Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

40. business of the Heart.

Billy, with his new Hollywood business agent Jim Waitt, has generated quite a buzz due to his new prospects as an actor. In just two days, he went through the registration process for a film, movie, and theater acting academy.

He managed to secure the best-acting academy money and connections could get. Jim made several considerations regarding the instructors, the range of topics covered, and the study hours. The academy is scheduled to begin its acting course cycle in August, and Jim Waitt enrolled in two courses. The first one is offered by San Jose State University (SJSU) and focuses on dramatic arts, which is crucial to helping him with his rhythmic, emotional, and expressive acting. They will teach him a bit about method acting and immersing himself in roles.

The second course is provided by Stage 1 Theatre, a community theater company known for its excellent program and a few favors here and there. The acceptance process took no longer than five days in both places. The second course focuses more on intonation, improvisation, and basic acting skills, with practical classes and opportunities to participate in plays.

Moreover, he also mentioned that he could take complementary courses in Los Angeles whenever he wanted. They have some excellent instructors there. The important thing is to enhance his resume. He recommended dance, exercise, and pronunciation classes.

There are many things an artist can practice. Most actors have to do a lot of different things in various films, and sometimes knowing how to dance can land you a lead role in a movie, series, or commercial. However, work doesn't determine success. Many times, that extra skill can fulfill the director's needs for supporting roles. However, some actors build their image based on their perfect secondary skills.

An example is Tom Cruise, the perfect guy for action roles. He can pilot planes, helicopters, motorcycles, cars, shoot guns, and has some impressive fighting moves.

Accent practice will begin at the end of May, with two-hour sessions that can be coordinated. However, the price is no joke: 12 sessions for $8,000. Three weeks before the end of the school year, around the same time his summer courses begin, he will have to use his spring break to perform in the comics that will premiere this season.

Acting academies are important, but they don't define success. The first course focuses on stage movement, while also encouraging techniques of movement and body expression that allow them to use their bodies effectively on stage. Fight choreography, posture, coordination, and spatial awareness.

On the other hand, the second course is more practical. They get to experiment with everything they've learned, and although they haven't reached 20.00 points in their interpretation system yet, they will in a few months.

-I still can't believe you managed to get into two acting courses just like that, - Claudia said. - Those spaces are usually quite demanding, - Claudia murmured.

-It wasn't just like that. I got lucky with a friend who allowed me to enroll in the courses, - Billy said. -I can ask if you can join too, together in both courses. -

-Stop being mysterious. There's something you're not telling me. And I hope you'll tell me someday, - Claudia said. - But I don't think I can attend even if I wanted to. -

-You're very curious. Do you have plans for August, or do you no longer want to spend time with this guy? - Billy said, patting his chest.

-I am curious. You have to tell me! You're suspicious and you often disappear in the afternoons after school or on some weekends, - Claudia said.

-Well, I plan to graduate next year, so I surely have a lot of things to think about," Billy said.

-Oh, I almost forgot! - Claudia responded.

-Hahaha. Let's go see the movie. I promise you'll like it more than the previous one you made me watch, - Billy said.

-It's not possible for you to have better taste than me. But I'll watch it as a way to please you, - Claudia said.

Pretty Woman is what we call the ultimate romantic comedy. Although its story is not particularly complicated and takes place over four days, it can be seen as a nearly princely transition. Those who watch it momentarily lose all imaginary sense of the characters' relationship and see a beautiful woman and a man sharing a communion of love. The story of the wealthy man who helps a woman become a lady has a romantic context in the eyes of young ladies dreaming of true love.

It's not just the impact the protagonists make in the movie. Then comes Julia Roberts' charisma, winning over critics with her smile, revealing one of the most beloved stars of the '90s. It's an unforgettable movie for anyone who watches it.

-You're excited, - Billy said.

-Yes, but I've never cheated to go to the movies before. And if we get caught, Billy, God, I hope nothing bad happens because you'll be in trouble, -  Claudia said.

-Don't worry, it's just a movie, and we're almost 16 years old, -  Billy said with a smile. - But it's funny, you don't usually get anxious. -

-Liar. You're barely turning 15 in three months,- Claudia replied. - If they call the police, Billy, it's clear that you're the criminal. -

-Oh, no way. I'll say... Officer, do you think I could force a woman like this to do something without consent? Do you think I would break the law just to watch a love movie? None of that. Take her, she's the mastermind. Take Claudia, - Billy said.

-Silly, - Claudia said. - By the way, I spread the word with some friends about the best burger place in town. I hope your restaurant gains some customers. Alice is a cheerleader and knows a lot of friends who might go. I practically spent an afternoon convincing her to take me there for a meal, so she may go. The rest is up to your ability to keep the audience. -

-Thanks, let's go. Let's buy some popcorn before the movie starts, -  Billy said.

Why is Pretty Woman so important? Because in the following years, romances will impact the entire Hollywood industry. Leading men are always in fashion, but now romantic leading men are the opium of the cinemas. Culminating with a spectacular gap on the big ship and the poetic love story acted by Leonardo DiCaprio.

