Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

76. go to the movies

November 2, 1990.

Meet the investment genius, Raimon.

On Thursday afternoon, Billy was supposed to run from San Jose to Los Angeles. He left as soon as he could after finishing his school schedule, heading to the airport. Raimon, the new intern at the company, brought him a suit, which interestingly turned out to be his guide on this Premier trip. The movie premiered on Thursday night, and from there, he would wait to depart the following morning at 5:00 a.m. back to San Jose, in a race against time.

He saw Raimon, the new intern; he was pretty big, the same height as his father, with a big belly, and long blond hair slicked to one side. He was wearing a short-sleeved camp-style shirt and blue jeans. His cheerful attitude stood out almost as much as his appearance.

He greeted him quickly.

-We'll have a lot on the schedule. The premiere starts at 7:00 p.m., so you need to be there almost forty minutes early. People usually arrive beforehand to have some conversations and build relationships. There will be some individuals we need to identify, but you can skip those steps if time permits, - said Raimon, reciting the words he had memorized so well.

-Well, we better not be late. Let's stay on time, - said Billy.

-Sure thing, I have the outfit you'll wear for your meeting in the car. Your dad picked it out, - said Raimon.

-Let's go, - said Billy, stepping into the truck that his dad had arranged for today.

-Come on, kid. We've got some time before the flight takes off. Take it easy, - said Raimon.

-Kid! You're 24 and haven't finished college yet, - said Billy.

-Haha, that's ten years older than you, little Billy, - said Raimon, energetically. He tends to be the loudmouth of the company. But he undoubtedly passed the approval of his father, Mr. Cloud, and Anne. He must have some skills that he's still unaware of.

-Hey! Anne crossed the line,---said Billy.  ---I think we'll double the overtime hours next month. Christmas won't have a break; we'll be working non-stop.-

Billy put on a sly smile and gave him a side glance. The main road had almost no traffic.

-How is it possible? It's Christmas, the most beautiful time of the year. They should throw a company party, and have Dungeons and Dragons competitions. It would improve the atmosphere, you know, having fun is necessary once in a while, - said Raimon.

-Well, Raimon, what a surprise. You can drop a suggestion in the mailbox, write an article about why we need a year-end party, -  said Billy sarcastically.

-Sure thing. I might write a ten-page essay, all for the good of the company, - Raimon happily replied.

Billy could only laugh at Raimon's cheerful gestures. The guy was funny in his own way, with his unique speech patterns. His overall upbeat demeanor was quite evident in most situations.

-What did you say that got you hired at the company? - Billy asked curiously.

-Well, it was my passion for comics. I always wanted to be part of the comic industry. I'm a happy man, a terrible artist though. That was one of the most frustrating moments of my life. So, I listened to my father. I thought, why not study business administration and economics to make them happy and be part of the American capital? While studying at Stanford, I aimed to be part of Wall Street or a recognized banker. Numbers are easy, but everything changed when I got an offer to join the Lux Comics group. It was much better than being a Wall Street vampire or a depressed banker, - Raimon explained.

-How do you expect to contribute to the industry if you can't draw? - Billy questioned.

-By amassing wealth and running my own comic company, - Raimon replied.

-But now it's different. You can start from scratch here at Lux Comics. The company has potential. You create great work. I can become your business advisor. And there's something about '#$28329eQ') - Raimon rushed his words, and Billy couldn't make out anything.

-So, how will you provide that support? - Billy asked.

-Well, statistically, I'm really good. Anne has me analyzing the market. I've seen your investments and noticed your confidence in the tech industry and newly established companies. I'll take care of your portfolio and scout good investments for now. I'll help you grow your money, and in return, you'll reward me with nice bonuses, opportunities, and promotions, - Raimon explained.

>>On the other hand, you'll allow me to read your comics before they're published. I'll also have the power to share my opinions a bit, you know. It wouldn't hurt to be a comic advisor, helping you solve your creative blocks. I even have several ideas within the company. And then, I'll be your right-hand man when you become famous. People will say, 'He can't do it without Raimon. Oh, Raimon is awesome! He's the best guy in the world, and I'm going to marry Madonna, - Raimon laughed.

