Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

Chapter 873 873: Welcome party

Chapter 873 873: Welcome party

She decided to take things in her own way. The reason she didn't tell Karyk the way to break her seal was because she didn't want to scare him with this impossible task.

To break the seal, they needed the blood of hundreds of thousands of Purebloods. Just gathering so many of them was hard in itself, let alone without letting the Emperor find out.

Fortunately, Karyk solved that problem without even realizing. Not only that, he sent the Purebloods in the land of Chaos so they could train.

Instead of training them, the Puppet Master exhausted them with endless battles against the undead before slowly controlling the Purebloods, turning them into his puppets.

There were some who resisted, which ended up in a flight that he wanted to avoid. The Puppet Master won the fight against the inexperienced Purebloods, albeit not without getting hurt.

At times, he even felt like he was going to die, especially when the assassin who Karyk supported joined the battle.

"I didn't fail you, My Queen." The puppet master muttered, glancing in the direction of the Celestial Palace.

He recovered his strength after resting for over a day. Unlike Karyk who wasn't from this world, he could recover his strength with time. Even the heavy wounds on his body slowly healed with time.

"It's time for you to be free..." After he finished healing, he stood up. He went deeper inside the forest, followed by the Purebloods Puppets.

"Soon, we will be free from this seal," the Queen muttered as she glanced at the thread around her wrist.

"As for you... It's only a matter of time before you accept my offer, unless you want to die and lose your world forever. I await your response..."


Karyk sat inside the deepest chamber in the ancient tomb, surrounded by the Pureblood Undeads that he had created.

He didn't understand why the Empress was suddenly so hostile, as if she didn't need his help to free her. He wasn't sure if she was serious or bluffing. In any case, he knew he didn't accept her offer.

He was stuck between the rock and a hard place. He could either sacrifice all the Undeads that he had created and try to escape from the city, or he could accept her offer. The latter was absolutely impossible.

"I don't know why you're behaving like this, but you will regret this decision." Taking a deep breath, he stood up.

He had made up his mind on what he had to do. Even if most of his strength was exhausted, he had to survive. The fate of his world depended on him.

Even if he had to sacrifice all the Undeads he created, he was willing. However, just the thought of this sacrifice frustrated him. He was closer to death than he was to life.

" I'm sure you can already understand my thoughts." He stepped before the Undeads. "I would have preferred if things were different. But currently, I have no other choice. I need your help!"

All the Undeads nodded as they looked at their new master. It was as if they were glad that they could help their master even if they had to die right after returning to life!

"In that case..." Karyk stepped forward, lightly pushing the door.

The door that was almost impossible to open from the outside, opened easily with the slighted push when done from inside. It was as if the heaviest door had become the lightest.

Karyk expected to see an entire army waiting for him in the corridor, but strangely enough, the corridor was completely empty.

He soon found out why that was the case as he stepped above ground.

As far as his eyes could see, he saw the Purebloods Warriors of the Royal Palace. He was surrounded from every side.

It wasn't thousands, or hundred thousand warriors. Instead, it was millions. He didn't understand how the Royal City was able to gather so many warriors, all for him.

At the front of the army, there were the Shadow Guards, along with a woman.

"We meet again." Karyk smiled, looking at the girl who had entered the Upper Realm with Karyk. "Gabriel would've been very happy to meet you if he was here."

"It's you!" The girl wasn't any less surprised either. Karyk was the last person she had expected to see here.

It also made her feel more concerned since he was the only person who could kill a pureblood.

"Also, should I be happy that you've created such a big welcome party for me?" Karyk asked.

"Well, it's not every day we have visitors from distant lands. Consider it a gesture of hospitality," the girl replied, secretly telling the Shadow Guards to be careful of this man.

 "You don't look very good." The girl observed Karyk, whose face was pale and his breathing unstable. "Did you use too much of your strength here?"

As she thought of the possibility, her confidence grew. She knew that it was impossible for people from other worlds to recover their strength here, especially under their barrier.

At first, she was worried about Karyk but as she realized that he was weak, she felt happy to see him here.

"I must say, you solved us the trouble of chasing after you. Today, I will finish what I couldn't the last time I visited you."

"Are you sure you can?" Karyk asked, still not showing much fear. "How about you attack me and test for yourself?"

The girl scoffed. "Enough of your bluffing! This is my world, and we're the rulers here. You think you can fool us with that fake confidence?"

"If you want me to test, I'll be happy to!" A devilish glint flashed in the woman's eyes as she raised her sword, rushing straight to Karyk.

"If only you had fallen for it, things would've been so much easier," Karyk scratched the back of his head.

The girl appeared before Karyk. However, just as she was about to swing her sword, she saw a shadow coming out of the group, hitting her in the stomach to send her flying.

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