The iconic beginning of the story is that of a billionaire picking up a prostitute on a street corner, unaware. He picks up a beauty named Vivian/Julia Roberts.

-Oh, wow. The protagonist is very handsome, -  Claudia whispered.

-Well, he's a man with a super sports car. That usually melts all women, - Billy said.

Although, as it has been said, none of that matters. Because the moment they leave the street, it introduces viewers to a fairy tale and fantasy from which they can't escape, while still portraying American culture, social divisions, materialism, and redemption. This creates complicity among the viewers who see an urban Cinderella, a prostitute who is not one, even though the audience doesn't see her as such.

-Oh, God, it's quite sweet, -  Claudia said.

Well, she certainly liked it. Every time Claudia falls silent, it's because she gets absorbed in her world or finds something to focus on. '90s cinema was a cinema made for everyone. Identifying different age groups was something that was perfectly accomplished during that time.

-Oh my God, I loved it! One of the best movies I've ever seen! -  Claudia exclaimed.

-Just one of the best, -  Billy replied.

-Well, yes. I don't know how I came up with the idea to watch this movie, - Claudia said.

-Excuse me, I was the one who invited you,- Billy said.

-Ha... as if you were. I came here of my own free will and forced you to come. That's not what you would tell the police,-

Claudia said. -Well, now you admit that it's a fabricated lie,- Billy said, smiling, and gave her a peck on the lips.

-I didn't admit anything. I just said that last time, when you invited me to watch "Enemies: A Love Story," it was really bad. But now everything is fixed with Claudia taking you to a good cinema, -  the girl said, smiling.

They both left the theater and headed to the ice cream shop on the first floor.

-Hey, how about we get a wonderful ice cream? - Billy suggested. - I think we still have time before your mom comes. Hopefully, we'll have enough time to see the bookstore,-  Billy said.

-Oh, finally, my reward for being amazing, - Claudia said. - But I think... I have to tell you something. -

-Something about a new project you have in mind, ever since you saw my sketchbook, I see you acting suspicious, - Billy said.

-It's true that I have plans for your drawings. I want you to translate those drawings into paintings. You have an incredible stroke! But... that's not all, - Claudia said.

-We can go to the food court and chat more calmly, - Billy suggested.

-I don't want to. I... I don't know how to say it, Billy! Screw it, I'm moving to Europe. My mom told me a week ago, and I didn't know how to tell you. The Cold War is over, and she wants to be closer to our roots. We still have some relatives in Eastern Europe. My mother has been thinking about it for a while, and she got a job at the United Nations,- Claudia said.

>>She has been extending the offer throughout the school and our life in California. We'll be going from New York to Vienna (Austria) and Geneva (Switzerland). We'll be traveling all over the world and have many places to go... She's arranging everything at the moment. Our main home will be in Vienna (Austria). It's hundreds of kilometers away, but sometimes I could travel to New York,- Claudia explained.

>>From California to New York is almost a four-hour flight. On a normal day during vacation, we can be together for a month, or you could come and stay here. I just don't want to lose you, -Claudia said sadly.

-Ahhh, just...,- Billy sighed. She's leaving, love always acts in indistinguishable ways.

-But... if you stay, - Billy suggested.

-I've tried everything, I've cried, I've thrown tantrums, and she still wants to take that job. Something about finding our grandmother, - Claudia said.

As they walked together, Billy could feel her gaze. Just when everything was starting to go so well, she would be leaving for Vienna any moment now. What are the chances of this happening? What will happen at school? Will they remain friends, or will distance separate them?

Well, I guess we should just go on. If it's already decided, there's nothing more to do but accept it, - Billy said. Inside, it was all a lie. He had even imagined going to college together, working together... he had thought of marrying her in the future.

-Yes, exactly. Don't worry about me. As the one in charge, I can organize the trips, and adjust our vacations, and seeing each other won't be a big problem. I don't know how expensive international calls are, but we can make a call once a week... and if you feel inspired, you can write me a letter, - Claudia said.

-We'll do our best, although... - Billy started.

-Although... what, Billy? - Claudia asked.

-Distance isn't good, and I don't know when I'll be able to see you again, -  Billy said.

-Oh, you'll see me. I'll make it possible, don't worry, - Claudia reassured him.  - We'll have beautiful moments. -

-What will you do about the language? - Billy asked.

-Well, my mother knows German and English, - Claudia replied.  - Unfortunately, I only know English and a bit of Spanish. I'll have to learn it, but I'm studying some of it, - Claudia said.

-When are you moving? -  Billy questioned.

-My mother will leave first, but I asked to stay for your birthday, - Claudia said.

They didn't speak any further. Billy couldn't continue the conversation. Now he just had to wait and see how things would turn out. Well, focusing on drawing wouldn't be difficult. He would just draw and draw until everything passed.



hello, what a pleasure to continue writing for you, Although I am a little ahead in Patreon, I have learned a few things writing, and with your comments, I try to do the best I can. however, the difficulties of writing such a demanding story and working in the company are difficult. sometimes I don't have enough time to review everything in detail and edit. Have a nice day, I am in parallel on three new fanfics, but these are not as long as The Hidden World and Hollywood Art of Sunnys.



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