Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-54: ‘Dejan’, ‘Sthal’ and ‘Voban’

The Plagues of Egypt, is the story of the Book of Exodus, where ten disasters were inflicted on Egypt by the Hebrew God in order to convince the Pharaoh to allow the Hebrews to depart from slavery. 


Each of the ten plagues is confronting Pharaoh, who is said to be the incarnation of Sun God Ra, and one of his Egyptian gods; they serve as punishment for Egyptians who enslaved Hebrews. 

The first nine of the ten plagues form three triads and last one is the ultimatum, each of which God introduces by informing Moses of the main lesson it will teach.

Overall, the plagues are "signs and marvels" given by the God of Hebrews to answer Pharaoh's taunt that he does not know Yahweh: "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD".

And Moses was introduced to each of them by God himself in form of revelations. 

This biblical story became the essence of the fourth form of <Jacob's Limb>, <Ten Plagues Coercion>. 

The essence of this power is not to inflict the plagues on the enemies but to harness the ten plagues within one's own body. 

The beast instinct of the Werewolf seemed to have warned Marquis Voban about the danger hidden in Roy's move as he swiftly stopped at the moment when the wolf teeths were about to bite Roy's arm and bended backwards. 

He had a hunch, if he bites, Roy will indeed be injured, but he will suffer more critical injuries. 

This indeed the case, <Ten Plagues Coercion> counterattacks the enemy with curses. No matter how Roy is attacked at this time, the 'rule' power of this authority will curse the attacker with triple the power. 

Seeing that Marquis Voban stopped at a critical moment, Roy had to admire the opponent's fighting instinct and battle experience. 

This made his plan to deal a heavy injury with a small injury to fail. So, Roy turned directly from defensive to the offensive. 

"<Binding of Issac>!"

Two fingers stretched out and pierced the hairy paw of Marquis Voban like a knife pierces a soft tofu, a bloody hole was punched out, even the inner bones were visible. 


The pain of killing intent raging in his hand drove Marquis Voban deranged as he growled in pain and mauled out at Roy. 

Roy used his wings as the shield to block Marquis's claws and launch his own sets of attack.


Suddenly, the claws of Marquis's paws glowed and with a loud growl, Marquis pierced through the elemental wings, his paws advanced towards Roy's chest and mauled into flesh. 

Roy could feel the claws were coming for his heart, if his heart was shredded by Marquis's claws he will surely die, but thanks to the improvement in his physique on equipping the Archangel Physiology, his bones and muscles held back Marquis's advancement, but Marquis's claws were still slowly, but surely advancing towards his heart. 

"Dragon Subduing Saint Punchhhhh–––"

With loud cry, Roy fisted towards Marquis Voban, the golden dragon phantom impacted on the werewolf which flinged out Marquis like a shell, effectuating him to penetrate through a row of buildings. 

"Boom–  Boom– Boom–"

Marquis Voban finally crashed into a villa, created a deep pit. 


Boundless magical energy fluctuated out the rubble as Marquis flunged whatever came in his way as he sprinted towards Roy on his four legs like a angry bull. 


Roy squinted his eyes as he saw Marquis darting towards with using the magical energy as if there was no tomorrow. 

Marquis's previous unexpected attack has left a deep on his chest which was slowing healing but his current situation is not good enough for direct confrontation, he first needs to heal his injuries, before being able to once again equally do a fist to fist fight. 

Roy is a person who values wisdom, so in this situation he can use a simple law of physics he learned in school. 

Another force applied to a moving body can change the magnitude of the momentum or its direction or both. And Roy wants to act as the 'another force'.

Roy sidetracked his body to grapple on Marquis's limbs to the beast's panic and with his wings as pivot, he took a whole rotation in the air and hurled Marquis's body away. 


Roy quickly stabilized himself with his wings and once again materialized the <Sacred Line of Judgment of Good and Evil> and threw it at the direction in which Marquis was hurled. 


The sword has a ego of its own and it can keep Marquis engaged until he heals his injury. 

As his injury was slowly recovering on the basis of the natural self healing ability of the Archangel Physiology, the data he viewed in Holy See unconsciously came to his mind. 

