Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-47: There Is No Law Beyond Do What Thou Wilt

The number 777 has a supreme, complete and total meaning which represents the threefold perfection of the Holy Trinity. 

As the Beast777, Roy also symbolises as the 'Beast of Perfection'. And to grasp and tap into their Magic Name, occultists have to act like one. This is a type of meditation of thoughts and knowledge in occultism. 

This is quite similar to the 'Acting Method' Roy had read in a certain novel, where one has to act according to the profession's name in order to 'digest' and grasp their class's power. 

So, Roy's code of conduct is to follow his identity to greatest, to achieve the greater 'perfection' of the identity acceptable to him. But, he is not after 'perfection' defined by others; his 'perfection' is determined by his 'true will'.

Godslayer is the devil lord on earth, adapting to this nature will bring him a long of gains. People will fear and dare not disobey his orders. 

Whatever he orders is the absolute command for other, if he acts like a hero while being a Godslayer, it will bring him no gain, instead he will be used by others. 

Most Godslayer don't learn magic, adapting to this nature is a loss for him, so he mocks other Godslayers for their foolishess. 

But, even if adopting a nature brings him gains but contradicts with his own 'true will', that nature will not be taken over by him as it doesn't fit to his definition of 'perfection'. 

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." —The Book of the Law. 

This credo has often been misinterpreted to mean, do anything you want, anytime you wish to do it. 

However, it intends to say that– "don't do anything you don't intend to do, or that you'll regret. Whatever you want, always under your will." 

"Love is the law, love under will"— This is to be taken as meaning that while Will is the Law, the nature of that Will is Love. 

But this Love is as it were a by-product of that Will; it does not contradict or supersede that Will; and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it is the Will that will guide us ahead. 

The lack of "will" in an act renders it impotent and ridiculous.

In essence, 'true will' is the idea that a fully actualized person will act in accordance with their personal drive to act according to what they truly need and want to do. 

This is differentiated from a person merely doing anything instinctively; true will is not simply a call to their sensual self-indulgence; instead, it is a person who surpasses the limitations of normal people by abandoning ideas of "right" and "wrong" as imposed by social norms and instead creating their own concept of morality that is true to themselves. 

Like said by the Founder of Thelema— "Light, Life and Love are like three glow-worms at thy feet: the whole universe of stars, the dewdrops on the grass whereon thou walkest!"

Those who support these set of ideas of Thelema will seek out and follow their true path, that is to find or determine their 'True Will'. 

This thinking may seem dangerous according to earthly morality of Roy's home world. But, in the worlds of supernaturality, it is either you who are devoured or it is you who devours others. 

Moreover, Roy is a occultist who majors in Thelema, Christianity, Enochian Magic ; and minors in Kabbalah and Hermeticism. 

Being an occultist of a particular magic format doesn't make Roy a believer of any school of thought, he is only a researcher and user of that school of thought. 

Roy brought out The Book of The Law with him from the 'A Certain Magical Index' world, and has been taught some surface knowledge of the Thelema spiritual philosophy and occultism by Aiwass, the source of The Book of The Law. So, his knowledge on Thelema is more profound than other any school of thought. 

And, 'True Will' is a central concept within Thelema. True Will originates from within the individual and could be referred to as their "true calling." 

So, as an arbitrary devil king, Princess Alice will be taken away by him because he truly wills it. 

"B-be-belong to the k-king?!"

Erica Brandelli unconsciously exclaimed in an ascending tone, with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

T-this, this kind of confession made Erica panicked. 

There was a tinge of anger and jealousy mixed in the bucket full of disappointment. Of course, she was the one who first became King's knight, the first one to express her loyalty. 

She asked king for a relationship that has a name, but she was rejected, now this Princess has not only taken away her King's kiss but is also going to belong to the king as a part of his harem! 

She was robbed of so many things by this seducer of a princess, so her eyes turned not very friendly when looking at Princess Alice. 

