressured. Because of the pressure that Billy recommended, it doesn't matter now. After the rejection of Independence Day, being so abrupt opened the calendar, and in the calendar is the time he has to make many other films, such as Jerry Maguire, taking long notes and continuing with his course of action.

-Thank you for seeing me so quickly, Jim, - Cameron commented.

-It's no problem. The script is remarkable; I see a lot of potential. From my point of view, if you look at Billy's skills, you'll believe he's the most suitable person, - Jim commented.

-I've seen his resume; he's made several films and has good reviews, - Cameron commented, who recently had a chat with Anthony Mignelia, who recommended him for his skills as a good actor. And he knows beforehand that Anthony is not someone easy, he's demanding with himself and with all his actors, in terms of relationships and acting. He's an incredible and outstanding person.

-But we have a problem with money. His salary is quite high, and he can't be hired for such a price. The reduced budget we have is not as acceptable as some might think, - Cameron commented.

-Billy can lower that price; he even says he can distribute the film and give a minimal distribution fee, something more acceptable... We can negotiate the price with a small percentage. In my years of career, I haven't seen a more promising person, and I have faith that if he participates, it would be a success, - Jim Wait commented, opening the way to propose a profit percentage with a payment of one million, along with distribution revenues. They would win, as distribution in the United States is friendly to the company, plus Europe, Latin America, and Asia.


Look at Patreon or web novel, The blonde woman is Anne Hall, the woman with black hair is Monica Belluci,

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