Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-77: Kaleidoscope Of Natures

—Jerusalem, Israel.

Roy and Romani walked on the streets, touring this ancient city. Today is the seventh day, which is also a co-occurrence with the day of Sabbath as commanded by God. 

"This is the Western Wall, in Hebrew language, Ha-Kotel Ha-Maʿaravi. It is the only remains of the retaining wall surrounding the Temple Mount, the site of the First Temple and Second Temple of Jerusalem most probably built by the you of this world."

"Jews have always regarded this wall as a place of prayer and pilgrimage, a holy site of Judaism. Even after thousands of years, Jews living in different corners of the world come to the holy city of Jerusalem, they would come to this stone wall and pray in low voices."

"Lamenting the destruction of the Temple and praying for its restoration. Therefore this wall was coined as the Wailing Wall by the travelers who witnessed the mournful vigils of the pious Jews."

Roy took Romani to the Wailing Wall, a famous attraction in Jerusalem. There were many tourists roaming around, with numerous Jews praying before their holy relic. 

Jerusalem is a magical place, it is not only a holy site, but was also a battle field throughout the centuries when empires fought for its rule. 

The most prominent sites in the city, earning it the title of a Wonder of the World are the Dome of the Rock, the oldest extant Islamic monument; the Western Wall, a Jewish holy relic; and The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the supposed traditional site of Jesus's crucifixion and burial.

It can be undertaken that this city carries the glory of the entire Abrahamic Mythos, blending the cultures of three religions, and in history, it is the place where these religions competed all out.

The two were wearing small paper hats, which is the rule for locals and tourists who come to the Wailing Wall. Roy also wore one out of interest. 

"Sometimes with destruction comes progress and progress is the foundation of human principles and prosperity. The Age of Gods will end after all, and there is a necessity for the clear distinction between Humanity and Gods."

Although King Solomon became Romani, he embraced humanity, but this does not mean that he has given up the power and memory of King Solomon. Therefore, facing the ancient ruins of mankind, he expressed a deeper sigh that cannot be guzzled by anyone. 

He is the 'Agent of the God'. The last connection point between God and Mankind. After his death, the truth of God gradually dissipated from his world, his death marked a great acceleration in the decline of mystery, leading the humanity to near towards its peak.

"But the First Temple King Solomon built has been completely submerged in history. Although I have excavated some of the ruins in Mt. Alma Torran, but even those cannot concretely prove Solomon's existence."

"He is the king renowned for his wisdom with countless sagas to his name. However, there are few documents and materials left from King Solomon's time. It makes people doubt whether this king ever existed, or just a half believed truth-cum-fantasy like King Arthur. What's your say, Roman?"

Roy stood by the Wailing Wall, casually chatting with the wise king, as if crossing the space and time. The miracles of the ancient period reproduced here. 

"As Romani Archaman, I feel a bit regretful. Those are really precious cultural relics and the inheritance of the connection between Humans and Gods..."

"However, as King Solomon, this was for the best, the humanity were loosened from the dependence of Gods, they need to know God is not a wishing fulfilling machine to fulfill the wishes of mankind, He only help those who help themselves."

Romani with a half assed philosophical look of a scholar presented his view while stroking his non existent beard like an old sage. 

Roy gave a pious enlightened look to play along with his drama before concluding with a thoughtful expression:

"...That's why you as King Solomon worshipped many outer Gods in your later years, because it was to actually destroy the things left by the Age of Gods as much as possible. So that it does not affect the arrival of the Age of Man..?"

"Was it same for the most probably existing King Solomon of this world? You know these Heretic Gods and their uncontrollable disastrous nature and bla bla."

"Though not same as you, this King Solomon clearly established the most prosperous dynasty in Israel, but he did not leave many documents and relics, even though kings and emperors flail their hands and feet to make their name eternal and to leave a everlasting mark in the history."

"So, the reason must be that King Solomon took the initiative to destroy it. He is reducing his own existence. Because his existence is the last connection between Man and God. It is the last legacy left by God and what he wants to destroy."

"He was most probably horrified by the fact of God descending as a Heretic God twisted of his myth, well, if that happened it would have been a pure disaster. Thankfully, now we know, beings of that level cannot even conceptualize in the Realm of Immortalilty."

At this moment Roy suddenly realized something, if it had been this world's King Solomon with his Wisdom of God he would have proved mote fatal than desired, thankfully, he dodged a bullet. 

In front of the Wailing wall, some were crying while facing the relic, some where praying devoutly while some where clicking pictures. Some people were even stuffing slips of white paper into the crevices of the Wailing Wall.

Seeing those people's actions, Romani asked curiously even if he was the one who would know better than anyone else if and only if he choose to use his God-given Wisdom, "What are they doing?"

"The locals here believe that as long as one write their heartfelt prayers and wishes on the slip of paper and cushion it into the crevices of the Wailing Wall, their prayers and wishes will reach to God's ears."

Roy explained while curiously looking at the people slipping their slips of paper, some with pious while some with adventurous looks. 