Liliana beside Erica didn't have so much thought. After all, the time she spent with Roy was too short, she was made totally dizzy by Roy's bold speech and domineering demeanour. 

Liliana has a serious, strict knight-like personality. However, despite her serious attitude, Liliana is also kind and friendly, she has shy, modest feelings toward her body and loves to read and write romantic book.

She gets too embarrassed to share her hobby and gets furious when someone tries reads her hidden collection of romantic books. 

The 'a certain cute knight' that Princess Alice previously mentioned is her. Liliana's favorite type of male is a strong, forceful, but yet passionate man who likes to take charge.

At this time, the mind of the young girl who loves to write romance novels was only filled with plots of her novel. 

'Domineering president forcefully kisses the beauty', 'domineering president knocks out the bad guys', 'domineering president gently cooks food for the beauty', etc... 

Princess Alice was also taken aback by Roy's domineering words, but she is ultimately a well informed former chairperson of the Council of Sages. 

Faced with Roy's bold speech, her heart started to beat faster, a strange emotion came from inside, tingling her unstable heart; but her face remained straight and calm. 

She pursed her pink lips for a moment and then said with a smile: 

"...King Roy, are you confessing to me? Well, I would say, a dauntless confession from a 'king', even if it is me, I am a little bit tempted. I dare not explicitly refuse it."

Princess Alice said in a joking tone. 

But Roy's expression was very serious, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"...This is not a confession, but an order! If I hadn't seen the beauty of Princess Alice, it wouldn't matter."

"But now that I have seen it, I felt in a heartbeat that princess is now mine. As a 'king', I have the power to fill my harem with beauties."

The unshakable speech made Princess Alice's tone choked, her face flashed with shame, such an unreasonable 'confession' that did not follow common sense, it was the first time in her life that she has seen one. 

"King, I plead to the king to think twice about this lifelong event! You are still young, so it is understandable that you will be unconsciously attracted to an older woman, but king should use the colossal willpower of a sovereign to resist the temptation of the old woman!"

Erica was the first to opposed this 'marriage'. She looked like an upright and high-principled courtier who was 'admonishing' her emperor to walk back on the right path. 

At the same time, she murmured secretly in her heart, King was clearly surrounded by beautiful girls like her and Liliana, why does the king behaves with them like an ordinary courtier and went outside to pick an old wild flower? 

Does king like older women? But, my figure is clearly better than Princess Alice? 

Should she search for a alchemical medicine which makes her look older? 

In terms of age alone, Princess Alice was only five to six years older than Roy. 

Erica's malice made expression on Princess Alice's face turn black. No woman likes to be called old by others. 

Moreover, her youth has just started! Hell, she is only twenty two this year?! Where the hell is the older woman?! 

What wrong did I do to you to take revenge on me in such a way?! Oh yes, just because I'm more beautiful, this girl is spewing out gibberish in envy. Yes, it must be so. 

Princess Alice directly noted Erica's name in her mind and specifically in her 'black' diary. Anyway, it's not too late for a lady to take her revenge in ten years.

Princess Alice flipped her quilt and in her ladies's pajamas jumped out of her bed. 

She felt a little weak and unaccustomed after being inactive for a long time. But she still refused Roy's support and relied on her own efforts to stand firmly. 

"King Roy, since you have healed my body, I must work for you because of my feelings and reasons, otherwise people will say that Princess Alice is an ungrateful lady, but I also have a request..."


Many complained about his obsession with 'identity' makes him lose his 'self'. I 👍, so I made changes and added this content. Thank you for your feedback. Quite simply, Roy does what he 'wills' right, and not what the social norms may define as wrong or right. It's not that he has no morals but that morals are defined by him. He can't let his enemy live just because some society moral states not to take human life. 

Some say he is losing his nature but I say otherwise, I personally wrote exactly this— "But, even if adopting a nature brings him gains but contradicts with his own 'true will', that nature will not be taken over by him as it doesn't fit to his definition of 'perfection'."


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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