Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

Chapter 863 863: Drastic Steps

Chapter 863 863: Drastic Steps

The undercurrents within Ember were undergoing a significant shift, all thanks to Karyk's calculated moves. The two families that had been locked in a bitter rivalry had suddenly ceased their fighting.

The heads of the two families met to discuss the mysterious messages they had both received. Although they had no knowledge of the sender, they found some truth in the contents of these messages.

It was truly peculiar that the Frostheart Family had launched an attack during the negotiations. It seemed as though someone had manipulated the situation from behind the scenes.

The deaths of the envoys added to the strangeness of the situation. Instead of returning to deliver the message, the two envoys had inexplicably killed each other.

Furthermore, their bodies had not been returned. The only information they had was a message from the Starfall Family explaining what had transpired.

This turn of events brought the two families together in their suspicions. They also understood why the Royal Family might be trying to destroy them.

"To think that they would employ such a scheme against us!" exclaimed the head of the Frostheart Family, his eyes filled with rage. "I will obliterate the Starfall Family and all those who aid them!"

The head of the Silverthorn Family agreed, acknowledging that while they couldn't afford to antagonize the Royal Family, the Royal Family also couldn't afford to lose control of the city, especially with war looming. They were determined not to let this situation go easily.

Both families decided to join forces and negotiate the terms of their alliance. They agreed to divide the available resources evenly between them after victory.

With the agreement reached, the prisoners from each side were released.

Ember had now become a powder keg, on the verge of exploding. The Frostheart and Silverthorn families, united against the Starfall Family, were determined to seek revenge and regain control.


The Starfall Family Head was walking back and forth, carrying a deep frown on his face.

"This doesn't feel right. Why did they stop the war? Why are they secretly meeting each other? Something doesn't seem right!"

The Envoy from the Royal Family was also confused. Since the Family Heads of the other two families had been directly involved, even he couldn't sneak into their meeting to find out what they were discussing.

It's been over a day and there were no battles. Something truly felt out of place, especially since he had finished all his preparations.

"I don't feel good. It's really annoying when I don't know what they're doing there!" The Starfall Family Head exclaimed, glaring at the Envoy from the Royal Family.

"You must find-" he exclaimed, but before he could finish, the door opened. A man rushed inside, "L-lord!"

"What's the rush?!" The family head frowned. "Have you forgotten manners?"

"I-it is urgent! The two families.... T-they have surrounded our territories!" the man exclaimed. "They're forcing their way in, killing our men!"

"What?!" The Starfall Family Head exclaimed in shock.

Even the Envoy was stunned, not expecting something like this. What was even stranger was that his men hadn't returned.

He had sent them to keep an eye on the movements of the two families. If they were going to surround them, he should've already been informed about it. But none of his men returned. It was as if his men were killed already.


Karyk stood outside the Royal Territory. It took him a total of seven days to get to this place, the journey being longer than he expected.

He had faced many troublesome things along the way, from treacherous terrains to unpredictable weather. But now, as he stood at the edge of the Royal Territory, he felt slight relief. He was finally here.... The home of people that he had to destroy.

The Royal City of Elziria, the capital of the kingdom, stretched out before him, its grandeur visible even from a distance.

The city's towering walls, adorned with intricate carvings and glistening with gold accents, exuded an air of majesty that was unparalleled.

Karyk couldn't help but feel that the city was similar to the Royal City of Celestial Dynasty in many ways, but also different in some others.

This City looked much more grand and majestic, with a unique architectural style.

Karyk looked at the gates of the Royal City which was the only point of entrance. The entire city was surrounded in a barrier that was similar to what had sealed the Forest where he had appeared first.

Looking at the barrier, he had a feeling that the entire city was under a similar if not more powerful seal.

The entire continent lacked the Elements from his Worlds. However, it was even worse within the barrier which made it even harder for him to use his complete strength.

As he was observing the city from a distance, he saw the gates of the city open. Multiple strange vehicles came out from the gates.

There were hundreds of vehicles, all armored and surrounded by a magical barrier that made them even safer.

Within the vehicles, he saw many purebloods. There were over a thousand of them, leaving the city. As for their destination, Karyk had a feeling that he knew perfectly well where they were going.

"Looks like the Frostheart and the Silverthorn Family didn't disappoint me," he muttered, as he watched the vehicles disappear from his sight.

The Royal Family had sent their armies to quell the unrest within the City of Ember. They had planned everything perfectly, to the point where they wouldn't have needed to send their army.

Everything would've been handled by the Starfall Family after the other two families weakened themselves. But everything had fallen apart when the two families instead turned against the Starfall Family, destroying them in response.

The Starfall Family had been destroyed, their Family Head imprisoned by the two families. Only the Envoy of the Royal Family had barely managed to escape while hiding his identity. He was also the one who informed the Royal Family about the plan going sour.

With the city of Ember in chaos, the Royal Family had no choice but to take more drastic steps and interfere openly.

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