Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-41: The ‘Cute’ Knight Liliana

"Thank you so much, Erica! Our Bronze Black Cross has been thinking about how to seek for king's forgiveness for a long time."

"Bronze Black Cross has received a lot of internal criticism from within the Seven Sisters Alliance."

"Some elders have criticized teacher's actions and even asked her to resign from the position of the Commander in Chief of Bronze Black Cross."

"...That time at the meeting, my behavior was presumptuous, on seeing teacher's condition my brain stilled and I brazenly pulled out my sword, but fortunately the king forgave us in the end."

Liliana said gratefully to her best friend beside her.

Although at the headquarters of the 'Female Wolf', this shrewd best friend of my her's calculated her, but compared to the survival of the Bronze Black Cross and the consolidation of the teacher's status, her own honor or disgrace is nothing.

Erica and Liliana were leisurely talking while walking on the pathway to the villa. Because Roy did not ask to bring Liliana immediately, Erica was not in a hurry, after all she was meeting with her friend after a long time. 

So, she and Liliana contently gossiped on their way to the villa. Before reaching the entrance of the villa, Erica briefed off Liliana of the things she should pay attention to in the presence of the king. 

"Since the 'King' said that he forgave the Bronze Black Cross, he wouldn't punish again afterwards, so you don't have to worry about the Bronze Black Cross, Lily..."

After a pause, Erica didn't say want she wanted to say. This friend of her's is too politically insensitive, and so she hasn't noticed it even until now. 

That time the 'king' didn't punished the Bronze Black Cross because he was angered. King was just looking for an excuse to incorporate the Italian Seven Sisters League.

Liliana's Bronze Black Cross just came at the right time to become the sacrificial goat for the king to set an example. This can only be said to be bad luck. 

As for those elders who asked Liliana's teacher to resign? There are many factions in a mage association. 

Her Copper Black Cross is fully controlled by Brandelli family, whereas the Bronze Black Cross's control is divided equally between Kranjcar family and Illuminati Faction. 

Liliana's teacher Diana Milito, the current head of Copper Black Cross as well as the past three former heads are all the members of Kranjcar family so the hold of Kranjcar family within the association has been increasing day by day.

So clearly those elders of Illuminati faction want to make the current head resign to gain back control by placing a head of their own faction. 

But since Liliana couldn't see through some things, Erica didn't plan to complicate Liliana's mind with dirty politics, her friend is of pure mind who strictly follows and believes in the code of conduct of a knight. 

The little devilish girl impishly blinked, and said mischievously: 

"...Lily, since I played with my life to get this chance for you, shouldn't you thank me?"

"Erica, I am truly grateful. Please say, how can I thank you? As long as it is in my control, I promise that it will be definitely done."

The pure knight girl said straightforwardly.

Liliana also felt a little guilty in her heart.

Did Erica 'played' with her life to get this chance for the Bronze Black Cross? Is it true that the new king is so cruel? 

In fact, when the old rival Copper Black Cross completely took refuge under the new king, Bronze Black Cross also had the idea of ​​whether to rely on another 'king' to obtain the means of survival. 

Even the candidate was decided, it was the oldest living Campione— Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, the 'Wolfish Predator'. 

This decision was taken after going through all the options. 

Martial Leader Luo Hao doesn't care about mage associations other than that of China.

Salvatore Doni is only after swords and battle in his head. 

Prince Alec is too cautious, he will not accept a mage association that has betrayed a Campione, in case he offends the new Campione. 

Madam Aisha's whereabouts are like always unknown. John Pluto Smith is a man of principle who will not accept their 'betrayal'. 

The only one who has a chance to accept them is only Marquis Voban, the oldest Campione with no taboos. 

Liliana's grandfather, the former head of Bronze-Black Cross, sent Liliana as one of a number of Witches and Miko to help Voban with the God summoning ritual two years ago, so they did have some contact with each other. 

However, Roy's coercion in Female Wolf's headquarters made all the Italian Seven Sisters swear loyalty to him. 

This had completely eliminated the way of betrayal for these mage associations, and the entire Italian magic associations can only follow him and become a vassal.

Just as Liliana was thinking about the recent mishappenings, Erica's beautiful eyes lit up and she smiled: 

"...Lily, why don't you just give me your love story as a reward. I have always wanted to see Lily's novel, what romantic fantasies our seriously cute knight has written, rest assured, I will become your loyal fan!"

"Y-you, you, you... Erica, how did you know that I was writing a novel!"

Liliana was shocked when she heard what Erica said, and almost jumped up like a cat stepped on her tail, her crystal clear face was reddened because of shame.

"I just overheard your maid, Karen Jankulovski, mentioning it, but looking at my Lily's reaction, it turns out that this is true."

