Hollywood King

Chapter 287 | Mr. Bob’s Live Show II




“Hello! Hello! Hello! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome you all, all around the world… to Mr Bob’s live show! Also known as… Me! I’m Mr Bob, everyone!”

The cameras were rolling, and Ian could feel the eyes of millions of viewers watching him from their living rooms.

"So, Ian," said Mr Bob, turning to him with a grin. "You're not just a celebrity, actor, or writer, but a director as well. You've worked on some pretty big projects, like Inception. And…” The crowd erupted in a big round of applause. “And, imagine winning an Oscar as soon as you get into the industry!”

“Ah, thank you… Thank you, everyone!”

Mr Bob gave depth to his words which made the crowd go wild. And Ian knew that 

“Ian, my main question for you today would be, what was it like directing such a groundbreaking film?"

Ian chuckled nervously, feeling a surge of excitement and pride at the mention of his work. "Well, it was definitely a challenge," he said. "But I had an amazing team of talented actors and crew members who helped bring the story to life."

Mr Bob nodded in agreement, then turned to the camera with a smile. "And speaking of bringing stories to life," he said, "Ian has also written several books! But more of the scripts… Which made him come here today! And many places that a new director could hardly think of… And, I’d stop calling him the new director, because I feel like he is not so new anymore!”

“I’d rather say, I don’t feel new here.”

Ian said and looked around. 

The bold man, with a vintage suit, holding his cup of coffee, looked at the audience. He paused for a moment before doing so. Everyone went silent at his actions, as all the cameras were focused on him. 

“How exactly do you do it? I swear to God, I’m not asking you about these things to give hints to fellow directors!”

Although Bob was joking, Ian shifted in his seat, feeling a sudden rush of nerves. 

He had never been comfortable talking about his creative process, preferring to let his work speak for itself. "Uh, well, I don't really have a set process," he said, trying to sound confident. "I just let the ideas come to me, and then I work to flesh them out and bring them to the page. And then from pages, I show it to my team. At first, Uncle Mason was my pillar. He would look at my scripts, and would tell me how good or bad they are."

“How many have been bad among them?” Bob asked curiosity at its peak. 

“Haha... None.”

The crowd gasped in awe. 

“None?!” Bob asked and clutched his heart.

“Yes, none of them were bad. But there were a few that I’d say were not good enough… For me. So, I never presented them. My only shot in the industry was my uncle, so I couldn’t risk it, by giving him things that aren’t even good enough for me.”

Mr Bob leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with interest. "And what about your latest movie, Inception?" he asked. "It's been getting rave reviews. What inspired you to write that particular story?"

Ian smiled, feeling his nerves beginning to fade as he settled into the conversation. "Well, I've always been a fan of the fantasy genre," he said. "And Inception… The concept was something that made me actually wonder how it would be on the screens. Would people love it? Would they hate it? But as a sci-fi fan, I felt that I would want to watch it. So, I went ahead…."

As the conversation continued, Ian found himself relaxing into the rhythm of the show. The cameras moved smoothly around the set, capturing every angle and moment, and Ian couldn't help but feel impressed by the precision and skill of the camera crew. He knew that this was where his true passion lay - not just in writing or directing, but in the art of bringing stories to life on the screen.


[At a certain household in Los Angeles, California]

“Nisha, he’s coming on live today… Can you believe it? Ah! The man of my dreams! His eyes… Ian can kill me, and I’d say, thank you! He’s just so wonderful!”

Two friends, Nisha and Elina sat side by side, looking at their laptop screen, which was comparatively smaller than the TV screen, in their living room. 

“Let’s go to the living room and watch… I just feel like we’ll enjoy it there more.”

The girl with blue hair strands looked at her friend and her ridiculous idea in confusion. 

“How are we supposed to sleep then? Where is your brain? Come, sit here.”

Both the women sat next to each other and started to play Ian’s interview. Unfortunately for them, it was a commercial ad. The interview had already begun, and so was the first commercial break of the live show.

How unlucky can a pair of girls be? 



On the screen, it showed a woman walking into a coffee shop and ordering a cup of coffee. 

The tall, white woman talked to the barista and asked, “Can I please have a medium latte?”

“Sure thing. That'll be $4.50.”

The woman handed the barista a credit card to pay.

The screen faded out. The scene next cut to the woman sitting at a table, who was enjoying her coffee. 

Voiceover: Do you know how much you spend on coffee every year?

The woman looked surprised and a little bit guilty.

Voiceover: At $4.50 a cup, that's over $1600 a year. But what if we told you that you could save money and get your coffee fixed at the same time?

The scene then cut to a man sitting at a desk, typing on his computer.

Man: [to the camera] Hi there. I'm the founder of BrewShare, and we're on a mission to help coffee lovers save money and enjoy great coffee.

Then again, the scene cut back to the woman, who looked intrigued.

Man: [voiceover] With BrewShare, you can join a community of coffee lovers and get access to our monthly coffee subscription box.

It showed a coffee subscription box with various bags of coffee inside.

Man: [voiceover] Each box comes with a selection of hand-picked coffee blends from around the world, and you can choose your own delivery frequency.

Then it showed the woman clicking through the BrewShare website on her phone.

“This looks great! I'm definitely signing up,” she said to the camera. 

The screen showed the BrewShare logo and website URL.

Man: [voiceover] Join the BrewShare community today and start enjoying great coffee and savings.


“Oh here! It’s starting!”

“Hello, Bob fans!” Mr Bob yelled as the crowd applauded again. “We’re here again, with none other than our very famous… Very well-known director… Ian! Renner!”

Elina squealed in happiness, while Nisha quickly covered her ears.

“What the fuck? Calm down!”

“Nisha! Look at him! Oh my God! He’s so surreal! How old do you think he is?! He's a genius for being such a… creative person! I want to meet him someday! He lives in LA too, right!”

“Elina, hush. They’re talking!”

“So, Ian! We found some images of you and Raelynn, your director… Kissing!”



Ian chuckled, noticing the audience’s reactions. 

“I mean, the pictures speak for themselves? Don’t they?”

“What??! He really is taken?! Oh no! Ian!” Elina gasped dramatically and fell on the bed. 

“That’s a fact now! Let’s move on….”

The crowd took a moment to share reactions, and so did Elina. She felt as if her world shattered seeing the couple share an intimate kiss. The couple included the man of his dreams. Nisha looked at her horrifyingly knowing that she was more dramatic than anyone could ever be. 

“Let’s talk about your next project… What is it? C’mon! Give us something!" Bob said with hope in his eyes. 




||__A word from me__||
-vote! your votes motivate me to write daily, and seeing HK reach up in rankings, it motivates me to do better, every day. 

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