Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-17: First Temple

The Campione is the king, because he killed the Gods and seized the supreme divine power and authorities held by the Gods——


The Campione is an overlord, because of the power of Divine power he usurpered, he dominates the mortals on the earth——

The Campione is a devil king on earth, because no mortal living in the world has the power to compete with him, he does what he wills! 


In the sunny, arid desert, a young man was walking on the hot scorching sand, barefooted, he was wearing worn-out clothes on his body that looked like cloth strips. 

From the outside appearance, he looked like a desolate nomad lost in the desert, struggling to survive in this terrible natural environment with perseverance, wrestlinging against death. 

But if you look closer, you will find that this young man's face was full of energy, even under the scorching sun, there not a trace of sweat on his body, he is striding forward with his head held high like a glorious monarch. 

"Don't know where Metatron went. It is very likely that he has already moved far away from here."

The one who is walking in the humongous sea of ​​sand is naturally Roy who has just completed the great feat of killing a God. 

The Campione have a wonderful sense for the Heretic God. As long as the two sides are nearby, they will immediately sense each other.

Therefore, he walked through this vast desert in hopes of finding Metatron. Otherwise, he would have gone outside the desert way long before. 

Metatron was seriously injured in the battle with Michael. According to Roy's analysis on Metatron from myths and legends, he doesn't possess any Healing Authority.

If Metatron does not have a resurrection, immortality or healing Authority, it would take him a long period of time to fully recover.

So, this is the best time to kill Metatron and, Roy certainly doesn't want to miss this 'once in a lifetime' chance. As for mortal healing magic, it doesn't work either on a Campione or God due to their hefty magic resistance. 

It's just that, based on the current situation, he wasted too much time in killing Michael, and Metatron is very likely to have escaped far away.

Unless he possess a special Divine Authority, the difficulty of finding a god hidden in the 510.1 million square kilometers planet is beyond the ability of the even a Campione. 

Since Roy, as a Campione has marked Metatron as his 'prey', he would never let Metatron go. That 'Scribe of Heaven' has already become Roy's next killing target.

"It's impossible to find Metatron by myself. I need to gather enough manpower."

Roy rubbed his chin with his hand, now that he is already a 'devil king on earth'.

If he discloses his identity in front of the world, there will definitely be countless Mage Associations that will apply to become his loyal lackeys.

It is certainly best to create a organization by himself but, Roy doesn't want to waste that much time. 

With the absolute power of the Campione, he doesn't have to worry about the loyalty of his subordinates.

There is a famous saying in supernatural side of this world- 'Anyone who attacks, threatens or betrays a Godslayer, that one of them to be courageously suicidal, or completely, downright stupid.'

"Then decided, let's go to the Holy See, Catholic Church, Rome! The god I killed was Michael..."

"Today I am also the incarnation of Michael on earth, and it is exactly what the Religion of Cross should worship."

"My target of slaughter are Heretic Gods and I slayed the Heretic Archangel in the name of 'Michael', presumably this is also in line with the doctrine of the Religion of Cross, so, let them heartily do things for me!"

Roy clapped his hands and immediately decided his destination– the Holy See in Rome, Italy.

As for whether the Holy See is willing to be loyal to him, Roy has never thought about it. He is the devil king on earth, he does as he pleases, so he should do whatever he wants. 

Those who obey him shall prosper, those who deny him should perish. 

An old cliche saying, but a very fitting law in this world of Gods and their slayers. 

It is best if the Holy See is willing to serve him, and if not, Roy will have to do what a 'devil king on earth' should. 

"With the Authority of Michael to drop judgement, because the righteous Archangel can never be wrong!"

Roy chuckled slightly, his steps accelerated a little, he could already see some human signs. 

There is a Divine Authority in his <Holy Right> that can be used to travel at the speed of sound, but most of his powers are limited by number of times they can be used in a day. 

So, it would be a waste to use it to travel instead of fighting, so Roy choose to first look for people on foot and then travel to Italy by some means of transportation. 

Roy's right hand was tied with a red stained cloth strip as well as inserted in his pocket. The cloth strip is exactly the 'sacred shroud' he found in the magic workshop in the cave.

The reason why Roy did this is because among his seven Divine Authorities, the strongest Divine Authority involves the 'Who Is and Who Was and Who Is to Come ', the one and only True God of the Bibical Pantheon, God!

Also known by other names like– Yahweh, Jehovah, Ancient of Days, Holy Father, etc. 

However, there are many restrictions on this Divine Authority, but without doubt it is also extremely powerful, similarly, it is very difficult to control.

