Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

Chapter 912: Gabriel's Change

Chapter 912: Gabriel's Change

Deep within the river of blood, Gabriel's transformation continued to unfold. As the essence of the Elzeiran Purebloods merged with his own, his body underwent a profound metamorphosis. The power surged through his veins, infusing every cell with an otherworldly energy.

With each passing moment, Gabriel's physical prowess grew more formidable. His muscles bulged with newfound strength, and his senses sharpened to an unparalleled degree. He could now perceive the subtlest fluctuations in the environment, sensing the flow of energy around him.

But it wasn't just his physical attributes that underwent a remarkable change. Gabriel could feel a profound connection to the immortality of the Elzeirans coursing through him. Their eternal life force fueled his own strength, granting him the same level of invulnerability. He became a being that could not be easily killed.

And yet, there was more to his transformation. Karyk, witnessing Gabriel's acceptance of the blood and the essence, knew that he had to grant him even greater power. The only way for an Elzeiran to meet their demise was through a weapon infused with Karyk's new essence. And so, Karyk bestowed this essence upon Gabriel, removing the restriction that would otherwise bind him.

Now, Gabriel was not only immortal but also untouchable. No weapon, no matter how imbued with his own essence, could bring him harm. He had become an invincible being, capable of surviving any battle, no matter how dire.

As Gabriel remained submerged in the river of blood, Karyk observed with a mixture of pride and sorrow. He took solace in the fact that Gabriel would survive, regardless of the outcome of the impending war. But he also knew the weight of immortality, the burden of witnessing the end of civilizations and the passing of countless loved ones.

Karyk had experienced the loneliness that came with immortality firsthand. Yet, he believed it was a sacrifice worth making. For Gabriel to endure, to live on and protect the world, it was a necessary choice. And in doing so, Gabriel himself would find solace and purpose in their shared eternity.

"I apologize for burdening you with this," Karyk whispered, his voice laden with remorse. He knew that he, too, could absorb the blood and gain strength. But the potential within Gabriel was far greater than his own. He saw the opportunity for Gabriel to receive the blessings of the blood river, to unlock its secrets and harness its power.

As Gabriel's transformation progressed, the symbols etched upon his mysterious skeleton grew more pronounced. They shimmered with an ancient power, covering every bone and exuding an aura of indomitable strength. Gabriel had awakened the very essence of the world itself, a power that had lain dormant within him until now.

With his newfound abilities, Gabriel surpassed even the gods that the skeleton once belonged to. He embodied the essence of this world, becoming a force to be reckoned with. With every passing second, the blood in the river kept decreasing. It was compressed and absorbed inside the body of Gabriel. The essence of immortality from one person would have been enough to cover his heart. But with so much blood, every part of his body had absorbed immortality. Karyk had a feeling that when Gabriel stepped out of the river, even he couldn't kill Gabriel. But that was exactly what he wanted. Gabriel was a part of him. However, when he recovered his memory, he had created a new body for Gabriel's Ego. He had always regretted that he had to make that choice. This was a way for Karyk to repay Gabriel, making sure that he was even better than him!

After he finished the transfer of essence, he stopped and let the blood take care of the rest. With every passing second, the blood in the river decreased, until the entire river was completely empty.

Gabriel was lying on the floor of the river, his clothes tainted red with blood. If anyone saw him, they would have thought that he had died, not knowing that it wasn't his own blood. "I'll bring him back myself." Karyk stopped his undead who were about to go down to bring Gabriel out. He jumped down, landing next to Gabriel, who was unconscious. The pressure of absorbing such dominant blood was too much for him, even if he was strong. The pain made him pass out, but he wasn't harmed. Karyk could see that Gabriel was only sleeping as his body completed the transformation. "From now on, you will bring this world to a new era, even long after I'm gone."

He picked Gabriel in his arms, before flying above. He reached the floor and carefully placed Gabriel on the surface. ****

The new Empress of the Elzeiran Dynasty was brought to the temple. She had been here many times, but she was never allowed to go past the guards. Only her brother was allowed. This time, she wasn't stopped though. The Shadow Guards respectfully greeted her, allowing her to get past them. She was the Empress. She had the permission to enter the Temple of Archangel established inside the Sect. "I am certain that you know how to contact them. Don't lose yourself when you see your brother's body. The first thing you need to do is greet them," the Leader of the Shadow Guards reminded the girl one more time. Now that the girl was the Empress, it was her responsibility to become the Envoy of the Archangels. The girl nodded. She pushed the door open, entering the dark chamber. The doors closed behind her and the multiple flame torches on the wall lit up on their own, remaining some of the darkness. 

In the dimly lit room, the Empress saw the statue of the great Archangel that she had only heard about. She was suppressed right away. This sight was truly more shocking than she could ever have expected. She felt her blood boil. Not far from the statue, she saw the corpse of her brother who had died while trying to contact the Archangels. She wanted to rush to him, but she controlled herself, remembering the warning. She first had to greet the Archangels and then think about anything else.

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