Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-1: Book of 777

"Edward! Aaahh, Edward–! Why are you so stupid?!" 

"Hoho, even people who believe in God do such ugly deeds... In that case, reading the Bible without understanding the real truth, will inevitably not make one attain the gospel."

"...blindly following the out dated precepts of the ancestors and giving up on your own thinking, these people are so pitiful..."

"One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must be already mad."

The boy named Edward Alexander Crowley whispered in a perplexed tone mixed with a tinge of mockery:

"...In this case, it is up to me to find out the truth, it is up to me to retrieve the road lost because of people's stupidity and blindness!" 

"... because I belong among the category of those who are already mad. huhuhu..."


Early Twentieth Century, 1919.

—London, England. 


A teenage boy put down the heavy book he had just finished reading on the old wooden table. Exasperatedly rubbing his forehead with his hands, he whispered tiredly: 

"Haaa... this book is really worthy as a 'Book of Magical Ways'. Just reading this 'Original Grimoire' is as painful as consuming brain poison, uff."

"If a normal person reads it, he will definitely be eroded by the 'poisonous' content and will either go crazy or die a hellish death."

"...Ha, sure enough, I'm not a normal person..? Or should I be grateful towards the 'sinful' blood flowing inside my veins? Haha."

The teenage boy, Roy Crowley laughed at himself mockingly, pushing up himself, he got up from the chair and took a deep breath to calm down his chaotic mind, putting a stop to his coherent train of thought. 

Twisting his neck to loosen the stiff neck muscle, he turned his attention to the surroundings. A slightly old apartment, with some old furnitures arranged orderly. 

The furnitures were wiped clean, the few decorations on the walls were also cheap but unique, and there was a small potted plant placed on the window sill.

There were no objects of luxury and comfort inside the room. The most valuable thing was the bookcase densely packed with books placed in the corner of the room. 

From the furnishings of the house, it can be seen that although the owner of the room is not someone impoverished, he is absolutely unrelated to the word 'wealth'.

But, Roy was very satisfied with his 'cozy little hut'. In early twentieth century just after the end of World War I, being able to live in the residential area of London with his sister, instead of dwelling in slums was already a blessing for him. There was nothing more he could possibly ask for. 

I don't know if I should thank the father who I have never met, or the mother who died not long after giving birth to us siblings?

Ah, I should probably be thankful to the mother. Although this biological mother was not able to nurture us, it was more of a force majeure.

As for the existence called father, he may have even forgotten us siblings.

Fortunately, Roy was a reincarnator who already had some work experience before his reincarnation. 

Although the life from scratch after reincarnating into another world was difficult, he still worked it out somehow. With his own maturity, he brought up his sister smoothly.

Thinking about this, Roy looked at the book on the table and grazed the rough cover with his fingertips with a complex expression on his face. 

The cover showcased a cold and antique touch, but the book looked very new, without any historical heaviness, but if this book is thrown into the magic world, it will definitely cause a sensation among all the magicians. 

—Book of 777

—Author: Aleister Crowley

"A Certain Magical Index... Toaru..."

Roy murmured slowly, then shook his head helplessly.

Soon after he reincarnated into this world, he already knew which world he had reincarnated into.

He is very familiar and unfamiliar with the world of 'A Certain Magical Index' at the same time. 

Familiar, because he has seen this anime before. Although he can't recall many minute details, he does remember some general plot of the anime anyway.

Unfamiliar, because he seems to have transversed a 'little bit' earlier before the start of the plot. 

To be specific, a whole hundred years in advance! 

Let's not talk about the all 'famous' Academy City. Even his father, Aleister Crowley, the big boss behind the scenes is still alive and healthy, rather then floating inside a nutrient tank like a hanged man.

At this point of time, when interpersonal relationships between different characters are unfamiliar and the various forces are even more unfamiliar to him. 

Roy did not went out to mix in the magical world to die, but choose the most correct decision, which is to be live a simple, honest life with his sister in this shabby London apartment. 

Roy didn't have any thoughts of visiting Aleister Crowley either, he even wished that this father of his could roll out as far as he could. 

