Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-68: Innate Traits Of A ‘Crowley’

Sunlight shines on Lushan, in a purple haze,

From afar, like a veil, a waterfall hangs.

Water cascading three thousand feet from the sky,

The swiftness like an electric light flying by, it is faintly like a white rainbow in the sky. 

I was amazed at first sight, was it the Milky Way that fell from the heaven high?

—Li Bai's 'Gazing at a Waterfall on Mount Lu'.

Mt. Lu, Jiangxi, China. 

A twelve-thirteen year old boy with a aloof demeanour, dressed in a Hanfu was jumping upwards towards the highest peak like a magic bird, shuttling on different peaks, using them as a support to ascent higher. 

He didn't care about the wonderful scenery that appeared to have manifested right of heaven, his eyes firmly fixed on the highest peak. 

Suddenly, he abruptly leaped like a shooting-star with an extraordinary control over his qinggong and gracefully landed on the highest peak.

With his ascent on the peak, his aloof demeanour vanished instantly becoming over humbled. He promptly kneeled down as his head bent down and venerated in a zealous tone:

"The name of the wise and courageous saint will share the same eternity as the heavens and the earth! The same age with the sun and moon itself! May your Majesty's infinite wisdom and compassion shine all over the world and grace upon others. Your Majesty's disciple, Lu Yinghua wishes Her Majesty eternity!...."


Lu Yinghua's expression remained unchanged, still as impassive as before, as he chanted the flattering words that would make people ashamed enough to bury themselves in a hole where nobody could find them for eternity. 

As he concluded his long 'speech', he slammed his head towards the lone, small hut in the middle of the peak. The blue stoned pavement slammed with his forehead and rattled.

"What's the difference between your greetings and a eunuch's flattering?"

"Ying'er, you are a man, you should be heroic. How can you blatantly flatter like this? Doesn't it loses mine, your Master's face?"

A women's voice hurled from within the wooden hut, the voice was like the sound of the twinkling piano from an immortal zither, just this sound made people have an infinite reverie of nature, assuming that the owner of that voice must be a gentle and kind fairy from the nine heavens. 


But what didn't match with the persona of a kind and gentle fairy were her actions. The door of the small wooden house was burst open, and the fairy exhaled lightly which blew up like a storm, with dragons roaring and tigers howling.

The boy who was kneeling on the ground couldn't react at all and was knocked tumbling into the air by the air currents. After toppling and rolling for several steps, he skillful used his qinggong skills to stabilize himself. 

"Cough! Cough..."

"Hum, no bad, much better reaction speed from before. Now, you can stand up."

The same silky voice sounded directly in his ears in a 'teachable' tone. 

Lu Yinghua gave a wry smile with his head down as he walked back towards the wooden hut. 

His master, Lord Luo Hao, is the leader of the Holy Cult of the Five Mountains, who is the culmination of a virtuous lady and a martial empress, observant of formality and propriety, as well as the various rules of etiquette while strictly demandant for a heroic temperament. 

Godslayers were originally people who acted arbitrarily. And Lord Luo Hao is even a more outstanding existence among them, stating her as being moody is an understatement. 

If she conjectures that your tone and words are not respectful enough, she will suspect you to be deliberately disrespecting her. 

If she conjectures that your words are over fawning herself, she will assume that you are not worthy enough to be in her presence. 

In either case, it's your doom coming for you! 

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact. In the history of the Holy Cult of the Five Mountains, there has been several such cases. 

The 'disrespectful' were deprived of their eyes and the 'over-flatterers' were directly transfigured into dogs, as said by Lord Luo Hao 'to wag their tails and lick to please others as it is in their nature'. 

Lu Yinghua still remembers the day when the senior leaders of the Holy Cult of the Five Mountains literally burst with the tears of joys when he was accepted as Lord Luo Hao's disciple. At that time, he was puzzled with the over-drama, but now he knows why. 

At the same time, Lu Yinghua was also secretly thankful that he was a disciple of the leader. If master was a little angry, at most he will be severely beaten or punished.

Even now when she 'attacked' him, it was to only punish him. 

After all, if she utilizes the <Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl>, the Authority she obtained from Gayatri, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge and education, to it's fullest extent, she is capable of raising fierce winds equivalent to hurricanes and tornadoes that is capable enough of even wiping off an army of Lu Yinghuas. 

"Master's teachings, disciple remembers firmly in his hearts."