-That's why you came with me to watch Terminator, huh? Anne took pity on you and decided you should see the premiere of Terminator 2. They're even paying you. I don't think we should spend your extra hours, - Billy said.

-Suffer, kid. Do what you love; it's the job of my life, - Raimon said.

-I can see that, - Billy replied, surprised.

-Because it's the job of my life. I've memorized all the important things I need to know. You know, I'm dying to see it. Even though Anne mentioned you were the scriptwriter and James Cameron stuck to the comic, I still want to be surprised. As a loyal company employee, I've bought all the volumes released so far. Believe me, I have ideas for the next chapters. To see a comic on the big screen or television with your skills is possible. After all, that's your ultimate plan. Just let old Raimon handle it, - the portly man said cheerfully to Billy.

-Well, I'll do my best to meet your expectations, - Billy said.

-Hahaha, I made you nervous, didn't I? Anne mentioned not talking too much, but I couldn't hold back. Two months in the company is my limit, - Raimon said.

-I'm not nervous. I didn't expect you to have such a detailed plan on how to become part of the company. What's this about being an advisor? - Billy asked.

-Well, I didn't know anything until they hired me. You guys have a strict confidentiality policy. I've seen the policies, and most of your financial moves are gray or dark. Like that confidentiality contract. You guys are paranoid, - Raimon said.

>>But I think, with all my ideas focused on my nerd abilities, I have a skill. I can remember all the details of a series I read. Even in my second year of high school, I memorized all the rules of the Dungeons and Dragons club. The Lugaanica setting was quite simple. Now, I'm everything my father wants, and I'm working in what I want, - Raimon concluded.

-Well, my father has always been very serious about what he does, - Billy said.

-He's similar to my father, all grumpy. He hired me when he found out I was from Stanford. He wants you to study there and all that jazz. At one point, I thought, 'Alright, everyone wants their kid to go to a good university.' But damn, you're the creator of Lux Comics. Go to CalArts, do whatever you want. You're a legend among readers. You have the money to retire, - Raimon said.

-Tell that to my father, - Billy said.

-I understand, buddy. Mine's a jerk too. He doesn't like anything that doesn't align with his way of thinking. In the end, I declined, but with your talent, he'll understand sooner or later my friend, - Raimon said.

-You're one with your dreams, - Billy commented.  - What was your plan? - he asked.

-Are you talking about after Wall Street? - Raimon countered.

-Yeah, after you've made enough money, - Billy said.

-I didn't think about it. Sometimes investing becomes a way of life. My father has been in the banking system his whole life. He has enough money to retire, but the old man still religiously goes to work every day. I hated him for that for many years. My mother enjoyed the good life, and I immersed myself in reading comics. Maybe invest, buy a number 1 of Superman, - Raimon said, more thoughtfully, reflecting.

-But now you can fulfill your dream, - Billy said.

-Ahhh, yes, of course. Now, let's talk about the important stuff. Can you get me Linda Hamilton's autograph? I'd forget my episodes of sadness, - Raimon burst into laughter, gripping the steering wheel, stretching his neck. His plump arms adorned with a fine silver watch were characteristic of his cheerful and luxurious demeanor.

-I'll do my best, - Billy assured.

Raimon looked at him with undeniable seriousness.

-It's a good idea. It would be great to get James Cameron's and Dolph Lundgren's autographs too,- Raimon said.

-Three?- Billy questioned.

-Yeah, you know, one from James Cameron and one from John Connor, - Raimon said, who knew the details of the new Terminator 2: Judgment Day movie inside out.

-You added more characters, - Billy noted.

-Come on, don't be boring, - Raimon said. - I've never asked you for anything. -

-I'll do what I can, - Billy replied.

-Oh, I'm lucky. I'll call Rupert; he'll be dying to hear about my new gains. I'll add it to my secret collection. You know, Billy, in my 24 years, I've collected luxury items, but this is a favor that very few can truly understand, - Raimon said, joyfully groaning.

