Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

394. festivities

December 22nd.

Life extinguishes in a blink, like a drop in the air that can vanish with the slightest change. Richard Carson's chances of improvement are impossible, and far from feasible in the coming days. His clarity has faded, passing quickly and without restraint.

-That's the best we can do for now, - Billy remarked to Thomas Carson, whose smile had faded from his face. The grimace was unavoidable. They were both at the Savant Hotel, a small, family-run two-star establishment with rooms and enough security to pass Billy's team's approval.

-I'm afraid I can't refuse, but it’s impossible... The situation is simply imperfect. My mother is abandoned, and no amount of care from a hired person can suffice. She should come with us to San Jose. If she comes with Father, I'll cover all the expenses from my pocket. - Thomas Carson responded, declining Billy's request.

-Do it, but I find it hard to believe you can manage all your responsibilities. You have young children, a pregnant wife, and, of course, a job that you must attend to, which is the foundation of your stability. - Billy commented.

-I don’t have many obligations, and I’ll handle the job. - Thomas replied.

-It’s decided. Take him to San Jose, but don’t fight over money. If it helps, I have plenty. - Billy remarked, understanding that money was the only issue for him, but for Thomas, it was different. It was a matter of principle, a matter of gratitude. However, Jeffrey's business went downhill with the last winter's frosts. He decided to sacrifice everything to recover, but his way of thinking remains problematic and debated.

Thomas refused; he had his pride. But Billy knew he wouldn’t be thanked.

-I won’t do it, and you can go visit your grandfather. He should have familiar faces around sometimes. It’s not good for him to be alone, even Helen struggles with it. They need the care we should provide. - Thomas commented.

His schedule is packed, starting January 8th with the filming of L.A. Confidential, and most likely, he’ll be doing some interviews to promote Jerry Maguire... a bit unsettled by the family matter, but he’ll make an appearance.

-I’ll do what I can! -

-You need to be present. There are things you should never put aside. Your family comes first. You may still be upset with me, but your wife and your children must always come first. In this case, your grandparents are important. - Thomas commented.

-I know, Anne will take care of the nurses and the care for both of them. She has all the necessary information. - Billy responded, thinking of Anne and her planning. She was the backbone of the company from the administrative side.

They both left the hotel, the same hotel where Thomas and his wife were staying. They did some shopping, and even amidst the struggle, indigestion, and quarrel, the meal on the 25th was mandatory for everyone. For Richard and Helen, being part of that activity was very important.

Given that it’s 10:00 AM, likely, she’s still sleeping. The Italian's sleep is perfect, and it could be said that her sleep time is a minimum of nine hours. She was a light sleeper, and her rest couldn’t be interrupted.

-Not many stores are open at this time. Let's go to the general store; it should be open. As long as we find the right ingredients and the meat, it’s better to buy a steer for the sacrifice and let the members handle the purchase. - Thomas murmured. The time for the celebration was running short; they would go to the cattle fair to buy a good one.

I’ll buy the drinks and some gifts for the whole family. I’d like everyone to have something, - Billy mentioned to Thomas.

-Morning shopping? - Thomas asked, thinking it over. -We’ll do it that way then. -

Although Thomas didn’t know, Billy first visited the pawn shops, eyeing some objects worth purchasing, from paintings and antiques to luxury goods. Some of them were unique pieces. He snuck away to buy a lot of jewelry; Monica is a woman who loves jewelry, and though she denies it, she can’t help but go wild over the details. She doesn’t deny anything, this time. He bought some expensive gifts for many people, knowing he needed to focus on relationships.

So, he purchased a pair of silver earrings with topazes for Winona, valued at $12,000—not too fancy—a white gold watch for Gwyneth Paltrow worth $21,000, and a complete set of jewelry for Anne, including bracelets, bangles, necklaces, earrings, some in gold, some in silver, and a watch without too many frills.

For little Monica, he had to be more demanding; there’s nothing worse than the disdain a woman can anticipate. That’s why it needed to be a gift above the general rule. Something with emotional significance could be the first gift.


Monica was asleep, deeply. She disliked the cold, so she snuggled under the blankets with a bit of laziness and relaxation. She opened her eyes but, feeling the silence, decided to continue her nap. She had no desire to deal with the cold. The door opened, and her eyes turned to Billy on the other side, dressed in his suit, hair neatly combed, and his cheeks flushed.

-You’re awake, - he approached to kiss her. She caught the scent of his cologne, filling her senses.

-I’m not, come here, it’s so cold, - Monica said.

-I’ve got your gifts. The last one will have to wait until we’re in Italy, but it can be considered a joint birthday and Christmas present, - he told her while drawing the curtains.

She got up from her spot. There were American football jerseys, some vouchers, envelopes with money, and many boxes of jewelry. Billy pulled out a stack of cards to label and handed her a pen, pointing out which ones were for Winona, Gwyneth, Alice, and Ivanova. She looked at each high-cost gift with those accusing eyes, especially the jewelry set for Anne, which she eyed even more intently.

The gifts for the children and the money envelopes were given with less interest.

-Just a diamond necklace, - Monica responded, seeing her gift.

-When we’re in Italy if you don’t like your gift… you can be mad, darling. Unfortunately, with all the money I have, I can’t bring your gift here, - Billy told her.

-A house? -

-I’m sure you’ll like it. -


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