Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

36. return home.

His time in Los Angeles was a transitional period. It is said that the quality of cartoons on Cartoon Network is poor and lacks the complexity and sophistication that other animation channels possess. However, the challenge lies in creating something good through simplicity. What would these individuals do with a lot of money?

In his memory, he holds a deep attachment to some cartoons that are almost like memories from his adolescence. Paul Higgs taught him how to work in 2D animation. They even discussed how Disney had better technology in industrial entertainment than Hanna-Barbera. They solved those problems with various activities, such as using digital scanners. With a combination of handcrafted work, technology, and techniques like ink, watercolors, and tempera.

On the other hand, his grandfather had a lively time exploring all of Los Angeles. He played billiards, went swimming in the pool multiple times, and enjoyed the company of friends he made during his stay. The 10 days that were supposed to be a punishment turned out to be a refreshing break for his grandfather, who was always limited under the control of his dear wife.

Furthermore, Lux Comics continued its role in publishing these comics. The amazing thing about this winter season is the publication of "The Lion King" comics, aimed at establishing a foothold in Disney's relationships. However, complications arise from a complete lack of contacts that could negotiate a mutually beneficial contract with Disney's producers, as well as the economic power of other companies.

As an essential starting point for Disney in manipulating "The Lion King" against the small company Pixar, this is a corporate project that aims to bring new glory to Disney. It requires careful attention to the construction of this elaborate plan, as there is talk of explicit suffocation where Disney, through a contract for five films, dominates and chokes off all relations with Pixar.

He saw his father waiting for him in his usual business suit, drinking coffee at the airport entrance.

-Father, how are you? - Billy said, completely exhausted after completing the opening structure of "Yuyu/Hakushu." They dedicated themselves to storyboarding the first chapter and completed some basic sequences for the entire first chapter.

The project was a success thanks to Billy's drawing skills. Everything he does in terms of drawing and leading the creative process for the series he handles is simply perfect. The creative work he did with Paul was worth every second.

- I'm perfectly fine, son, - said Thomas Carson.

-That's great to hear! How has everything been with the company? -  Billy asked Mr. Carson, who had deep bags under his eyes.

-Well, everything has turned upside down since you left. Sales have dramatically increased, and there has been a boom in the production of Slam Dunk trading cards, - Thomas said. - We have already completed nearly four deliveries of 70,000 units, and we had to double our production by hiring new workers. Luckily, we had some extra materials that we purchased for the next six months, but it won't be enough for the upcoming months. We had to place another order to manage the production and hire five new employees. -

- Wow, I'm quite surprised, - said Billy.

- You should be. The orders kept coming one after another. Even the Slam Dunk comic itself is completely sold out everywhere. They are urging us to renew the entire production. In the end, I could only negotiate with Mike to help us meet the Slam Dunk orders for an additional 5%, along with providing sufficient materials for the comic, - Thomas explained.

-How much have we earned? -  Billy asked.

-I don't know, son. But based on our sales, we can proudly boast of earning approximately $1.5 million, - the adult stated, with his characteristic sly smile when he strikes a good deal.

The sales of the collectible cards have been a success in all published locations. The magnificent basketball atmosphere of this era, and the great feats of the basketball players, including the 1992 Dream Team of superstars, are the driving forces behind the series' great success.

-I never expected this much money, - Billy said.

-Well, after taxes, you'll have plenty of money to invest, - Thomas said.  - I even see the possibility of fulfilling your long-awaited game now. Renovating the entire warehouse with this unexpected income will be a great help. -

-These are all great ideas! -  Billy responded, happy that the business was starting to take shape positively.

-How was your time at Hanna-Barbera? - Thomas asked.

-It was worth every penny. We developed the content for the first episode of Yuyu Hakusho, and Paul Higgs, who was my mentor, taught me a lot of tricks about animation creation. Together, we created the opening for Ghost Report and developed the storyboard for the first episode, - Billy said.

-That's fantastic, - Thomas replied.

-Well, along with the first episode's backgrounds, Paul Higgs was so impressed that he introduced me to the channel executive, who mentioned that I have an open door to work at Hanna-Barbera whenever I want, - Billy responded.

-Well, if you want to create an animation channel, as you mentioned, having recognition from great animators like those at Warner Bros. will only enhance your future, - Thomas said.

Mr. Carson wanted to say something aloud but stopped.

-Little Claudia came two days ago and had pizza with me, -  Thomas said, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

-She had pizza with you. -  Billy said, surprised.

- Yes, she showed up unexpectedly one day and didn't believe much about your trip with your grandfather. She thought you would stay at home watching movies. She arrived around 3:00 PM, and when she found out that you indeed took a trip with your grandfather to Los Angeles, she blushed. But since her mother doesn't like pizza, especially a large one, she said she would have to eat it with her, - Thomas explained.

- Hahaha, - Billy laughed. He couldn't articulate the following sentences because he knew about Claudia's antics.

-She can be quite intense. She gets you to do what she wants, and you don't even realize how you end up fulfilling all her requests, - Billy said.

-That's true, son. We watched the Lakers game together, and I can only say she's a special woman. Take good care of her, son, - Thomas said, still feeling quite uncomfortable with the father-son relationship and his responsibilities as a father, needing to provide some explanations.

-She reminds me of your mother, - Thomas said with a heavy heart.

The love of his life, Agustina, left her soul baptized with an unforgettable love. He met her at a restaurant where he worked as a waiter while studying at university. He fell completely in love with that woman with a quick smile and a bubbly sense of humor. But she also had sporadic quick mood swings and tremendous anger that left him sitting there.

Little Claudia had that same spirit, that characteristic burst of energy that reminded him of his beautiful wife.

- Be a good father! There was a moment when I thought we would be together as friends, but somehow, she prevailed, - Billy said, embarrassed to share these details with his father.

-You're growing up so fast, son, - Mr. Carson felt the weight of the years. His little boy now has a woman in his life. He even noticed a hint of facial hair on Billy's face, his voice has transitioned from a sweet tone to a deeper one, and undoubtedly, he has grown taller.

How sadness fills his heart. It feels like just yesterday he finished kindergarten and would fall asleep during soccer games. And now he's going out with girls his age.

-Dad, what was my mother like? - Billy asked, surprising Mr. Carson.

-Oh, she was an amazing woman, son. I loved her very much. She used to read on Sunday mornings in the sunlight. She would laugh slowly as she read the book, and at one point, she would jump up and say she wanted to go to the library, the beach, or some new restaurant she had heard about, -  Thomas said.

-At night, she would have hot chocolate and fall asleep on the couch. In the afternoons and evenings, she would talk until the early hours. She loved flowers and sunny days. The happiest day she had was when she became pregnant with you. When we started the mortgage for our house, she picked out the furniture and kissed me every morning to wake me up,- he continued.

-You loved her very much, -  Billy whispered.

-With all my heart, -  Thomas replied.

-Grandpa had a great time, -  Billy mumbled.

-Yes, I can see that. He's been sleeping the whole way from the airport, - Thomas said, looking at his father sleeping in the back seat.

-He did everything he could to keep himself busy. If anyone had a vacation, it was him. On the other hand, I ran into Larry Bird! -  Billy exclaimed.

-In Los Angeles. What a surprise! - Thomas said. - Well, the assistant to Mr. Cameron, a guy named Patrick, was talking about fulfilling the agreement you had. He'll promote us in The New York Times and, if possible, arrange another interview before the premiere of Terminator in a year. -

-That's great, - Billy said.





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