Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-82: Promotion of [Jacob’s Limbs]

"Not bad."

Roy admired the glowing eyeball occluded with runic micro-carvings, slowly the light dimmed as the eyeball floated in front of him. 

Roy held the eyeball with his mana and dipped it in a solution of formulated dragon blood and then carefully took it out under the passing of a mana channel. Then without delay, he surgically implanted it back into the eye socket as the bare exposed nerves connected with each other. 

The magic eye with rune chains twirling around it immediately connected to the brain nerves. Then a certain organ in the brain was impact on connected to the soul, allowing Roy to completely grasp the magic eye. His left eye glimmered with multiple colors like a jewel as his pupils turned into an infinity symbol- ∞.

According to the Clock Tower's system of ranking called Noble Color this eye has reached to the highest grade of Rainbow color, equaling to the Mystic Eyes of Petrification and the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, if not more. But the versatility of peering into the past is beyond imagination, he is in a way, All-knowing! 

With the completion of the implantation of the magic eye, Roy felt for the first time the wonder of the 'Clairvoyance' passing through his nerves and soul. Roy promptly turned through the 'pages' he wanted to view. 

"Plutarch's Mansion. It turns out that there is such a place in Astral Plane. Like the Akashic Record, a mysterious annex outside time that records all the past information, mhm."

"Book in Praise of David's Great Works. Hmm? I can read it..? Nice!"

"...Prometheus' Grimoire, interesting... This maybe a backhand or an important chess piece."


'Huu-! That's it! This is the truth of the world. The origin of the Heretic Gods and the Godslayers, the identity and power of the last king. The place where he hides, and the source of the fate of the Godslayers and the Gods of infidelity. Also... there is that real hand behind the scenes!'

Roy greedily apprehended at this moment all the passing pictures going through his brain. It was as if the truth of the entire world was laid bare before his sight. This world has no secrets before him. He was literally exposed to everything under and outside the sun.

Roy had only watched the anime of Campione in the past, and had not seen the so-called original work. 

As per the advice of Aiwass, he also resisted the idea of ​​turning over those original works. Because this would have a powerful butterfly effect, rendering his incapable of changing his destiny. 

Now that he has obtained all the information in the form of clairvoyance. He peers onto the past not into the future, which completely avoids the problem of being binded by the chains of the so-called destiny, while in the process giving him a big advantage, so that he can be prepared for everything. 

"What's necessary is not to seek after some fantastic future, utterly unsuited to my real needs, but to discover the true nature of those needs, to fulfill them, and rejoice therein."

* * * *

Two years later. 

White Sage Palace, Liverpool, England. 

The warm sun shimmering outside the window stretched from the floor-to-ceiling windows into the dreamlike princess's boudoir. 

The pairs of royal navy curtains hanging around the room rippled subtlety, to and fro, as under the cool breeze, bringing with it the mixed aroma of different plethora of flowers, unwitting freshed the whole soul and body. 


Roy lazily pulled his eyelids. Caressing the platinum blonde hair on the side, he raised his figure, placing the soft and smooth body in his arms to the side in the process, then he leaned behind, positioning his head on the head board. 

"...yaw arr aawke, Roaw~."

Princess Alice indolently rubbed her sleepy eyes and murmured incoherently. There was still the remnants of a unique odor in the room and the sheets were also mottled and torn in many places, in fact the whole room was disarranged, as if a storm had greeted this area the last night, showing how fierce the battle was.

For more than a years ago, Princess Alice stopped calling him King, forgoing the formalities as their relationship touched closer, blossoming love. So now, he was called by his name or by sweeter names like 'honey' or 'dear'.


Nudging his arms while placing her head on his thighs, she yawned. Lazily half opening her eyes, a lazy voice variegated with ambiguity escaped her lips. 

"What time is it now?"

The princess rolled over one again, flickering her lustrous hair as her arms hugged Roy's waist and she squinted cutely like a squirrel with closed eyes. 

"It's seven o'clock in the morning."

Roy skimed at the hands of the antique retro clock hanging on the wall and replied.

"Umu~ It's still early, then I have to sleep a little longer."

Princess Alice groaned in daze. She and Roy together sang the sacred song of the soul until four o'clock in the morning. 

She has only slept for three hours now. Compared to a Godslayer in terms of physique or endurance, she is too delicate as a witch.

Had it not been for Roy to infuse her with his power-filled 'injections' in the past few times this year, this level of physical exhertion would have left the previous her half-dead. 

"Well, then you go to slee–"

Roy didn't get to complete his words, as he catched the dainty sounds of Alice's well-proportioned breathing, her bosom periodically undulating up and down, she was already fast asleep.

