Hollywood King

Chapter 273 | Trash?

“Kiara, I used to think love was just about finding someone who completes you. But then I realised, it's more about finding someone who challenges you to be your best self. Someone who makes you want to be better, not for them, but for yourself. That's what I see in you. You inspire me to be a better man every day,”

Sean Davidson looked directly into Kiara’s eyes as he said the most honest thing he had ever said. 

“I can’t begin to say how-”

“Cut!” Brad made both the actors turn to his side. 

Ian casually took a step away from Natalie, she the woman adjusted her hair while looking around. And they both were wondering why Brad halted them. 

“Natalie, your eyes should be in his. I want tears. As this is the climax, you need to give more emotions. The lip quivering, it should be there. During the next shot, show me ‘em, make it as realistic as possible,” Brad said looking at the two actors. 

Natalie, who played the role of Kiara immediately thought of doing the scene differently than she had done before. 

“If there’s one thing I’m really grateful for the cast in this movie, it is for how professional everyone is! I’ve experienced a lot of scenarios….” Brad paused before continuing and looked around to see everyone. His eyes met Ian’s. “I think you can relate with this, when actors think they’re doing the right thing and continuously keep doing it, instead of trying and changing their parts…!”

Ian chuckled immediately. 

Of course, he had met with such actors. It wasn’t just once or twice, but many times. Often than not, it was the side characters who behaved with such attitudes. Top listed actors who he had worked with, always had the attitude that was easy to coordinate in the set. Mainly all the actors had their own journey in the industry, which also made them humble to a certain level, including the fact to respect directors. 

“I get you!” Ian said and everyone on set laughed. 

“We’ll continue tomorrow, I think Ian needs to leave now,” Brad said and looked at Ian. 

Ian nodded immediately.

“Alright! It’s a wrap, everyone! Let’s start from here tomorrow. I hate breaking the flow, but we are all tired today. Have a nice night!” Brad said and everyone went their own ways.

Ian walked out of the set after changing into his usual suit. Now that he was a well-known persona in the industry and world, there was one thing that had changed from the beginning to now.

It was the fact that there were three bodyguards always roaming around him, whenever he went out. 

“Let’s go,”

This was something new for him as he always used to have his freedom whenever he went out.

But even though he always felt the presence of the ghosts, something Niko said stuck in his mind, “Just have them around, they won’t make any sounds. It’d be almost as if they don’t exist.”

Thus, Ian went along. 


The next day, the ride to the office was rather far away. Almost an hour, which was pretty far considering the daunting traffic at 2pm. The sun was an absolute nightmare. 

As Ian walked inside the walls of his second home; Renner Studio, all the eyes fell on him.

‘Am I looking better today, or what?’

For a moment, he forgot all his nerves about what the critics must have said about the movie premiere, and his worries filled with why the people were looking at him from a weird light. 

Some nodded in approval, and some others got into whispers.

Ian walked straight to his floor. 


The lift halted on the second floor and Niko got it. His eyes were on his phone, yet when he got in, his back faced Ian. 


As the guy realised who owned the voice, he immediately looked back. His eyes lingered on Ian's face for a moment. Ian frowned at how he looked at him. 

“Ian, you haven’t removed your makeup, and your lipstick is still on,” he mentioned making Ian's eyes widen. 

Niko’s expression was priceless.

“Oh shit, yes.”

‘That’s why all the weird eyes’

“I’ll clean up when I get to my office. Thanks. How are the reviews looking? Good, hopefully?” Ian asked, pausing in between.

Inside his head, he was praying that the reviews should be as how he expected, or else he’d have to lower the expectations that he had for the box office numbers or increase strategies with the movie release to local theatres.

Nevertheless, the reply Niko gave made Ian wonder more. 

“You’ll have to see for yourself. You’ll be surprised.”


[3.30 pm]

Ian finally got rid of the makeup, and with the little stains of water on his shirt, he sat in front of his computer. 

He logged in just to see what the critics must have said about the movie. And based on these critics, as usual, almost every movie fan out there decides if they’d be spending money to watch the movie. 

As he logged in to IAM, he saw so many comments and reviews. Then next, he logged in to the official website that they made for Inception. 

And oh, Ian’s day was about to get spicy. 


|| IAM - It’s A Movie! ||

INCEPTION: The reviews below are after the movie premiere. Await for the Inception release in your local theatres! (spoilers included, read at your own risk!)



2h 28min

Director: Ian Renner


Ian Renner keeps improving himself, with even more complex and multilayer scripts like this. And I thought Avatar was hard to reach by most of the viewers, but no. Inception will keep you mesmerized and captivated by the genius that's hidden behind it, And not just with directors and screenwriters (or in other words-Ian), but with acting and sound-and effects and editing as well.

When you have a cast like this, the movie just keeps going flawlessly... So the Oscar noms in those categories are a certainty for me, next year!

The only thing one could have against the movie is the headache one could have...The levels and the layers on which things are happening are so many, that one surely will miss something vital. This is a reason for not fitting to the mass audience, but I hope that won't happen because Ian is one of my favourite directors/writers, and he showed that the brainless action flicks aren't all of it. There are still movies like Inception out there and still, people like the Ian's make those movies, so it's not all lost. And I hope this movie could show the audience that the story is still important for the experience one could receive, not the endless, constant explosions. Because this is really a one-of-a-lifetime event.

Saying that I must say that in a world full of remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels and God knows what, this is a unique chance to see something different and unmatched so far-a strong movie, that surely will be Ian's latest masterpiece! My Grade won't change-it's the same for all Ian movies-sheer 10!



Finally, I watched Inception and I gotta say, the logic of this movie is terrible. It all works as sci-fi till you get to limbo, which is more like they've gone into a separate dimension. A "shared subconscious realm that exists outside of any individual's dream".  Just doesn't really make sense with all the rest of the logic of the film, which was pretty cool till then.

I also don't think people would have struggled with this film if it didn't explain all the rules of extraction and then half an hour later have to explain they've all changed.

Whoever recommended this got some explaining to do!!

Of course, if the "reality" they return to is a dream and everyone is a figment of one character's imagination it makes sense, but even this film would have struggled to pull off the "it was all a dream" ending. 😅 2/10!



This is one of the best movies of the century. 

Everything about it is so masterfully crafted, ranging from the plot development to the very scores used in the background and end credits. 

The movie is confusing at first and one has to keep up with the expositions about the dream world and its relationship with laws of physics and natural phenomena like time and gravity. But seeing how they all fall in place in the heist is so beautiful. Ian Renner is truly a master in the cinematic industry; I really appreciate the care, work and creativity put into his films.

I'd recommend this film for any lover of sci-fi who wants to get their mind bent for roughly 2 hours. A 10/10! 


As Ian read this, he understood one thing clearly. That was that things were going just as how he had expected. 

"Well, this is interesting," he said to himself and continued to read as much as reviews as he could. 




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