-Well, just focus on doing a good job, and we'll be even, - Billy said.

-Haha, I'll do such a good job that you'll get me a date with Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, - Raimon joked.

-Wouldn't it be easier with George Lucas? - Billy suggested.

-Well, that would be fantastic, - Raimon said.

Humming the Star Wars melody to himself.

-Look, we've arrived at the airport. I'll call your father. We'll park the truck in the exclusive travelers' parking area. We'll pick it up tomorrow. I'll run errands while you find a place to change. See you at the food court. Grab something to eat if I'm taking too long, - Raimon explained.

-Food court got it, -Billy confirmed.

-That sounds great, - Raimon replied, looking sweaty and rushed. He had exactly 40 minutes to finish all the paperwork.

Billy hurried through the airport, finding a small room to change into the two-piece blue suit with a red tie and brown leather shoes. The room was suddenly invaded by a cleaning lady who shooed him out as soon as she saw him.

Billy dashed away as the woman started shouting about the private room. He adjusted his tie. The airport was bustling, even though it was a Thursday. Many men were rushing around, some running, others speaking furiously on their cell phones. It was chaos. He spotted Raimon sitting at a table, holding a paper in his hands. Billy greeted him with a wave.

-Billy, over here, - Raimon said. - Damn, man, you look good. If I could look half as good, Lisa wouldn't have kicked me to the curb. -

-Who's Lisa? - the boy questioned.

-Ahhhh, the woman I had a crush on all through high school. When I finally mustered the courage to ask her to the dance, she politely rejected me. You know, it's even worse that she didn't laugh at me. She was so scared when I asked her. I think she hyperventilated, - Raimon recalled.

The awkward silence couldn't be avoided. Billy had no idea.

-What did you order to eat? - Billy asked.

-Burgers, yours without onions. Your dad could've mentioned you don't like onions, - Raimon said, rushing off to collect the burgers. Clearly, he ordered way more food than expected. It was quite a feast.

-Well, we have twenty-five minutes to finish eating, - Raimon announced, pulling a small pocket watch from his pocket and setting a timer for 25 minutes.

-If you don't mind, I prefer not to talk while eating, - Raimon added, digging into the meal voraciously. Burgers, sauces, fries, nuggets, and soda, he attacked them all.

Billy lost his appetite just watching him eat.

-Are you going to eat your nuggets? - Raimon asked, a bit shyly.

-Go ahead, my friend, - Billy replied, surprised.

-Thanks, - Raimon replied briefly, savoring the dishes.

Ten minutes passed, and Raimon had already finished his meal.

-What a great meal! Fatburger's burgers are the best you can have, - Raimon said, a gleeful expression on his face.

-It's my first time trying them. Are they good? - Billy inquired.

-Goodness gracious! Do you live under a rock? You should've said so earlier. I would've ordered the 'for the heavyweights' special. No problem, I'll fix your food issues. I'll take you to a food fair you'll never forget, - Raimon said, thumping his chest.

-My days are pretty busy, - Billy mentioned.

-I know, but don't worry, I'll take care of everything, - Raimon assured. His eyebrows furrowed comically, his face was remarkably expressive.

-Well, we'll do everything we can. Let's go before we miss the flight! - Billy urged.

-Sure, just let me finish your fries. It's a crime not to finish such good food, - Raimon said.

The arrival in Los Angeles was much smoother than previous times; there were no delays this time. The airline operated like a metronome, functioning with precision. They headed to the Cineplex Odeon Century Plaza in Los Angeles. They entered using the pass provided by Jim Waitt, bypassing the red carpet event. James Cameron was seen closely accompanied by Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong (John Connor). Billy was in the lobby, waiting for permission to enter the screening.


patreon.com/vin_modeus12 follow me on Patreon, this series is currently in its 101st chapter. - but I will post up to 105 today or tomorrow, have a good week everyone. thanks for your comments to develop the series are welcome, and I have learned many things from it. 

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