Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

90. publish me

-What fantastic news! We need to make all the advertising adjustments. From what I understand, we have contracts with Warner and Nike to use various advertising channels, - Billy said.

Anne gave a half-smile, her freckles standing out between her furrowed brows and body posture.

Mr. Cloud, in the distance, reviewed his notes while paying full attention to the conversation.

-We have some ideas, but Warner has blocked us entirely. I think it's best to end this amicable relationship we thought we had with Warner. Let's explore other available avenues. We can call Mike Richardson regarding advertising in various Dark Horse Comics releases, - Anne suggested.

-Of course! - Billy exclaimed happily. -- I'll make the call myself, -- he said, heading to his office but quickly turning back.

-You didn't find the number because you don't have it. I always make the calls for you, - Anne reminded him.

-I had forgotten that. Please dial, - Billy said.

-Give me a second, - Anne replied, checking an agenda that was organized by companies. Lux Comics had relationships with twelve companies, each covering various aspects.

-Here it is, - she said, and began dialing Mike Richardson.

-Now it's on hold, - Anne informed.

-Hello, - Mike Richardson's voice came through the phone, sounding hesitant.

-Hello, Mike, it's nice to talk to you, - Anne said. She glanced at Billy, who was gesturing that he didn't want to take the call.

-Anne, it's a pleasure to hear from you, - Mike Richardson replied.

-The pleasure is mine, Mike. I have something to discuss with you. Recently, we received news from Capcom that our Samurai Jack game will be released in June. We'll be in charge of the advertising, and we want to launch a campaign with Dark Horse Comics. We've had an advertising agreement for months, - Anne explained.

-Ah, I might be able to do something to help, but I don't think I can provide my support, - Mike Richardson said.

-What do you mean, Mike? We have a promotion contract for our products, a 5% commission on our comic sales for any related deals, - Anne insisted.

-I understand, dear Anne, and that's why I'm going to explain things to you. You have time to run the campaign, but there are some things I want to discuss with Billy. In May, there will be a meeting with some industry friends. All the major creators from the world of comics will be there. We don't accept businessmen or anyone outside the industry, - Mike explained.

-Of course, I'll schedule Billy's availability. However, do we have a cross-promotion contract between companies? - Anne persisted.

-I think I may have to break it, but I can give you the contact information for a few companies. Among them, there's one you might know, they're in the gaming industry, and they reach out to all the video game companies. It's a specialized culture magazine, and it costs a few thousand to advertise, but it has a good audience. The company is in New York, and it's called CamePro, - Mike said.

-Okay, please provide the information, - Anne said.

-Right away, Dora will send a fax with all the details, - Mike replied.

-The Comic Journal. It's a comic company. You can advertise with them. Gary Groth and J. Michael Catron own the company. They have limited income and rely on sponsorships. When you negotiate with them, close the deal immediately. Don't wait for them to think it over. If you can give them the money right away, that's even better. They've been distributing magazines across the United States for a few years. I recommend trying to get the cover; it'll grab more attention, - Mike Richardson explained.

-As for the suggestions you've given me, I'll take them into account. Thanks, Mike, - Anne said, partially frustrated.

-Don't go just yet; I have another option for you. It's called Electro Gaming Monthly. It's a Los Angeles-based video game magazine. It's recently been established, but it's dominant on the West Coast. The owner's name is Steve Harris, and he's worked with Capcom on the Megaman series. They might be interested in working with you. We're friends, and I'll call them. They'll be willing to listen, - Mike added.

-Any other companies? - Anne asked.

-One last one, it's a radio station called The Colorados. They operate in Oregon, but they have a culture group. They can help you spread the news, but you should know they're enthusiasts. They often talk a lot about your drawings. I think they could assist if you explain the situation to them and give them a phone interview, - Mike said.

-Well, what are their names? - Anne inquired.

-They go by BlackKnight33 and LordOfFire,- Mike replied.

-Their names, - Anne pressed.

-I don't know them well; they operate behind the scenes. But you can give them a call; they'll be happy to help as long as it aligns with their interests. I'll let them know that you're Lux Comics members, - Mike Richardson assured.

-Okay, I'll reach out to these guys, - Anne said.

-Don't worry, they have my recommendation. These communities know each other from comic cons and are very close-knit groups. If the game is good, they'll recommend it to all their friends. They will be the first to buy it, that's all for now.  Attend the May meeting; it will be in New York. If you could go, it would be a great help to your company. Many people who can help you will be there, - Mike suggested.

-Say hi to Billy for me, - Anne said.

Then, she hung up the phone.

-You heard it; he doesn't expect us to terminate the contract. He doesn't care about a breach. The ways he's closed negotiations have told us a lot, - Anne told Billy.

-What do you think might happen? Any foul play? - Billy asked.

-It's possible. There's nothing conclusive, but many doors have been closed in recent months. Even the government has visited us, citing various reasons—quality, safety, taxes, and random inspections—that have only been hindering our work, -- Anne explained.

-My father... has done something, - Billy said.

-Of course, we just haven't told you. Your father has filed numerous complaints and claims against the fines. He's building a case of business harassment. We've gathered 13 complaints directed at the same person in three months. That person is you, and the lawsuit is quite impressive, - Anne explained.

-Who could be targeting us? Do you think it's Warner? - Billy asked.

-That's the most likely scenario, - Anne replied.

Billy pondered on how relationships take their course. Why would Warner cause so much harm to his company? What are the reasons for a company to put so many obstacles in its path? Initially, he had planned to continue with Warner and collaborate for twenty years, dominating the animation scene under Warner's sponsorship.

-The only other company that could help us is Nickelodeon, - Billy thought.

-My day was going so well until the talk with Mike," Billy said.

He sighed heavily and slumped into the black leather chair in the waiting area in front of Anne's desk. His long blonde hair covered his eyes, and he realized he needed a quick haircut.

-Come on, things will get better. You must attend the May meeting; we might find a good distributor there. After that, the best artists will be present. I believe in the company, and I receive letters from fans who highly value your work, - Anne reassured him.

-Oh, I forgot! I need to respond to some letters, - Billy said.

-Don't worry; I've already taken care of responding to the letters that deserve a reply. Some even sent us discount coupons to visit their stores, - Anne said.


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