If his memory was not wrong, currently Aleister Crowley was being chased by the magicians, churchs, magic cabals, magic gods, in fact, he was being pursued by everyone.

At this time, the thing most desirable to any magic user in this world is– Aleister Crowley's death! It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the enemy of the whole world.

If you dare to run out and say that you are Aleister Crowley's son, you betcha, you will have to face countless waves of magicians chasing after you like mad dogs, hunting you down day and night, it will be difficult for you to live a day more, no, even a minute more. 

Now Roy feels quite fortunate that Aleister has forgotten about their existence. Even as a father, he has forgotten his offsprings, let alone other magicians.

This gave Roy and his sister a relatively stable living environment.

Moreover, Roy can't do anything even if he wants to go out and do something. He has no innate superpowers, and at this time there is no Power Curriculum Program of the Academy City, so there is no question of even becoming an esper. 

Roy knows how to cast magic, but only a little. These magic were learned by Roy through self-study. 

He did not receive basic education in magic since he was a child. So, he could only rely on some of the magic books left by Aleister. 

Roy's mother should have been Aleister's close lover, and Aleister had definitely lived in this apartment, otherwise he would not keep so many of his books here.

The books in the bookcase were currently Roy's greatest wealth. And the most valuable of these wealth is the book lying on the table—"Book of 777".

In the Christianity, the number 7 has a great important, representing completeness and perfection.

God took 7 days to create the world, and he also took rest on the seventh day.

In the Book of Revelation, God listed 7 church. 

7 are the seven spirits of God. In the process of God's Day of Judgment, there are seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls and even seven plagues.

God gave Noah 7 days of grace. 

Solomon built the temple in seven years and there are even 7 biblical feasts. 

Jesus Christ spoke the famous 'Seven Last Words'. 

--Etc, etc.

'777' is the most important number in the Bible, and it has great magical power.

If anyone in the magical world lays his eyes upon the 'Book of 777', they will surely doubt that this is a holy book related to Christianity. 

In fact, what is recorded in this book is indeed some analysis and mysterious rituals of the Kabbalah, Tree of Life, and some Angel's name, it even possess content on astrology and divination.

(Note:  'Book of 777 ' actually exists in reality, and it was written by Aleister Crowley.)

But only Roy, who has read this book for more than ten years, knows that the knowledge recorded in 'Book of 777' are just the most superficial things on magic. 

What this book really explains are the thoughts of Aleister Crowley. It can be said to be Aleister's masterpiece, his true path of 'magick', as he describes it. 

What is recorded in this book is not mainly about the Kabbalah, the 'Tree of Life' at all, but the inverted tree twisted by Aleister, also known as the 'Tree of Evil', Qliphoth.

The Qliphoth is the completely opposite tree to the Kabbalah, covering another side of the world.

Though the Qliphoth is often interpreted as a 'Tree of Evil', being the inverse of the Kabbalah which is protected by angels, having demons as the guardians of its spheres, it's essence is not an absolute evil. 

With appropriate training and experience, it can assist in acquiring dangerous hidden knowledge found in the world.

However it will inevitably trip anyone who tries to view it with insufficient training or resolve.

'7' was originally the sacred number of the Christianity, but Aleister connects the '7' with the 'BEAST', so that this magical code became a book full of 'human evil', and the whole article is filled with paradoxes. 

Twisting the holy number, a act against God shows Aleister's arrogance! 

"He deserves to be called the 'Beast of the Apocalypse', 'the most evil man in the world', 'Beast666', this is simply abandoning the world created by God."

Roy exhaled heavily. Just thinking of the contents recorded inside 'Book of 777', made Roy feel a deep pain thumping in his head. 

The 'toxin' of the book describing the original sin, full of 'human evil' seemed to almost destroy his spirit. Dragging his soul inside a filthy and demonic, vicious swamp. 

At this time–

"Umu~ brother, I'm back!"

A sweet and pleasant voice came from outside the apartment door.


The starting chapters are obviously first time, so there are some little mistakes (typo or grammar). It obviously gets better as the chapters increases, the craft skill. You just go to the latest chapters and take a brief look. 

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