Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

60. preparations.

The great television series of Cartoon Network, along with Nickelodeon and Disney, created unforgettable moments that will last for generations. Everything produced during the '90s and early 2000s is enough to sustain children's television channels. They managed to hold their ground amidst the rise of streaming platforms and the new wave of series remakes tailored to a younger audience.

The contracts are already in place for the creation of the television channel Cartoon Network Studios, alongside CNN, TNT, and TruTV. They will be part of Turner Broadcasting. How necessary is it for a company to have television channels? It's one of the most critical media channels for advertising, movie releases, and business activities developed by Hollywood groups. The channels are the domain of these companies, shaping family programming, news, movies, documentaries, and series based on what they deem permissible.

Billy once again made the trip to Los Angeles for another full-fledged meeting, his obligatory presence requested. Billy had no choice but to pack his bags and go to Los Angeles in person.

-I do like these vacations. A hotel near the beach, a grand buffet, and all the drinks you can order at the bar, - said Anne, sitting next to Billy, dressed in a rather unique secretary outfit.

-It's only three days, and you'll accompany me on the first day to the big meeting that the bosses have been insisting on, - said Billy, somewhat dejected from his seat on the plane.

He hated traveling on these small planes with little to no legroom, the musty smell, and constant turbulent movements.

-Come on, you'll be skipping your first day of school. In my student days, that would be magnificent, - said Anne.

-It's not as great as it sounds. If I'm not going to school, I have to work at the company, review accounts, performance reports for Pixar or Lux Comics, and deal with other unexpected tasks, - replied Billy.

-That doesn't sound so good, -- said Anne, with a complicated expression.

-School ends up being somewhat similar to a job, and even the teachers tend to be lenient with the students. Work is tough, stressful, and paradoxical. After all, I'm the boss, but it still causes some annoyance, whereas school gives a lot of freedom to relax, - said Billy, surprising Anne, who was nostalgically thinking about her school years when her family was still around.

-Well, we'll have the meeting first, and then we'll head to Pixar in San Francisco, just as you want. It's better to get things done now than to wait later, - said Anne.

Ah, Pixar.

-I almost forgot, - replied Billy.

He has to talk about the production of Toy Story. The management of Pixar now falls under the three big players of Pixar and Billy, with the ten million dollars invested, and the production of the movie has begun. Billy did what he had to do, presenting a nearly three-hundred-page storyboard with the story's development. There were some changes to the script, but the characters were fully fleshed out. Even the main storyline continues to enchant the members of Pixar, and John Lasseter has been in high spirits.

He added some small scenes to weave the series into possibly five Toy Story movies and two spin-offs. After all, the Lightyear series is popular; they just have to work on it well. The 2D animated films and the last 3D animation, which was a failure in theaters, can play a part in the whole storyline of the successful franchises.

The sound of fastening seat belts chimed.

-We're almost there, - said Billy.

-Cheer up! We've arrived. We'll rest at the hotel until tomorrow. How about an afternoon of movies with room service? - suggested Anne.

-Sounds fantastic, - said Billy.

-That sounds good; I'm craving a double burger with fries and some Coca-Cola. Just for today, I'll indulge in fast food. It'll be my second fast-food meal this year, - mentioned Anne.

-What was the first one? - asked the young man.

-T-Box Burgers. I had two burgers; your father took me there. Now, I take my sister every month to try some of the food they sell at your burger joint. They have a nice place, and my sister is a fan of the bacon chopped with pink sauce burger, - said Anne.

-It's gaining popularity among the youth and some workers, but we still need a better advertising campaign, - said Billy.

-Billy, you're crazy; the place can barely keep up. They sell non-stop every day, - said Anne.

-Well, we're about to open another location, and I'm talking about being recognized in California as the best burger joint, opening places in Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Texas, and Miami. A restaurant known all over North America, - responded Billy.

-Quite ambitious for a young man, - said Anne.

-It's not just ambition, Anne; it's about market share. It's good business, and with some effort, it will grow on its own, - said Billy.

-Ah, the capital moves you just like your father. It's true, but there will be breaking points in your restaurants. Sustaining a franchise is demanding at the beginning, and if you run it on your own, the risk is higher, -said Anne.

The plane's touch with the ground and the deceleration made her grip her hands tightly. It was a rough landing.

-I hate these planes, - said Billy.

When would airline service improve back to what it was in 2010? Now, the flights were uncomfortable, and the airplane's instability was unsettling and a little scary.

-All right, let's get to work. We need to get to the hotel before the bosses come for the meeting with Warner, - said Anne, tying up her hair.

-Hurry up, - said Billy.

The climate in Los Angeles is hot, at most. Summer has already ended, but it's still uncomfortable for people. Climate change is a problem that will affect people in the future. By 2025, the climate peak will cause wildfires in numerous places, the water resources of many countries will dry up, and social enterprises advocating for change will dominate the economy.

The causes of climate change are greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect, deforestation, and ecosystem destruction. The first step is to promote the use of renewable materials as soon as possible, water conservation, and renewable energy.

-I have some notes on the company's sales statistics, and the two contracts we signed with Warner Media are explained with some notes from me and your father on the most relevant topics, - said Anne, handing over a small 10-page report on the things Billy needed to know.

-Our numbers dropped in June and July, - said Billy.

-It was expected; the series you published isn't very catchy, but you've managed to hook a good number of followers who are willing to buy your books. The Doom series was the best-selling of all the series you published in these months, reaching 400,000 sales, - said Anne.

-Perfect, I'll create some interesting things for Doom in the next volume, - said Billy.

-It would be nice if the next series followed a more stable model like your first two series: long stories with volumes that entertain. We need a new volume to be released every ten days, and that's what we need, - said Anne.

-That's what the new Evangelion series is for; a new series that will find a place among the best sellers. According to this data, it's better to stop all sales of Pinky and the Brain and Animaniacs, - said Billy.

Both entered the hotel in West Hollywood, each heading to their respective rooms. The immaculate hotel hallway was captivating.

-Along with the short releases of The Lion King and Hercules, those films only gave us trouble. The initial sales point is good, but it drops after the marketing campaigns end. Although using posters and ads in the volumes helps sustain some series, we could use them to improve the performance of good series that haven't sold as well as expected, like Samurai Jack and Doom, - responded Anne.

-That's correct, but we'll postpone the short series to once a year, - said Billy.

Anne nodded in agreement with her boss's decision to continue with the low-performing short series. Billy thought that the best series should be saved for a special moment.

-Let's go, we have a meeting to attend, - said Anne from her room's door as she closed it. She had taken a good shower, put on a more formal dress, and prepared herself for a long meeting.

On the other side, Billy entered his room and carefully reviewed the data. He wondered what would happen with the new release of Yu Yu Hakusho/Ghost Report in an animation program.

Billy's vision of creating a renowned entertainment empire was slowly becoming a reality. With each success, he remained humble and focused on pushing the boundaries of creativity. His passion for art, storytelling, and business drove him to explore new opportunities and leave a lasting mark on the world of entertainment.


this is already the 60th chapter of this series, I'm quite advanced.
what names would you use for a TV channel?

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