Hollywood King

Chapter 290 | Real Estate!

The buzz of Ian’s show was all around the world! He had expected it to come when he first accepted the request to be on the show by Mr Bob. 

“I knew it, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but your reach for social media increased by sixty percent!” Maxin said while looking at his phone and analysing data.

Maxin was the PR manager for Ian, and many projects of Renner Studio. Although there was an entire team under him who worked on every project, when it came to Ian and his social figure, Maxin maintained it by himself. 

“That’s good news, no?” Ian asked and everyone nodded. “Okay, now let’s focus on what’s more important and in our hands. How is Real Estate going on?” 

“Well, our predictions are that-” 

Gar started to say what he was thinking but Ian stopped him halfway. 

“I don’t need predictions, Gar. I need to know what’s happening for sure. Because the rest of the three weeks are important if we’re going to release Real Estates on my timeline.” 

“Why are we hurrying it though?” 


The eyes turned to Gar as Will shook his head understanding how he probably messed up with his questions. 

Gar hadn’t been actively participating in Real Estate considering there were several other projects that he needed to invest his focus and time on. But, Will continuously was on set with Raelynn trying his best to make things look perfect.

“What’s the need to hurry? I’ve realised that all your projects have an extreme rate of release. How does that work for you? And why is that?”  

Ian frowned at the question but quickly composed himself.

It was a fair question. And it was a question that many people wanted answers for. When a director normally takes years to finish a project, Ian does things rather quickly, consistently and easily. Too easy for the eyes of others. 

“Good question,”  Ian said and stood up from his chair, grabbing all the attention from everyone. Gar and Will sat side by side, while to their opposite there were several other executives in the studio. 

“So?” Gar pushed further.

“Yeah, the thing is, if you know and have seen how the releases of the movies that are directed by Renner Studio continue, I believe you also see the success of it, right? How successful are all those movies? Take Inception for an example,” 

“Yeah, what you’re saying is true. I can see that. But why? Are you so unsure about yourself and your projects that you’ve to quicken the process?” 

Ian chuckled at his question.

“Not really. But, would you answer my question? Why do you believe that I’d slow down things when I know how they’d go? If I’m so sure about my projects.”

Gar’s eyes widened. 

Will, Gar and Ian had never had such intense moments. Especially Gar and Ian, as Will was the troublemaker at first. But, the rest of the team who participated in the conference felt as if the temperature of the room increased by a few several degrees of how Gar looked at Ian and vice-versa.

“So, you’re telling that?” 

“I’m telling you that I’ve a plan for every project I take on. No matter if I direct or not, being the producer gives me the rights and the responsibility to have so.” 

“Understood, Mr Renner.” 

Ian gave a brief nod, calming everything down. “Let’s focus on what’s more important. Talk about the next two weeks, and then the next three months.”


[On Set - Real Estates]

Raelynn Sawyer called for a break as the crew prepared for the next scene. Ian, the producer, and his ever-loving boyfriend approached her with a smile. "Great job so far, Rae. How's everything going?"

Raelynn wiped the sweat from her forehead and let out a deep breath. "It's going well, but I'm a bit worried about this next scene. It's a pivotal moment in the movie, and I want to make sure we get it just right."

Ian nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, you've got this. And if you need any help, just let me know."

As the actors took their places for the next shot, Raelynn gave some final instructions to the cameramen and the lighting crew. "Alright, everyone, let's make this one count. Action!"

The scene began with the real estate agent, played by the talented up-and-comer named Chad, sitting alone in his office. He stared blankly at his computer screen, clearly lost in thought.

Suddenly, the door to his office burst open, and his boss stormed in, his face twisted in anger. "What's the matter with you, Harley Ronin? You've been slacking off lately, and I'm getting complaints from clients."

Harley Ronin looked up at his boss, his eyes filled with determination. "I'm sorry, sir. But I can't do this job anymore. I've realised that my true passion lies in helping people find their dream homes. And that's what I want to do with my life."

The boss scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "Passion? Do you want to throw away a stable career for some pipe dream? You're making a huge mistake, Harley Ronin."

Harley Ronin stood up from his chair, his eyes blazing with determination. "Maybe I am making a mistake, sir. But it's my mistake to make. And I'd rather take a chance on my dreams than spend my life doing something I hate."

The scene ended with Harley Ronin storming out of the office, his boss left standing there, shaking his head in disbelief.

As the director called "Cut!", Ian walked up to Raelynn with a grin. "Wow, that was incredible. You really captured the emotion of that moment perfectly."


Raelynn turned to Will and Gar with a smirk. "You know what they say about real estate agents, right?"

Will and Gar shook their heads, intrigued.

"They're just like sharks," Raelynn continued, "always on the hunt for their next big score."

Will chuckled. "I don't know about you guys, but I've never seen a shark in a suit and tie."

Gar jumped in. "Or carrying around a briefcase."

Raelynn grinned. "Hey, you never know. They might be undercover agents."

Will raised an eyebrow. "I guess that would make them real estate sharks."

They all burst out laughing as the camera starts rolling again.


As Raelynn, Will, Gar, and the cast and crew continued filming the scene, the shooting came to an end for the day. 

“It’s a wrap, everyone! Let’s pack up, and start moving!” Will yelled across the set. 

Everyone started packing up, while people gathered in different areas. 

"Hey, did I tell you guys about the time I accidentally walked onto the set of a porno shoot?" joked one of the crew members, eliciting laughter from everyone.

Gar interjected, "I think we'll stick to filming our PG-rated real estate movie, thanks."

The cast and crew continued to work together, making small talk and sharing laughs in between packing. Raelynn watched from her director's chair, feeling proud of the team she had assembled.

As they prepared to get out of the set, the lead actor, Chad, turned to Raelynn and asked, "So, Raelynn, what's the biggest challenge you've faced as a director?"

Raelynn thought for a moment before answering, "Honestly, it's probably just managing all the different personalities on set. Everyone has their own ideas and opinions, and it can be tough to balance that with my vision for the film. But at the end of the day, it's all about collaboration and working together to create something great."

The actor nodded in agreement, and they moved on from the ridiculous topics with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Since the sun began to set and the day's filming came to a close, Raelynn gathered the cast and crew for a brief speech.

 "I just want to say how proud I am of all of you. Today was a long day, but we got some great footage and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Let's keep up the good work, and remember, we're all in this together."

The team cheered and applauded, and Raelynn smiled, feeling grateful to be surrounded by such a talented and dedicated group of people.

“And I really hope that this should all go well!”


“Thank you!!”

“You’re a great director!”

“Proud of us!”

“Real Estates is really going to be a great movie!”

“We got this!”

Cheers, whispers and talks were shared among the crew as everyone felt the energy among themselves. 




a/n; i'll first bring in Jennifer Lawrence, then we'll bring more actresses. 

vote, everyone! that's the only thing i ask.

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