Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-29: Distorting the ‘timeline’

"You have no healing powers, Metatron."

Roy suppressed his instinct that was urging him in desperately fighting with Metatron. He didn't like the beast-like fighting style of a Campione when confronting a Heretic God. 

On the contrary, Roy is a person who believes in wisdom and knowledge. Just like in ancient times human beings used to drink blood and ate raw meat to survive. 

However, people have used their wisdom to gradually evolve their way of survival. At first prehistoric humans were afraid of fire, but later they discovered the advantages brought by the fire. 

Humans began to used fire to cook meat, to provide warmth and to provide light in the darkness. 

Humans made weapons to make hunting easier. Humans made shelters because it provided them with protection against the forces of nature. 

Humans tamed animals to guard their homes as well as to help in farming and transportation. 

Humans have always been evolving— Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Middle Ages and now the Modern Age.

Humans are definitely not the most strongest or the most biologically adaptable species on earth. 

However, it was this species with no special physical qualities that survived in a hellhole like environment and became the 'ultimate winners' of evolution. 

Howbeit, what helped them in gradual progression was neither the sturdy scales nor the sharp claws or teeths. What assisted them was the— wisdom and spirit of progress. 

It was the wisdom that helped the humans to become the ultimate masters of earth. 

In Roy's view, to rely on beast-like instincts to fight, instead of using your intelligence is just degrading back to the starting point. 

Campiones and Heretic Gods have instinctive bloodlust against each other, they almost smash at each other to their heart content. 

Roy didn't want to participate in a street fight type of battle, on the contrary he wanted to make the 'beast' inside him to surrender to his will. 

Though he didn't become stronger in 'A Certain Magical Index' world, the books he read made him more knowledge than rest of his peers regarding occultism.

One of the taboos in magician world is lose control of your will. Always be the one who controls the power, let not your power control you.

"You are right, Son of the Fool, I don't have any healing Authority. That Heretic Angel Michael has hurt my core, now I can only be regarded as a crippled God."

Metatron's severed left arm and the big hole in his chest did not convalesced. It can be seen that Metatron does not possess any immortality or healing Divine Authoritiy, just the natural recovery power of a Heretic God. 

Although Metatron is called the Angel closest to the gods in the Book of Enoch. But, his main source of existence is only a pseudo-canon which doesn't show many achievements. 

In fact, Metatron actually does not have any achievements other than travelling with God and being the God's most loved Angel. 

He doesn't possesses any powerful combative Divine Authoritiy because he never participated in a remarkable battles or wars in the myths and legends. 

In addition, he was originally the 'Secretary of the Heaven' and was more of a civil official, he has almost no direct fighting divine authority. 

It can be said that Metatron is an irresistible entity to mages and knights, but he is very easy to deal with for any Campione or God with combative Divine authoritiy. Moreover, now so, when he is 'supernatural core' is half crippled. 

Compared to Metatron, based on the Divine Authorities he usurped, it can be seen how powerful Michael was. 

He was able to kill Michael in one fell swoop. Wisdom and decisiveness were one of the biggest factors. But the bigger reason comes from his lucky Angel— Aiwass.

"Go back to your pseudo-canonical mythos, Metatron! The time for you to wander on the earth has now come to an end!"

Roy took a light breath and raised his right hand high in the sky. 

Among his seven <Holy Right>, he has used the most practical <Jacob's Limbs>, and also used the derivative ability of the <Sin of Sodom>, <Eye of Sodom>, and now, Roy is going use the third <Holy Right>.

"<Advent of Heavenly Host>! "

The Book of Revelation, also called the Revelation of St. John, is the final book of the New Testament, and consequently is also the final book of the Christian Bible. 

The Book of Revelation is compiled of twenty-two chapters. This book records about the events that will occur on the Day of Doomsday according to Biblical Myth. 

Sin can be defined as anything that opposes God's will and law. To engage in sin is to disobey or abuse His laws.

Because the urge to sin resides in human nature, mankind is corrupted and somewhat driven by their sins. 

So the God decided to recreate the world. Before creating his new heaven and earth, God must do away with anything that could produce or bear sin into his new creation.

This lead to the—

Final Judgment! The Day of the Lord! Day of Reckoning! Or simply, The Doomsday of Mankind! 

The opening of the seals of the Seven Seals of God marked the beginning of The Apocalypse. 

The opening of the first four Seals releases the Four Horsemens of Apocalypse, each with his own specific mission.

The opening of the fifth Seal releases the cries of martyrs for the "Word of God".

The sixth Seal prompts earthquakes and other cataclysmic events.

And Finally, the seventh Seal cues the seven Angelic trumpeters who in turn cue the seven bowl judgments and more cataclysmic events.

The third <Holy Right> he originally usurped was— <Seven Trumpets of Doomsday>.

This Divine Authority allowed him to manifest the scene of blowing the Seven Trumpets of Doomsday. 

Blowing the First Trumpet will allow him to gain command over hail and fire. 

Blowing the Second Trumpet will allow him to burn the blood of his enemies. 

Blowing the Third Trumpet will allow him to summon a poisonous meteor on his enemy. 

Blowing the Fourth Trumpet will allow him to command the distribution of sunlight in a small range. 

Blowing the Fifth Trumpet will allow him to summon a legion of locusts. 

Blowing the Sixth Trumpet will allow him to control some common magical beasts without wisdom. 

And, blowing the Seventh Trumpet will give him a 'Buff' but with various side effects. 

Although these abilities sound very diverse and powerful, but these abilities are just powerful for a mortal, in front of a fellow Campione or Heretic God, these abilities are just interesting tricks. 

He can blast an army of knights and mages with just a single punch, why will he even need these 'weak' powers. 

Even the somewhat useful seventh ability contains various side effects. As for the seemingly powerful meteor, till the meteor arrives, the Heretic God will not sit comfortably for the meteor to arrive and hit him. The speed of the poisonous meteor is so slow! 

So, this time what Roy distorted was not the things in the scene but the 'timeline' with the aid of his 'cultivation' technique– Book of 777.

He directly warped the timeline, from the blowing the seven trumpets to the event of 'War in Heaven'. War in Heaven happened after event of pouring the Seven Bowls. 

This is the event which solidified Michael's status as one of the 'Seven Archangels' and the Viceroy of the Army of Heaven, Heavenly Host. 

Book of Revelation–Chapter Twelve describes a war in heaven between Angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon".

New Testament•Book of Revelation 12:7–10— 

Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Because Roy distorted the 'timeline' of the divine authority derived from the Book of Revelation, the <Blowing the Seven Trumpets> changed into <Advent of Heavenly Host>.

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