Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

Chapter 882 882: A gift

Chapter 882 882: A gift

"You're saying there was no portal at this place?" Karyk asked, slightly surprised.

He knew that the portal in the Central World had changed the location after the seal was broken with the opening of new portals. But it was different for this place.

It had been a long time since the seal was broken and the portals were still changing places? This made him slightly surprised.

That meant even the safest places could become the most dangerous at the time of invasion. No place was safe to be used as a shelter for ordinary people.

"There was none. I had properly checked the entire island," Gabriel answered, also realizing the implications of this information.

Karyk and Gabriel wondered if it was safe for them to even go to earth with Zena and the others.

At first, he wanted to leave Zena and others with Gabriel as he went to earth. But since no place was safe now, the only option left for him was to take them with him.

"In that case, all of us will have to go to earth," he told Gabriel, who nodded.


Gabriel walked towards the campfire to inform everyone, only to be stopped by Karyk who called out to him.

Gabriel stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

Karyk raised his hand, a beautiful sword materializing before him. The sword was made from materials that Gabriel hadn't seen in this universe.

"When did you listen to craft swords?" he asked. He could feel Karyk's aura inside the sword. It was evident that he had crafted this sword with his own essence.

"When I was in Elzeira, I learned a few things about the Elzeirans. I found out why I was able to kill them." He tossed the sword to Gabriel. "Keep it. This will help you kill them."

Gabriel raised his hand, grabbing the sword. The sword wasn't as strong as the Sword of Life that he had snatched from Caen, but if it was able to kill an Elzeiran, it became a lot more valuable.

"Through trials, I've managed to confirm. The reason I'm able to kill them isn't because I'm stronger than them. It seems to have something to do with my life essence," Karyk informed Gabriel. "I've created that sword for you. Next time you come across any, you can go all out."

Even though he didn't understand why his life essence made him able to kill the Elzeirans, it was information that he couldn't ignore.

He had already tested his theory when he killed the Purebloods in the Royal City with just that sword and nothing more.

Gabriel nodded and kept the sword safely. He didn't thank Karyk and just walked over to the group near the campfire, informing them that they were going to leave.


"You allowed him to escape?!" The Emperor's cold voice echoed in the hall, sending chills down the spine of the Generals.

Within a few hours, he was informed that Karyk had escaped through the portal, returning to his universe.

The Emperor couldn't believe how useless his people were. There were so many of them yet they couldn't stop a single man who was completely exhausted?

He was so furious that he wanted to put them all to death, but he controlled his anger as that was only a loss to his own army with the war drawing near.

"Four Generals were missing when we returned. I believe they chased after him. They might be able to bring him back...," one of the Generals spoke, keeping his head down.

"They might bring that man back?' the Emperor asked, his tone getting even more furious. "They couldn't stop him in our own world! You think they can defeat him when he's back in his home where he's much stronger?"

"Do you not understand the reason those four haven't returned?" he further asked. "It's more likely that they have already died!"

The Emperor's expressions were dark as he processed his thoughts. The sword was certainly taken by Karyk. At any cost, he wanted that sword back before the seal on it could be broken.

Unfortunately, the mortal world still wasn't ripe for their invasion. Sending his army there right now was more dangerous than anything else, especially with Karyk leading the other side.

The best opportunity was when they had finished converting the other universe by filling it with Elzeira's essence. They had already begun the process, but it couldn't be finished so soon.

Although the Emperor hated it, he knew he could only wait. If he was hasty, he could ruin it all. At any cost, he didn't want to disappoint the ones above.

He wanted to go to the Temple and ask the Statue what to do next.

Unfortunately, without his immortality, he couldn't even offer sufficient sacrifice of his blood. And if he wanted to bring her sister to the throne, he had to kill himself so she could inherit the throne and the blessing that came with it.

He was feeling lost without guidance. He really regretted sacrificing his immortality to turn Gabriel to his side, only to be betrayed later.

"You're all dismissed. I want to be alone." He stood up and left the chamber, without sparing a second glance.

If he had to die to get guidance, then he was willing to do it. For him, the future of Elzeira was more important than his own life!

He decided to enter the Temple of Archangel without his immortality. Even if he was to die, his sister could take the throne and lead Elzeira.

The Emperor went downstairs to the entrance of the Temple.

"Make sure no one disturbs me," he told his Shadow Guards who was hiding in the dark corridor. "And if I don't return without a few hours, tell my sister that I have passed away. She will be your Empress if that happens."

The Emperor opened the door of the temple and stepped inside, leaving only a single message for his sister.

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