Romani got interested. Burning with curiousity, he borrowed a paper and pen. After deliberating for a while, he wrote something on it in Ancient Hebrew, and then folded it neatly and carefully tucked it into a small crack. 

After giving a short prayer, he smiled delightedly, "--That's the case. Lord will know what I want to say to you."

"What did you write in it?"

Roy asked with interest.

"It's a secret~"

This time, Romani rarely didn't answered Roy's question.

Roy just laughed. He didn't explore Roman's secret thoughts, if he did so, this employee of his would get angry with his cheeks puffing like a balloon. 

However, most of the times a piece of strawberry flavored cake is enough for him to forgive you, really, a childish adult. 

After paying a visit to all the Wonders of this ancient city, under the setting glow of the sunset, they headed towards the outside of the city on foot. 

"You know, I was wary and suspicious of you before. Although you behaved cheerfully, showcasing a happy-go-lucky attitude, in the past few days, I can feel that you had never let go of the vigilance in your heart. Your interactions with people just stayed on the surface level, trying your best just to maintain a superficial relationship."

Roy did not wear his cardinal robe because it was too conspicuous, he didn't want to be too conspicuous today, he was not in the mood to be disturbed or even be a center of attention, so he also applied a presense concealing spell to reduce his sense of existence, after all his beautifully handsome face is like a glowing light bulb in the darkness. 

Slipping both his hands in the pocket, he continued:

"But in the last two days. I can feel you completely letting go of the block in your heart and truly blended in."

Hearing Roy's words, Roman grinned diffidently as he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed to answer but remembering his resolve, he responded after a helpless muted sigh. 

"A, actually, I was scared, I don't want to see 'sad things'... These joyous moments, this friendship, magic girl Mika-chan and the strawberry cake, the thought of separating with these makes me... feel scared to the core."

"...so I have been running away, thought about limiting myself with superficial relationships, but in the end I found out. Humans should honestly communicate with each other. Roy do you remember, when we first met, you said to me that there must be a common bridge of trust between human. So, how could I bring myself to demolish that bridge that I, myself desire beyond measure."

"If you don't even have the guts to fulfill your commitment, you will never be able to understand other's feelings, a inhuman being inside a human body, I-I don't want to become that..."

"Now I feel, being a human is really difficult. I know that what I'm doing will make me sad but I still want to do it. But somehow, these conflicting emotions make me feel I'm becoming closer to being a human. Thanks for these seven days."

Roman said gratefully, his eyes still holding some longing for such a joyous life. 

After a pause, he hesitated again. His face was terrified and withdrawn, "When I was King Solomon, I unhesitatingly sacrificed myself. But when I became a human being, I am now afraid. I don't want to die anymore. I'm truly a coward, right? Roy?"

"Haaa, Romani... Romani, my friend. Yes, you are a coward, well... only sometimes, but i don't think you need to feel guilty or blame yourself. Fear, is perfectly natural. It's human nature. It comes to all people the same."

"The man who conquers fear is a hero, but the man who is conquered by fear is a true coward, you, who is not conquered but has overcomed it is a half baked one, which is good progress."

"As for how you want to change or remain the same depends on you, just follow your true will. Humans are not machines with definite kindness, wickedness, courage or love, we are a kaleidoscope of natures, we can always change, in fact, we do change with each passing day."


"So, shall we visit the dessert shop over there, I see some pastries on the shelves. What do you say?"

Roy smiled, motioning at a dessert shop with a lot of people queuing at the door, "It is a small shop, so I don't think it would be as delicious as ones you savoured in the hotel but–"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is the strawberry cake, I'm not picky. Ahh! A sweet strawberry cake can soothe all your troubles~"

Roman replied with a bright smile. At this moment, he finally made up his mind.

He felt sad, in fact, he feels hella scared. Nevertheless, he must do this.

Because the Heretic Gods are disaster bringers and destroyer of human principles and prosperity, a stumbling block at the progress of mankind. 

Whether it's as Romani Archaman or as King Solomon, he has to take this step for the greater good of humanity, this is his path and resolve as a human. 

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This is the 77th chapter, a sort of bookmark for us. After all the importance of 7. So, I'm stating the Authorities here so when you forget you in future you can go through here—The 77th chapter. 

★Holy Right

— <Jacob's Limbs>

• Dragon Subduing Saint Fist

• Moses Splits The Sea

• Binding of Isaac

• Ten Plagues Coercion

• Debacle of Babel (Anti Magic Shot) 

— <Sin of Sodom>

• Eyes of Sodom

• Flame of Heaven

• Flame of Hell

— <Advent of Heavenly Host> 

— <Prince of Blazing Light>

• Archangel Physiology of Michael 

• Graced Wings

— <Miraculous Spring of Life> 

• Grace of Life

• Status Revival

— <Sacred Line of Flamma Reconditus> 

• Judgement

• Vril of Morningstar (Flame of God) 

— <Hand of Almighty>

• Law of Omnipotent Victory

• Law Enforcement (Authorities Power Boost) 

★<Visage of The Alpha & Omega>

• Face of God

• Eye the Beyond


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreo[news][/news]n with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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