Hollywood King

Chapter 275 | Dream Movie Madness

| Dream Movie Madness | 

Inception was out. 

After months of hard work, and weeks of sleepless nights, the movie was finally in theatres. 

Almost everyone in the Renner Studio had high hopes for Inception. There were several reasons why people wanted Inception to hit the ceiling.

Ian personally wanted to see the true potential of his fans. He knew Inception was a movie that not all the fans would appreciate for its complexity and ending. But also he knew that the story would capture lots of eyes and the future for the movie would end with several awards, which he dreaded.

“Ian, there’s the Miracle Observer interview arranged,” Murphy said and walked in to see Ian who had gotten ready for the interview.

Miracle Observer had won the #1 newspaper article five years in a row. In Ian’s previous world, it would be a paper where artists such as Beyonce, or Tom Cruise would feature.

But on that day, they were about to interview Ian, for the biggest storm he created this year, from Inception. 

Because ever since the movie premiere, the celebrities who highlighted Inception through their socials made it obvious that the movie script itself deserves an Oscar or an Academic award for how good it was. 

Nevertheless, the release of Inception was promising. 

“Good morning, Ian. You have thirty-two calls, and two meetings scheduled for the next week. There are directors in line, and, oh, John called too. He wanted to talk to you about Real Estates, and… uh, Raelynn wished you luck…” Murphy said and took a huge breath in. 

“Oh, okay. Tell her to wish her the same, she must be on the set right?”

“Yes sir, I’ll update you with Real Estates very soon.”

Ian nodded and his hands automatically went to his forehead. 

“Is there something wrong sir?” Murphy asked as Ian looked worried. 

“No, keep me updated about Inception for the next few days. I just have a lot of paperwork right now-”

“I can help…” Murphy offered.

“I’d appreciate that, thank you.”


14th August 2021. 

[Small town - LA]

Liana Cameron and Kevin Jonathon waited outside the mall, waiting for their friend group to join them on their weekend night movie. The tradition of the weekend night movie had been going on for just three weeks now, and Liana already hated going out with them.

“They’re already late, K. I don’t think we should wait any more,” the gingerhead said looking at her boyfriend. 

She was annoyed, and irritated, and she felt every other emotion that yelled she didn’t want to be there. 

“Baby, it’s just two minutes past seven,” the guy sighed looking at his short girlfriend. “Let’s go inside?”

Liana took a brief glance at her boyfriend and thought that she had had enough of the friend group and her boyfriend. 

“What?” Kevin asked, curious about what Liana had to say. 

“I don’t like what they like to watch. And all the girls can agree. You guys bring your girlfriends along and make us watch action movies which are really not fair. I mean, do we always have to tag along? Urgh! K, no…!” she said and huffed in annoyance.

“Kevin! Li! Hii! Guys-”

“It’s not action today, Li. It’s Inception!”

Liana’s oval-sized face turned to look at her boyfriend immediately. She was shocked by what she heard. 

Was it true? Is it not action? Does that mean she gets to finally enjoy a hangout together? 

“What? Inception? The one Ian Renner released recently?” she asked, her interest finally showing. 

“Yea, Inception. The one and the only.”

The grin that covered her face made her boyfriend really happy.

“Alright! Let’s go inside and check if seats are available.”


The theatre was packed, and the group of friends squeezed into their seats, clutching their bags of popcorn and soda. The lights dimmed, and the previews began to play.

As the last preview ended, the group settled in, eager to watch Inception on the big screen. The opening shot of the movie filled the theatre, and the audience was transported into a world of dreams and subconsciousness.

As the story unfolded, the group leaned forward in their seats, captivated by the action on screen. The vivid imagery and mind-bending concepts left them gasping in awe.

At one point, a particularly intense scene had the entire theatre holding its breath. The main character, Cobb, was racing against time to complete his mission, and the stakes had never been higher.

As the tension built, the group's hearts were pounding in their chests. Suddenly, the sound of a phone ringing shattered the silence. The audience groaned in unison as someone in the back row fumbled with their phone, trying to silence the ringing.

The group exchanged exasperated glances, but the interruption didn't last long. The movie had them all too engrossed to be distracted for a long time.

As the movie reached its climax, the group was on the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the screen. The stunning visuals and heart-pumping soundtrack made for an unforgettable cinematic experience.

As the credits rolled, the group sat in silence, still processing what they had just witnessed. Finally, one of them spoke up.

"Wow, that was incredible," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Right? I didn’t think it would be this great! Ah, I’m shaking to the fucking core. This really can’t be this great… Ian is a fucking genius, what the fuck?” another friend said, and made it too obvious that he loved every part of the movie.

It was true, not just the group, everyone around them was still in awe of how good the movie was. It was almost as if they were taken to another dimension, for which everyone was shocked. 

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, still too stunned to speak. They all had a wild silence that covered their ears.

The silence was broken by yet another comment about how great the movie was. 

"That was the best movie I've seen in years," said another friend, breaking the silence.

“The thing is, in the end, I thought that this… what we’re living, can actually be a dream. Imagine someone else controlling us! Our every moment! Oh my God! That’s insane!” another friend among them said as they looked at each other in horror.

“Man, I feel like, this made us doubt our own existence!”

“Haha... No kidding!”

The group erupted into a lively discussion, dissecting each scene and trying to unravel the complexities of the plot. As they filed out of the theatre, they couldn't stop talking about the movie, each of them already planning to see it again.

When they walked outside, just like them, everyone else in the crowd enjoyed watching the movie, and every part of it. The people who the group walked with, had absolute chaos that spread among them—chaos about different movie scenarios that they loved and enjoyed.

It was a given that everyone loved the after-talks of a movie, especially when they go out in the crowd and still talk about what happened during the movie. That feeling was enjoyed and loved by almost every movie fan.

And after Inception, everyone enjoyed it. 

‘Inception shook the cinemas, the streets with the people in it’ 




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