Marquis Voban, a very cold man who cares nothing for others, only desiring to battle worthy opponents and gain more Authorities. 

He is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way. This could be attributed to his life as a vagabond. He was just an ordinary man with no knowledge of magic before becoming a Campione. 

As per the more detailed information given by Princess Alice, he didn't have a single relative since birth, he lived his life by moving from place to place for ten years, struggling daily just to survive.

On one fateful day, he killed a Heretic God in his mid teens, becoming a Campione. 

A few years later, he attacked the castle of a marquis and usurped his status and dominion, but grew tired of it a few years later and abandoned it, though he is still even now referred to as Marquis Voban. 

Knowing that the previous marquis kept some pet dogs, he picked it as his own family name.

These dogs name are 'Dejan', 'Sthal' and 'Voban', combining into 'Dejanstahl Voban'. 

And his time as a hunter and preference for wolves, can be seen in his first Authority he usurped from Apollo Lyceus. 

As he has stated to others he prefers wolves to sheep, meaning he'd want his undead subordinates loyal, but silently barring their fangs at him, not mindless 'yes men'. 

It is debatable, but the fact that he was a starved orphan, could be the reason for his solitude, as unlike the other five godslayers, he doesn't rule groups, or interacts normally, but demands on whim. 

Also his reliance over his second authority— <Undead Servent> is because he can't bond with others and figure serving dead is better as they will stay and hate him forever while he's alone.

Suddenly Roy felt that the <Sacred Line of Judgment of Good and Evil> that he had materialized with his mana was destroyed and the divine authority was revoked. 

Though the <Sacred Line of Judgment of Good and Evil> is peak class divine weapon but it cannot single handedly fight for too long. Only with a wielder can it display it's power to the fullest. 


Roy's injury had roughly healed by this time, he swung his wings and darted towards the battlefield. 

The battlefield which used to be an amusement park was totally devastated, in the middle was standing a ten meter ferocious Werewolf healing the sword slashes on his body. 

Roy directly darted at Marquis Voban, but before he could continue his raging offense, stabbing lightning currents flashed on Marquis's body. 

These lightning currents lashed out on him. He fluttered his winds and to avoid the lashes of lighting coming at him. Suddenly, with loud rumbling noise, huge flashes of lightning fell on Roy like a tribulation.

Roy quickly channeled mana into his wings as he dodged the bolts of thunders at a speed faster than lightning. But still, one to two bolts rained on him. 


Roy groaned as his whole body quacked with pain and numbness, he raised four of his holy white wings as shields to block the bolts as he plunged at Marquis Voban.

The hands turned into after-images, sometimes into phantoms of palms, fists, fingers, and knife-strokes, and launched a tempestuous hand-to-hand battle with the Marquis.

Roy relied on four of his wings to shield himself from the continuous bouts of lightning as well as slashes of winds, with the other eight tossing around in a very small range around Marquis; like a lively butterfly shuttling among flowers, but this vibrant butterfly also has the sting of a wasp, appearing from left to right. 

Marquis dwarfed from left to right, and growled in pain from time to time. Under Roy's violent stormy assault, nearly his whole body was filled with scars and bruises, with a deep gash on his left hand and right leg, almost separating them from the torso. 

Roy didn't let Marquis to distance himself, as long as he is close to Marquis only scattered bouts of lightning will fall on him, if Marquis succeeds in distancing himself, then concentrated rounds of lightning and sharp currents of wind will fall on him and then let alone twelve, even hundred wings will not able to aid him. 

As long as he exhausts Marquis with his stormy offensive, the victory will ultimately belong to him. 

Besides, Roy also discovered that the battle style of Marquis Voban heavily relies on the combined instinct of a Campione and a beast. He is not strong in hand to hand combat, this gave Roy an opportunity.

Among the Campiones, Luo Hao and Salvatore are the only ones arduously dedicated to mastery of fighting art.

Although Roy had never practiced swordsmanship or martial arts, his <Jacob's Limbs> directly gives him a sense of "intent and skills of a martial grandmaster".


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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