Erica nodded thoughtfully. Clearly this devilish woman once again played with the shy knight. 

Liliana knew that she was being teased at this time. Her face flushed, and after pondering on the details that Erica told her before, she suddenly said in enlightenment: 

"... Wait! Erica, you lied to me, it was not you took risks for Bronze Black Cross. The king himself gave us a chance to redeem ourselves, the king himself needs me!"

"Oh, you finally noticed, Lily, although you look slow-witted, you have not actually become a complete fool!"

Erica sighed exaggeratedly. In fact, she also knew that her friend was intelligent otherwise she would have been not able to become a Great Knight like her, but in the current atmosphere and tense situations, she couldn't think rationally.

"You are so bad, Erica! No wonder everyone calls you a 'demonic woman'!"

So, two fourteen year old girls came to the villa where Roy was staying while bickering with each other. 


"Bronze Black Cross's Liliana Krancjar at your command, my king!"

In the luxurious residence, Liliana knelt down on one knee and greeted Roy with her head lowered and a arm across her chest, a perfect knight salute. 

She wore a black knight suit that was suitable for combat, with a blue shawl with black stripes over her shoulders, held together by a silver cross badge.

She had a brown belt loosely fastened to her waist. Her long, beautiful hair was tied with a blue ribbon. 

Overall, Liliana is a beautiful, slender girl with a fairy-like appearance having long silver hair and blue eyes with a knight's glory on her face. 

Liliana's voice is not like Erica's, noble and feminine, on the contrary, it reveals more dignified temperament, which makes people to associate it with the knightly virtues such as 'honesty' and 'valour'.

"Liliana Kranjcar, honestly, I am very impressed with you. You were the only one who dared to draw a sword at me when we were at Female Wolf's headquarters."

Roy's said in a leisurely tone, neither angry nor happy, as if he was genuinely impressed with Liliana's courage. 

But this simple sentence made Liliana sweat, her delicate body kneeling on one knee lightly shook in anxiety. 

An unexplainable fear struck her heart, especially under the passive state of 'Face of God', the air seemed to be filled with solemnity. 

This tensed atmosphere made the fear in her heart intensely magnified, if Liliana wasn't strong enough, by this time, she would have already fainted in fright.

The power of 'Face of God' is somewhat like Haoshoku Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others.

However, 'Face of God' exerts Roy's willpower mixed with his emotions on others. Just like the solemn face of Roy put pressure mixed with solemnity on Liliana. 

This is just the passive state of 'Face of God' that's why Liliana was able to bear the willpower of Roy, otherwise if he used the active state, she would have fainted long ago. 

"Liliana offended the prestige of the 'king', I am willing to bear any punishment."

Although the girl was afraid, her words were sonorous and powerful, as a knight she never flinched at admitting her mistakes, honestly is the virtue that a Knight must have. 

Erica on the side just lowered her eyebrows and made no sound.

"Willing to bear any punishment?"

Roy asked amusedly, he got up from the chair behind the mahogany table, stepped on the soft carpet and came in front of Liliana, and then squatted down to Liliana's surprise.

The two were very close, Roy could clearly see Liliana's fairy-like face that has not yet fully bloomed, he could even see the nerves on her delicate and flawless, swan-like neck. 

The young girl's unique fresh citrus like scent rubbed into Roy's nose, its zesty and fresh notes that reminiscenced him of a sweet spring morning, bringing a touch of sweetness to the solemn atmosphere.

Liliana stirred her face. Although she was a little unaccustomed to being so close with a male, she still said seriously: 

"...Yes, king! I am willing to accept any punishments, only I beseech the king to us, Bronze Black Cross a chance to redeem ourselves and prove our loyalty!"

"Look up, Liliana!"

Liliana raised her head, and suddenly saw Roy bringing his face more closer to her's; and to her shock gently blowed on her slender neck.

A faint blow of air swept across Liliana's slender neck, causing Liliana to make a soft alluring cry, her body softened, she had to support herself with her hands to prevent herself from falling.

"Hahaha!! Just as Erica said, your neck is very sensitive. It seems that she was not deceiving me."

Like teenager who had successfully played a funny prank, Roy laughed out loud.

Liliana didn't dare to complain to Roy, she just secretly glared at Erica, thinking that Erica was always finding ways to bully her, Erica blinked innocently, indicating that she didn't leaked the 'secret'. 

"Well, as for the punishment, it's not necessary. I forgave you a long time ago, I won't turn over the old accounts afterwards. Now I have a task for you, Liliana!"

"...Follow me and Erica to England, and after finding all the materials, preside a ceremony for me with your witch magic!"

"Yes, king!"

Liliana didn't ask any question, and directly responded.


A private plane took off from Rome's Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport and headed for England's London Heathrow Airport. 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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