Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

Chapter 865 865: Just the two of us

Chapter 865 865: Just the two of us

The Emperor let out a sigh. "One can never be too certain. You know who we work for. The moment we fail, we will lose everything."

"I know that we won't fail. I have faith in your leadership. Moreover, with the barrier gone, it's only a matter of time before we are able to invade that world," the woman replied.

"We were even able to defeat the Celestial Dynasty which was more dangerous than that realm can ever be."

"If we didn't lose that, how can we lose now? Especially since we have grown even more, thanks to 'their' blessings."

She further added. "Most of the Divine Gods of that realm are already dead and their Divinity free to be taken. What does that world even have that can stop us now?"

"That world has a variable that the Celestial Dynasty didn't," the Emperor said, looking out the window. "And it's a variable that is something which can't be ignored. Its existence alone is a threat for us."

"Moreover, we have killed most of the Divine Beings from that World, but we still failed to find the thing..."

The Emperor's voice was filled with disappointment as he thought about it.

"Our pawns managed to take over the Realm of Gods. However, they still weren't able to find it. As long as that thing still exists, our work will never be completed."

Hearing her brother talk, the woman couldn't help but get angry as well, thinking about that pawn.

"It's all our fault for selecting a man that useless. Not only did he not succeed in a way we wanted, but he even attacked me when I succeeded! He was a traitor amidst our mist! It's a pity that he died so easily. If I had more time, I would've loved to make him suffer!"

There are only three reasons they supported a man whose world was destroyed and he was left abandoned. They intentionally made him stronger so he could achieve these two goals.

One goal was to destroy the barrier that prevented them from stepping foot there. The man failed that goal repeatedly until they used Gabriel.

As for the second reason, it was because they wanted all the Gods who possessed Divinity in that realm to be killed. Since Karyk was alive, along with Caen and a few others, that meant he failed that goal as well.

As for the third goal, it was the most important. It was for him to enter the Realm of Gods, taking complete control of it so he could retrieve the thing they were after.

Although the third goal was half completed and they took over the Realm of Gods, but that thing wasn't found, which made it all useless.

"As the saying goes... If you want something done, you should do it yourself," the woman clenched her fist. "And soon, we will be able to do it ourselves and make our ancestors proud!"

"But until then, I want you to survive!" she glared at her brother, who she didn't want to be reckless anymore. "Maybe after we succeed, 'they' will grant us more blessings and remove the restrictions on our lifespans?"

"If that happens, you won't have to die! You would be able to live with me for an eternity!" she stated as she stepped closer to her brother.

She placed her arms around her brother's waist, getting closer to him. "And then, we would be together forever... You and me... Forever."

As she finished, her lips planted on his lips, slowly pushing him backwards until they were close to a bed.


Karyk walked inside the Royal City, accompanied by the Undead General. Most of the people didn't find anything suspicious about them.

Still, Karyk knew that if they were to come across a real General of the Royal Army or a shadow guard, it was only a matter of time before his identity was to come under suspicion.

Now that he was already inside the city, he found an empty alleyway, where he changed his appearance using a spell, disguising himself as an ordinary citizen. He also changed the identity of the General, along with the clothes.

With that, they could freely explore the city without anyone caring about them.

A proper disguise, he felt confident that he could navigate the city unnoticed.

He had already memorized a rough map of the Royal City which made it easier for him to know where the important places were.

As for finding the Royal Palace, it was something that even a child could accomplish as that was the only structure within the city that was visible from every corner of the city.

Once the disguise was complete, Karyk and the Undead General walked towards the Royal Palace, only to split apart in the middle.

While Karyk went towards the back of the Royal Palace, the General targeted the Western part of the Royal Palace.

After a certain point, none of them were able to go forward as there was a guarded parameter which was protected by many pureblood warriors of the Royal Army.

Fortunately, at that exact moment, a loud explosion resounded in the Western Part of the Protective Parameter. Someone had attacked the western part. And that person was strong as he was able to push through.

Even the guards from the other Areas heard the explosion, rushing towards the Western area.

Only a few guards were left behind protecting the Ancestral Graveyard of the Royal Family.

"Since he's having fun, it's about time I start having some fun as well," Karyk smiled as he also took action. With most of the attention shifted towards the Western Area, he could freely move now.


The Emperor and his sister were in the bed, void of any clothes when they heard an explosion. The Emperor stood up, looking towards the west.

"Someone is attacking us?" He frowned. It was the first time something like this had happened.

He didn't realize that the Eastern Side was also attacked. Just that there were no loud explosions. However, the damage to the western side was even higher and purebloods were actually getting killed.

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