Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

78. Id Software.

Everywhere in the city of Kansas, you can spot posters for the new advertising campaign that Lux Comics wants to create in collaboration with the incredible "Future" programmers from ID Software. From billboards, posters, and flyers, to radio advertisements.

Concentrating advertising in a city is much easier than in a country. Agreements have been reached with all three newspapers in Kansas regarding the Lux Comics flyers. Gaining popularity in newspapers with smaller economic quotas is not an issue.

Many cheerful young people who are familiar with Lux Comics are eager to learn the programming requirements for creating a video game, but very few meet those requirements, as they need programming talent that's above the ordinary. They aim to develop specialized 3D video games based on the Doom series and a new specialized series for games.

The poster is undoubtedly unique, featuring Colonel Cofellete on the cover in his marine suit, portrayed as an allegorical warrior against the devil's cult. There has been much applause from the computer communities. Even Mr. Carson, upon seeing the minimal investment required compared to other franchises, decided to listen to his son and established Id Software, which is the third company created by Billy and his father.

In the state of Texas, in the city of Dallas, there is an exceptionally skilled game creator. Among them is a married couple, both graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They are the Rilley couple, Alexa and Brian. Known in the engineering faculty, they took a computer science course. They have been dedicated to software development, but computers were not as popular as they had hoped during this era. As a result, they work part-time, working hard to earn their daily bread. However, the fantastic opportunity to win $10,000 is something they cannot pass up.

The poster of Colonel Cofellete lay on the cluttered table amidst the chaos of the entire room, with two desks laden with computer equipment.

-Sweetheart, we have everything we need to win. We've been in the market for eight years. With our skills, we can secure a job and a $10,000 bonus. - Brian said, noticing the evident stress in his wife Alexa's eyes.

-I understand, but our focus is directed towards software as a computing model. We make sure computers run properly. Creating a game is something I find challenging. Brian, I get your enthusiasm but don't expect too much from me. - Alexa replied.

-All I want is to make it through the month without worrying about sales. I want to buy a house, I want us to have space, improve the car we have. - Brian said, his tone serious.

-Well, let's get to work. I'm figuring out how they made the game. I've already mastered the Mario Bros. commands, but I want to look at other shooting games. - Alexa said.

-I'm working on how to make the characters function, dear. You focus on solving the shooting mechanism. We'll make the whole game work the best we can. - Brian replied.

-I'll call Biggins to help us with the game creation software. He owes us a favor. We'll duplicate it and build from there for the presentation. - Alexia suggested.

-You're a genius! We'll duplicate it and create an improved model with different technical designs. - Brian exclaimed. In his moment of excitement, he paused to look around the apartment. It was a total mess. They hadn't eaten since 9 in the morning, and it was almost dusk.

-I think we need to tidy up and have something delicious to eat. - Brian suggested, embracing his wife. It had been a tough moment for both of them.

In a different location, two unhappy young people from their company, SowfDisk, after a long day of work, are seated in a pizza place near their workplace. They're both disheartened by the cold corporate environment.

-Come on, Romero. The company is a disaster. Those damn games they assign us to make by order are worse than "Atari Duss" games. - John Carmack said.

-Friend, getting a job in this field isn't easy. My mom is a housewife, and she needs me to help pay the bills. If I lose my job, I'll have to work in construction with my cousins. These arms can't lift anything. - John Romero replied.

-We don't have problems. It's just a bit of assembling. The competition is on a Saturday. If we lose, we lose a few hours. If we win, it's 10,000 bucks, and they guarantee a job for $800 a week, Monday to Friday. We'll make our games that aren't junk. There's creativity, my friend. You and I will create great games. - Carmack said.

-But... - Romero started.

-No "buts." We lose, we go back to the company on Monday morning. - Carmack declared.

-Alright, we'll participate in that competition. Let's practice the specifications. You buy the pizza. I'm broke. - Romero said.

-Yes! - Carmack said happily.

Thomas Carsen was crunching the numbers with Anne. The $10,000 first prize, the $1,300 rent for the small space, $20,000 for posters and distribution in newspapers and various platforms, another $20,000 for radio ads, and $20,000 for the billboard in the city center.

Among the many issues was the allocation of potential salaries. They planned to hire a group of five people for a monthly salary of $3,600, which was quite high. However, the programming team was necessary. The graphic designer was Billy, and some members of Pixar were happy to help in any way they could.

-It's quite an expense. This has been the most costly to create so far. The advertising campaigns are something we should have implemented for the hamburgers. - Anne commented.

-Billy is excited about this company. Business is going well, and we might have a contract sorted out in the next few weeks. But I agree, the advertising campaigns aren't so bad. - Thomas replied.

-An ambitious gamble, one of the most ambitious that Billy has taken on in recent years. - Anne said.

-I agree, but the kid has so much passion when he talks about the 3D video game project. He's completely confident in the company's success. I'm even surprised by his unwavering confidence. - Thomas Carson said, adjusting his reading glasses with a spark in his eyes.

-What will you do about the tournament? Someone has to attend. Billy has acting classes until May this year. - Anne asked.

-No problem, I'll be in New York around those dates. It's just an hour's flight from Dallas to New York at most. Besides, my father will help me with the arrangements. He'll manage the place with the help of some of his retired friends, all to escape from my mother's clutches. - Thomas said, smiling at his father's antics.

-Billy's grandfather, then... Everything is planned. - Anne commented.

-Richard Carson, loves Billy, he's the favorite in the family. - Thomas said. - Even my mother, who's usually unpleasant with everyone, has a fondness for him. Everyone sees his passion, intelligence, talent... He's a genius that leaves people in awe. He called me a while ago to praise Billy's drawings. Mother isn't a shallow person. -

Anne's intense gaze got lost in the echoes of the conversation.

-I hope he succeeds as much as this company. - Anne said.

-I hope the same. - Billy said, entering the room.

He was dressed in a gray suit, and his demeanor suggested he was in a very good mood.

-The game will succeed almost as much as my comic company. The first designs for the winter season of Lux Comics are already printed. - Billy said.

He showed them three designs for the November and December releases.

-Wow, they're amazing. - Anne exclaimed.

-Well, Raimon has been engrossed in the room reading comics. He suggested they're somewhat childish, but he did enjoy Doom. - Billy said.

-Why are you dressed in a suit, son? - Mr. Carson asked.

-Ah, well, I'm adopting the style of wearing suits. As you say, an elegant man is someone who knows how to dress properly. - Billy said.

-I'm glad to hear that. The suit fits you perfectly. You took less time than I expected at the acting course. - Thomas said.

-Well, today was mostly theoretical work, a workshop, and some short activities. I came as soon as I could. - Billy explained.

-Come here, son, read the financial accounts of your new company. I've certified everything I could, I have the records, and bank statements here and here. - Thomas said.

In the records, the total spent so far was marked at $88,345.

-We've gone all out with this company. - Billy remarked.

-Well, I hope we'll recoup the money. - Thomas said.

Billy could only nod. He needs more ways to earn money automatically. Is the lottery partially impossible? He has to keep working as much as he can.

[1] A company that sold packaged games as suscriptión. This is where the geniuses who created Doom worked. Honestly, these guys perfected the first-person shooter model to unparalleled levels for the time. They are geniuses, creating the first shooter in the video game industry.

I have an attached file, about the poster they created to promote the new video game company.



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