Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

57. a different kind of goodbye.

At the end of the day, it all unraveled with their arrival at the grand hotel. Billy paced back and forth while Claudia had the wonderful idea of discovering the hidden places of Rome, the ones that can only be known when one tries to immerse themselves in Roman culture.

The extra income from betting on matches marked another day when his father couldn't force him to attend Stanford University.

"I'm exhausted," Claudia said as she entered Billy's room, who was sitting at the desk, jotting down some notes about the possible steps to unravel the Rugrats case. The new information from Klasky Csupo Inc., the studio that developed Rugrats and later "The Wild Thornberrys," both excellent series. It would be a pleasure to get them, but they'll have to inquire about the available budget after the summer premieres.

The new dramas of Animaniacs, along with some extra episodes of Pinky and the Brain, the new original Doom story - which can be considered one of their best works - and, as usual, the long-running series Hercules, along with episodes of Samurai Jack, as Hellboy is almost finished. The first series consists of "Seed of Destruction," and the second series includes "Wake the Devil," "The Chained Coffin and Others," and "Wild Hunt."

Their next plan is to open up the IP for multiple writers to collaborate and expand the Hellboy universe. The requirements are linear stories as much as possible, with the second plan being a similar design for the characters.

-Well, your idea of walking fifty streets wasn't the smartest thing you've come up with for this trip,- Billy said from the desk, noticing Claudia's bunny pajamas.

-Our parents aren't here; Mom left me a note. She said they might take a long time in one of her work meetings, so don't wait up for them. She usually arrives the next day and sleeps in late the day after, - Claudia explained.

-We can grab something to eat at the restaurant. The buffet closes in two hours, and I'm a bit hungry. Do you want me to bring you something? - Billy offered.

-I don't feel like moving; I'll wait for you here. My body isn't responding; I need to rest for a while. You know I'm exhausted. I won't follow you on your adventures around Rome anymore. Tomorrow, I'll sunbathe by the pool and relax. I feel like having some ice cream, bring me some, - Claudia requested.

-I'll be back in a little while. I don't think they have ice cream at this hour, but I can get you some sweets from the dessert section of the buffet, - Billy said.

-That would be nice, - the girl replied, lying down and hugging a pillow like a little koala.

Billy couldn't resist kissing her on the forehead, which brought a small smile to her lips.

-Loads and loads of delicious ice cream, - Claudia said sleepily.

-I'll bring you some; I just hope you're awake when I come back,- Billy said, leaving the room to go to the restaurant on the second floor.

Their vacation in Italy.

Billy pondered all the outcomes, with the World Cup final being the most important. The prediction of the future overshadowed the magic of Italy. What's the point of a world where you already know how its historical course will unfold? It has been not very pleasant. Every day he questions whether it's okay to make money and engage in those innocuous things he needs in his life.

He searched for new hobbies and longed for the suppressed desires of his old life, improving his existing drawing skills. His love for his favorite sport, soccer, had lost some interest. He found excitement in the challenges of a soccer match during the 90 minutes, but the joy of exploring the unknown, something he still couldn't grasp, had delighted him. American football and baseball, sports he had only known by name, now sparked considerable interest. And, of course, what would happen in the future with the current changes in his actions?

Upon his return, he found Claudia fast asleep in her room. He ended up going to his father's room to sleep due to exhaustion from the long walk of the day.

He could only think about the remaining plans. He would have to continue working on his acting skills, as he had already lost the IP rights to the Rugrats due to negligence. He would be more careful not to have such losses again.

-System, -he whispered.

Sometimes the status screen shows surprising things. How can one quantify their drawing skills? It's still amazing how he can use a shop that teaches him everything about a specific program, series, manga, comic, game, and everything else... It's something astonishing that anyone would only dream of.

[Billy Carson:

Drawing: 28.12

Literature: 25.03

Interpretation: 22.48

Points: 00

[Drawing Shop


  • Samurai Jack: 15 points.
  • Hellboy: 22 points. 1993
  • Slam Dunk: 30 points. 1990
  • Yu Yu Hakusho: 40 points. 1992... ....]

Now he can just calm down a bit; it's not good to worry about the future with so much stress... everything in due time.

Thoughts haunted him.

Lying on his father's bed, he could only think about Claudia's lips, just a few meters away. He looked at the clock on the wall after turning on the light, It was almost 10:00, and there were still no signs of his father.

Now sleep has completely gone... What to do, what to do.

Damn it, he can't think of anything else but the room next door!

He spent some time searching, pondering in indecision, and ended up getting out of the room, pacing back and forth, walking on tiptoes without thinking about possible mistakes that could occur.

He saw a small mound on the double bed; Claudia was curled up in a little ball. He approached her and felt the soft rise and fall of her breathing.

-Hey, wake up, - Billy said softly, gently nudging her shoulder.

She was fast asleep. He caressed her cheek; he was completely in love with the girl breathing softly. It's amazing to be by her side. Initially, he was annoyed by her constant illogical complaints, aggressive behavior, and uncontrollable jealousy. But over time, everything adapted to the point where the affection he feels for Claudia is different. Being with her is so refreshing; it transports him to a different world.

-Come on, my little angel, wake up, - Billy said, gently stroking her forehead.

-I don't want to; I want to rest, - Claudia replied, sounding like a little girl.

-I know, but I feel like hugging you, I feel like giving you a little kiss, - Billy said.

-Moo, find it tomorrow. The kiss shop is closed for the day, sir, - Claudia teased.

Billy leaned in and stole a kiss, followed by another. His hands rested on her cheeks as he gave her another kiss, and he could feel her lips curling up into a smile.

He moved closer, almost lying on top of Claudia, and gave her another kiss.

-You, sir, can't give me any more kisses. Mama said men who get more than they want to end up being more audacious and leave you, - Claudia said, playfully.

-I've also heard about love. There are different ways to express love, - the boy told her.

He leaned in to smell her, that sweet vanilla scent and kissed her on the neck. He rested his forehead against her neck and hugged her tightly, needing the affection that Claudia usually gives him.

-I'm going to miss you so much, - Billy said.

-You're acting like a baby, - Claudia laughed, now fully awake. - Come here, You can stay for a while, but you have to leave; Mama will kill me if she finds out we're doing this, - she whispered.

An unforgettable night.

Later, Germany won the World Cup, and they visited some new restaurants and kissed herried wine (Billy's father served him a little with the condition of only having one glass). Two days later, Billy had to leave Italy with a farewell. Claudia gave him a small photo album of all the moments they had together in the country. Some were on the streets of Rome, some at monuments, at the soccer match wearing the Italian shirt, some at restaurants, hand in hand, and others had a deeper meaning. The trip ended with a beautiful yet sad farewell.



hello, I am currently surveying Billy's artistic name. I have two options chosen, so far The survey is going as follows.

Billiam Darwin: Six points. 

Billiam Darwim: is a profound explanation about the origin of everything. creation, together with Billiam representing billions of things.

Bill C. Nimenios: two points. 

Bill C. Nimenos: comes from the Greek, reborn "anagennimenos", explains in one short word, Billy the reincarnated.

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