If it is not restricted, Roy will have a 'vision' appear on his right arm, so he wrapped his right hand with the sacred shroud, so the magical powers of the shroud will suppress the 'vision'. 

What appeared in front of Roy was a dune-like peak. The peak was not very high. There were many vehicles parked at the foot of the hill. 

Some people were exploring on the peak with many instruments as if they were doing some archeological work.

Some of the people who were busy at the foot of the mountain saw Roy, standing alone in beggar type clothes, but he was clearly not a local. 

They thought that Roy was a traveller who has lost his way. Anyway, no one will willingly to come to this place where even birds don't shit.

After some discussion among them, a man seperated from the group and walked towards him. 

"Hey, friend! I think you might need some help!"

He was a blond Western man, probably in his twenties, almost reaching to his thirties. He greeted Roy enthusiastically.

"Do you need a doctor? Or we can lend you a cell phone to contact your Embassy in Jerusalem."

The man was a little surprised when he saw Roy's face closer. He didn't expect Roy to be so young. From the outside, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. 

He had messy, long deathly silver-white hair and weird double pupil, his temperament felt very contradictory, like a man, a woman, a child, and an elder at the same time. 

The neutral face made it more difficult to judge his gender. These all characteristics made people looking at him feel a strong aura of mystery. 

"...That, or do you need to contact your parents?"

The blond, blue-eyed man hesitated slightly, because although Roy was poorly dressed, his face was full of energy and he didn't look like a lost, weary traveler at all.

"Thank you, but I think I only need a glass of water for now."

"Oh, please wait!"

The young man hurried to get the mineral water bottle from the camp. Somehow, the boy in front of him looked very young, but the way he behaved was like that of an adult. 

Oddly enough, the young man felt sincerely afraid, as if he saw a ferocious beast in the jungle. That was the fear instinct sent to him by his brain.

But Roy was more focused on the information that the man revealed earlier, he is in Jerusalem, Capital of Israel. 

After discovering the magic workshop in the desert cave that belonged to a Jewish mage as well as discerning the surrounding environment, made him somewhat estimate where he was, and now the blond Western man words finally gave him the needed confirmation.

"What are you doing here, Archeology? Digging up some archaeological site?"

Roy took the sip from from the bottle that the young man handed him and asked.

"Oh, yes, we are here to excavate this archaeological site. I am a doctoral student. I am here with my professor for archaeological exploration. Well, you know, to gain some experience."

Hearing Roy's question, the man's eyes lit up as he said incessantly.

It may be that he didn't got any useful work to do in the archeological team, he was so excited when someone was willing to listen to his professional knowledge. 

"The object of our archaeology is the Jewish 'First Temple', it is also the legendary Solomon's Temple."

"Although there are descriptions of King Solomon and his reign in the 'Hebrew Bible'. In fact, the sources about King Solomon excavated by archaeologists are very scarce."

"This makes many people wonder whether King Solomon really existed."

"...According to our research and exploration of ancient maps, this should be Mount Alma Torran, the hidden heart of Ancient Jerusalem."

"Traditionalists believe that the Solomon's Temple is located on Mount Alma Torran, but it was never found. Now we are looking for the remains of this temple."

Listening to the man's words, Roy nodded secretly, he was also interested by this 'First Temple'. 

"The Solomon's Temple? The Wise King Solomon? This is really interesting."

Roy looked up at the many people who were carefully digging the archaeological site on Mount Alma Torran.

Their actions were so cautious, as if they were afraid that they might destroy the site of their exploration if they applied a little bit more force. 

However, Roy didn't wanted to wait. He didn't care about the historical value of the 'First Temple'. The only thing he was interested in was the name 'Solomon'.

He gently lifted his foot to infuse the magic energy in his leg and then stepped heavily on the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Rumble——————"

The earthquake caused the ground to tremble and shake, the doctoral student in front of him fell to the ground due to instability. 

At the same time, the dune-like Mount Alma Torran began to shake, the sandy rocks began to fall off, the hill shattered and, a big crack appeared in the middle of the hill. 

Finally, the excavation site was going to show it's true from. 

"What's the matter? There was an earthquake?"

"Everyone be careful!!"

"The Mo-Mount Alma Torran is going to collapse.... this hill is going to collapse! Run!!"


Roy stared at the collapsing Mount Alma Torran with full attention, waiting for the temple ruins that might exist inside to show up. 

This move was Roy's only Authority among the seven Divine Authorities that has no time limit duration or other restrictions on use, it can be activated at any time as long as there is magical energy left in his body. 

The Divine Authority manifested from the ancient fighting technique recorded in the 'Hebrew Bible•Book of Genesis', the strongest technique that can wrestle with True Archangels— <Jacob's Limbs>!

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