Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-66: The Whole World In ‘Sturm und Drang’


–Official History Compilation Committee, Tokyo Branch Headquarters. 

"Has King depart from Tokyo?"

Kaoru Sayanomiya asked tiredly as she rubbed her forehead while sitting on her desk.

"According to the latest information from our sources, King is current heading to Haneda Airport and is about to leave Tokyo. Before departing, king's 'asked' our Japanese side to prepare enough witches and Hime-Mikos and send them to Jerusalem within seven days."

"And if we don't... the king asked us to be prepared to c-change our capital."

The staff in the Tokyo branch replied with a wry smile as a fleeting reflection of fear surfaced on his face.

"mhm, take King's request as the first priority task. Inform the leaders of each branch of the Committee that in order to keep Japan intact, everyone must do their best to complete the task."

"And don't forget to inform the major Japanese mage families so that they don't dare to hide anyone, if there is a female who can take on the role of a witch in the family, please also ask them to contribute all their daughters to the king." 

"This... is a serious unprecedented national disaster. We must come forward and stand united to survive during this crisis!"

Kaoru Sayanomiya ordered in a tired yet firm voice, since the two kings came to Japan, she hasn't rested even for a moment, busy dealing with various related issues. 

Now that Tokyo is finally 'Campione-free', she was at last able to take a breathe of relief. 

Even if it would definitely be a headache to deal with the aftermath, atleast the sword of Damocles has been finally lifted of their heads. 

Although she is just a high school student, her ability as the head of the Tokyo Headquarters of the Official History Compilation Committee is not be questioned. 

The order given is harsh and decisive, but it is also the most correct decision in the present circumstances.

The staff member bowed his head and hastily rushed out of the office to initiate the command. 

All the department heads in the office who where standing at both sides nodded lightly, their face still holding inconceivable expression. Unlike this staff member, as the heads, they know some insider information. 

These people who held pride in their tough mental fortitude had never been so shocked in their whole life. 

The incident that happened in Tokyo was just so appalling, something that will definitely explode like a nuclear bomb in the whole magic circle, shaking everyone to their cores. 

The disaster and losses suffered by Tokyo are secondary. The most benumbing news is concerning the result of the battle between the two kings. 

Marquis Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, the oldest devil king on earth perished! 

This news has swept through the entire higher class of the mysterious world like a frenetic hurricane, completely disrupting the mysterious world of Eastern Europe, the region subservient to Marquis Voban. 

On one hand is the oldest known Campione and on the other hand is the new king who has just killed a God. 

As per people's understanding, Marquis Voban should have had the upper hand in the battle, and even if the two sides cannot decide the victory or defeat, at most it should have been a tie with both kings injured.

A Campione's death is a major event that has never happened before in the mysterious world of the modern civilization. 

It was the only death of a Godslayer since the emergence of the first Campione in modern times more than two hundred years ago.

Now, it would be an understatement to state that the reputation attached to Roy's name is overwhelming. The prominence has faintly surpassed the Eastern Leader.

To be capable of killing a Campione of similar rank and the one with the most survivability, Roy has been faintly recognized by the mystery circle around the world as the most ferocious and the strongest Godslayer.

Kaoru Sayanomiya pulled herself out of her musing and inquired:

"What's the situation of the Seishuuin Family? After all, their most talented heir was taken away by the king."

The Seishuuin family is the same as the Sayanomiya family; both are one of the "Four Ancient Families". 

If we take the History Compilation Committee as a company, the Four Families are like the CEO of their own department in that company, each with their own manner of conducting business.  

With the Japanese Royal family in decline, they can regarded as the true rulers of the magic circle of Japan. All members have enormous political authority within the magical culture of Japan.

But even so, facing the terrible devil king, what's the so-called Four Ancient Families of Japan, even the world's strongest families, what they can do is just flatter and bow down to pray for king's forgiveness.

"What else can happen? When the current Patriarch of Seishuuin Family heard that Ena Seishuuin actually dared to block king's knight from completing king's orders, he was almost frightened to death."

"He has severed his father-daughter relationship with Ena and denounced her status as the heir and the member of Seishuuin family. Hinata Seishuuin is now the Seishuuin family's heir."

A department head of the Tokyo branch shrugged and said.

Upon hearing her subordinate's report, Kaoru Sayanomiya sighed secretly. Although this decision was cruel and ruthless, it must be the best way out for the Seishuuin family; in front of the continuation of the whole family line, any family affections can be disregarded. 

"How is Touma's condition?"

Speaking of her capable subordinate, Kaoru Sayanomiya also had a light concern on her face, she didn't want to lose this subordinate with high efficient working ability. 

"Touma saved his life, but the sword he was stabbed with contained specks of destruction attribute. Our rescue was a little late, and his mana channels are most crippled. More than half of his kidneys were missing. The rest of his life can only be spent on a wheelchair."

Kaoru Sayanomiya shock her head in disappointment: "Forget it, it's his great luck that he could still survive, I can't force anything." 

Abruptly, a capable looking woman in an ol outfit hurriedly barged into the office and proffered after a light lofty bow:

"Reporting to the Chief about Tokyo's loss. The Chiyoda Ward suffered heavy damage, and the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden was completely destroyed. Even reconstruction is difficult."

"The casualties are still being calculated, fortunately, we started early evacuation on Chief's orders, but, please be prepared... This time the casualties in Tokyo are definitely not small."

Kaoru Sayanomiya nodded with a light sign:

"One hundred and sixty years ago, Marquis Voban destroyed the Dalmatian port city Zadar. Unexpectedly, one hundred and sixty years later, our Tokyo will encounter such a situation, but should we be fortunate? At least, only some parts were destroyed, most of it is still in good condition."

Her subordinates dared not speak, they just lowered their heads quietly. 

"Think of a good excuse. This incident was so big. This time we cannot say that it was a gas explosion."

"So, how about a giant meteorite that fell in Tokyo?"

"This's a good excuse. But how to explain the Angels and Werewolves that appeared on the streets of Tokyo. Even the battle between the two kings has been seen by many peoples."

"This trouble can be handed over to Genjutsu users, they will alter people's memory as much as possible... Then let the government suppress the discussion on the Internet. We only need to stop this matter from becoming a hot spot."

"En. We can do that."


After a long debate, the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee finally established a detailed plan for the aftermath.

"This time my decisions occupies a lot of responsibility on what happened. Although I was 'cheated' by the old man of the secluded world, there must be someone responsible for this matter..."

"I have decided to resign from the position of the head of the History Compilation Committee while giving up the right of inheritance as the heir of the Sayanomiya family."

The high school girl bravely assumed all the responsibilities on her shoulders. 

"But, Chief... "


As the mystical circle in the whole world were involved in heated debates, the source of all the discussions had already arrived at Haneda Airport, ready to fly over to Jerusalem... 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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