Lu Yinghua clasped his fists and bowed once again, only then he dared to look up.

The face of a teenage girl, with black hair, an exceedingly beautiful and delicate face. Her hair was very long and it grew all the way to below her hips. It was as pitch black as a starless night.

Her pair of indescribably magnificent eyes like the most beautiful artwork, as if the world's essence laid deep within. 

The slender body with a full bosom and bottom, seemed to instead highlight the beauty of the clothes she was wearing. 

Few people in the whole world were graced with the opportunity to marvel at such an wondrous 'piece of art', that is worth to die for. 

Lu Yinghua was 'fortunate' enough to see the true face of Lord Luo Hao with his eyes intact, but Lu Yinghua only felt honored, not a bit mesmerized by her beauty. 

Lu Yinghua is a misogynist, a hater of women due to some experiences of childhood, Lord Luo Hao being the only woman he respects. 

"Ying'er, what's the matter with you coming to Lushan to find the teacher?"

The Lord Luo Hao seemed to have turned into a caring master, her tone softer. 

A light smile graced her lips that was as heartwarming as the smell of incense in a gentle breeze.

Nevertheless, that smile couldn't offset the incomparable, soul-shaking charm she radiated. She possess a kind of proud appearance and attitude that transcends this world.

"Naturally, it is a big event! Disciple has written the matter on this scroll. Disciple hopes that Master could grace the report of this disciple."

Lu Yinghua presented a bamboo scroll he was carrying. 

With a flick of Lord Luo Hao's finger the scroll bounced and presented itself in front of her, the scroll flurred open to present the recent happenings of Tokyo. 

"Looks like the cunning wolf was slaughtered by the new king. Hmm.... Roy Mrkl Crowley, I, Luo Hao will acknowledge you as a fellow Godslayer."

The words of Lord Luo Hao startled Lu Yinghua. As far as he knows, Marquis Voban, Madame Aisha and the King of Swords are the only Godslayer that have been acknowledged by his master till date, all other Godslayer are all unqualified in his Master's eyes. 

"Master, are you going to compete with the new king?"

Lu Yinghua asked anxiously, if a fight between two Godslayers happen in China, then... 

"Although the King of Foreign Lands defeated my old opponent, I am the number one in the world, so how can I travel out of mountains and rivers because of this little thing?"

Lord Luo Hao had infinite arrogance in her tone, just like a prideful Phoenix with her head up high; but her arrogance will not make people feel overwhelmed, but only make people take it for granted. It seemed that if she was not arrogant or narcissistic, then she would not be called Lord Luo Hao. 

Lu Yinghua secretly scolded himself- yes, although this matter is a storm for the mysterious circle of the whole world. But in front of his master, it is really only a small matter. It is absolutely impossible to go in person.

"Yes, the disciple dares not disturb Master for longer. Disciple takes his leave."

Lu Yinghua gave another big bow and left quickly. 

He was also 'the' Alexander 'Cautious' Gascoigne in front of this master.


On the private jet plane heading towards Jerusalem. 

After drawing the last symbol, Roy picked up the coffee cup from the side table and sipped lightly, with a look of aftertaste on his face.

It was another victory! 

Though he gained dominance at the start, Erica being undaunted girl she is, retaliated in full force, it felt as if a dominant lioness inside of her woke you from its slumber. 

Then what, with his 'blasting rod', he entered into a tough battle against the 'deep abyss' and under the blonde's indefinite moans not only achieved victory but also finally tamed the bouncy, snowy white 'rabbit'. 

After all, he is a healthy young man. Being a pure human, he is naturally interested in beautiful girls.

Though with his power, status and reputation, if he orders, any woman will be 'served' to his bed, be it a royalty or a superstar, he is not interested. 

The act of using strength to force himself upon a girl is so vain that it can't satiate the coolness and achievement similar to his father. 

After all, inherited the family business, the 'customers' should be one clamoring to deal with him, not him forcefully dragging the 'customers'. 

"But, I suddenly become so good...", Roy couldn't hep but scrunch up in doubt, in the former 'battle', he pinpointed Erica's weak points with a single touch, even during the whole ordeal he innately knew how to maximize the excitement... 

"Uff, looks like being a 'Crowley' has more hidden advantages in other areas too..."

Afterwards, he raised his right hand and voiced to the thin air behind him: 

"I found that there seemed to be something extra in my right hand."

Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*

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