Hollywood King

Chapter 284 | The Future

| The Future | 

Brad Crutchfield wanted the editing team to immediately get to post-production as he believed Kiara had so much potential to be released on his timeline that it could reach the audience on time. 

A few days later, the editors started to edit Kiara. 

[Post-Production Suite]

Editor 1, Editor 2, and Editor 3 sit in a dimly lit editing room, surrounded by computer monitors and hard drives. They are all intently focused on the screen in front of them, which is playing a rough cut of Kiara. 

Editor 1: "So, what do you guys think about the footage we have so far?"

Editor 2: "I think it's great. We've got some really solid takes to work with."

Editor 3: "Agreed. The cinematography is stunning. And the performances from the actors are amazing."

As they speak, Editor 1 leans forward to take a sip of his coffee, while Editor 2 scrolls through some notes on his phone. Editor 3 taps her foot nervously, looking up at the screen every few seconds.

Editor 1: "Yeah, but we still need to figure out the pacing. The film is a bit slow in places. We need to keep the audience engaged."

Editor 2: "I was thinking we could tighten up some of the scenes in the first act. Maybe cut out some of the exposition that isn't strictly necessary."

Editor 3: "That's a good idea. We could also play around with the order of the scenes to keep things moving."

Editor 1: "And what about the music? I feel like we need to find the right tone for each scene. It's a delicate balance."

Suddenly, the door to the editing room bursts open, and a frazzled-looking producer enters, holding a stack of papers.

Producer: "Sorry to interrupt, guys. I've got some changes from the studio that need to be incorporated into the film ASAP."

Editor 2: "What kind of changes?"

Producer: "They want us to cut the running time by 10 minutes, and add in a new subplot involving a romantic interest for the main character."

Editor 1: "What?! That's insane. We've been planning on this film, and now they want to make major changes?"

Editor 3: "But...if we want the movie to get made, we have to play ball, right?"

Editor 2: "She's got a point. Let's see what we can do with this new material. We might be able to make it work."

Editor 1 grumbles, but reluctantly nods in agreement.

Editor 1: "Fine. Let's get started on the changes. But we have to be careful not to compromise the integrity of the film."

The four of them begin to work feverishly, typing away on their keyboards and consulting with each other on every decision. As the hours' tick by, they watch as the film slowly transforms before their eyes, becoming something new and unexpected, but still true to the original vision.

In the end, they emerge from the editing room exhausted but exhilarated, knowing that they have created something special together. The film will premiere in just a few short months, and they can't wait to see how it will be received by audiences around the world.


[Renner’s Studio]

“... What? How did that happen?” Ian asked, looking shocked at what he was hearing. 

Raelynn and Will filled Ian in on what happened the other day at the set. As it was an important scene that they felt Ian should know.

Around the long table, people were sitting, all focused on Ian, and how he was listening to the story.

“Is Chad okay?” he asked again.

“Oh yes! The woman was quickly evacuated from the premises. Chad was a little shaken after that. I think a little security toughening would do good. Uh, Ian… What are you doing next?” Niko asked in front of everyone. 

“Hmm... First of all, it’s good you updated me on this. Tighten the security as soon as possible, around the set. If a person can easily come through and hug the lead of our movie, anything can happen tomorrow… And, what do you mean by asking what I’m doing next?” Ian asked back from Niko. 

“I mean, your next movie. Or are you going to take a small break?” 

“Nah, I’ve a few projects in my mind. I’ll take a break next year.”

“A movie?” Niko asked back.

Raelynn’s chuckle grabbed the attention of everyone.

“I mean… Isn’t that what the whole world wants to know?” She asked.

“True... Let’s leave it to him. Anyways, how is Netflix doing?” Niko asked.

“Invite all the executives to the meeting.” 

“On it.


Raelynn, Ian, and Sarah sat in the conference room, waiting for Ryan to give his update on the success of their new streaming service.

"Thanks for being here, everyone," Ryan said as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. "I'm happy to report that our launch has been a huge success. We've already exceeded our subscriber goals for the first quarter."

Raelynn and Ian exchanged a relieved look. "That's fantastic news," Raelynn said with a smile. "And what about user engagement?"

Ryan nodded. "We've been seeing a lot of activity on the platform, with users spending an average of two hours per day on the site. Plus, our original content has been performing particularly well."

Sarah leaned forward. "That's great to hear. Which shows are getting the most views?"

Sarah and Ryan were two people who were working solely on Netflix. 

Ryan checked his notes. "Well, our new crime drama 'The Last Menu' has been a huge hit, as well as our romantic comedy 'Falling On Him.' And of course, the classic movies section has been really popular too, with 'Rain Forsake' being one of our top-viewed films."

As they sat in the conference room, Ian couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as Sarah began to give her update on Netflix's success.

"So far, we've had millions of subscribers sign up," Sarah said, beaming with excitement. "And our original content is doing incredibly well. The shows and movies we've produced in-house are getting rave reviews, and people can't get enough."

Ian leaned forward in his seat, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "That's amazing, Sarah. I knew launching Netflix was a good idea, but I never expected it to take off like this."

Sarah nodded, her smile widening. "It's been a wild ride, that's for sure. But I have to give credit where credit is due - without your vision and leadership, Ian, none of this would be possible."

Ian's cheeks flushed with pride, but before he could respond, Ryan spoke up.

"And how is our film doing on the platform?" he asked, his eyes fixed on Sarah.

Ryan was a director, and with his private request, he was able to stream a movie directed by him on Netflix. 

Sarah's expression turned serious as she glanced down at her notes. "Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that it's definitely getting a lot of views - in fact, it's one of our most-watched films on the platform."

Ryan's face lit up with excitement, but he could sense the 'but' coming.

"The bad news is that the reviews are... mixed," Sarah said carefully. "Some people love it, but others are saying that it's too slow-paced, or that the ending is unsatisfying."

He could feel his heart sinking as he heard the criticism. He had poured his heart and soul into the film, and the idea that some people didn't like it was devastating.

But Ryan's expression remained resolute. "Well, we can't please everyone," he said firmly. "As long as people are watching and talking about it, that's all that matters."

Raelynn couldn't help but admire Ryan's confidence and positivity, even in the face of criticism. She knew that he was right - not everyone was going to love their work, but as long as they were creating something they were proud of, that was what mattered.

"I agree," she said finally, offering Ryan a grateful smile. "And we can always take the feedback into consideration for our next project."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We're always learning and growing as a company, and that's what sets us apart from the rest."

The group fell into an easy conversation then, discussing upcoming projects and brainstorming new ideas. 

And as Ian looked around at his team, he knew that he had made the right choice in launching Netflix - because there was no one he'd rather create with than these talented, passionate people.

As they continued to discuss their plans for the platform, Ryan couldn't help but feel grateful to be part of such a talented team. With their success so far, the future was looking brighter than ever.




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