Shaking his head with a small smile, Roy placed her back into a comfortable position and covered her alluring bare body with a thin quilt putting on his pajamas and walked out of the bedroom. 

The head maid responsible for administrating the day to day operations of the huge palace, the beautiful voluptuous middle-aged woman in her forties, a proper milf, who was once almost killed by Roy was quietly waiting by the side of the door. 

"King, your bath has been prepared. The maids are waiting."

The maid bowed respectfully.

She does not have any resentment towards Roy, nor does she dare to have any; rather she was extremely grateful towards Roy for he cured her master. 

She has personally viewed the gradual slowly elongating pain and suffering her master has been through, from a lovely and energetic child, the pearl of the Goddodin estate to a bed ridden teenager submerged in despair, then to a woman hiding her inner emotions, finding the only moments of joy from juggling between the edge of life and death. 

Even though she felt a little regrettable for Princess Alice to be just King's lover, but the maid knows her limits, she knows where she shouldn't meddle into, she is happy as long her master is merry with her life.

"I see. Alice was very happy and extra energetic last night, so don't bother her. Let her continue to sleep... and yes, delay the breakfast I have some important work. And remember, only wake her up when the breakfast gets ready."

The chief maid responded with a dutiful nod. She did not leave, but continued to stand in front of Princess Alice's boudoir, waiting quietly, which was the work she has been doing in the past.

Almost two years ago, Roy 'killed' King Solomon in Jerusalem. He gained his Authority, and Aiwass also improved the Pandora's ritual which they tried on his body.

Unfortunately, the sacrifice ritual reformed by Aiwass was slightly 'flawed'. After fusing Solomon's spiritual foundation with Roy, the overlapping parts in the traits of Roy and King Solomon did indeed prove to have an enhancement effect, which mainly manifested in the power of <Jacob's Limbs>.

Although Roy previously claimed that his <Jacob's Limbs> has seven poses, he actually only possessed five. 

The last two poses have had exceeded the limit of this power in Roy's deduction, but he could feel that the last two 'skill column' did exist, but it was just uninhabited, but now they do exist. 

Into the bargain, his <Jacob's Limbs> evolved a new skill complementary with the 'Seven Forms'– 'Intent Sublimation'. Each of his seven forms boasts a particularly unique and diverse intent in each of its forms. 

And now he can use this intents to apply in form of a blessing, this skill is very similar to Might Guy's 'The Eight Inner Gates'. Each intent can be stacked on other, raising his stats for a specific period of time while exponentially increasing the stress on his body. 

And so this time, with the fusion of King Solomon's spiritual base, he finally completed the <Jacob's Limbs•Seven Forms>! 

So in some respects, Pandora's ritual transmogrified by Aiwass has indeed proved to be successful, and the reason why it is said to have flaws is mainly because this spiritual fusion didn't have much or very little effect on his stats. 

Although Roy's mana pool is stronger both in terms of quality and quantity than it was before, the increase is a bit too small, which is somewhat inconsistent with Aiwass's theory with regards to modifying this ritual. 

Therefore, for Roy and Aiwass, this ritual is unqualified and still has to be improved. So, the spiritual information of Metatron was temporarily put on hold. 

So, over the past one year, Aiwass has continued to improve the Pandora's ritual. As the most fundamental and complex 'God Slayer Origination Ceremony' that sublimates even a 'level 0' mortal to the magnitude of a "level 100' God. 

It is comprehently difficult to improve it, even the 'Holy Guardian Angel' Aiwass, who is boasted to be 'Omniscient' due to her vast reserves of knowledge is facing countless troubles in the process, atleast that's what he got to know, but strangely, these troubles seem to make her happy, Roy still get chills from recalling the eerie smiles that pops on her face every now or then. 

And this year, Roy mainly ran in between England and Italy. In addition to 'visiting' to read books from different mage associations every day, he has been continuing his vagabond style of life, mainly to avoid entanglement with a certain sword idiot. 

When the Doni runs to Italy, Roy runs to England. When he leaves Italy, Roy goes back. It was not that Roy was afraid of the King of Swords.

It's the man with a lack of few nerves in his head, who clamors for a fight all day long that annoys him to an uncontrollable level. 

There is nothing else in his mind except muscles, which greatly delays Roy's study. As a person who loves to learn, Roy decided to avoid contact with such poor students as much as possible.

And so for years, he is also quietly waiting for the arrival of any new Heretic God which can become a target to grasp his newfound strength, with his Mystic Eye of the Yore glossing for any related events. 

But, after all, the Heretic Gods are not some commodity that can be purchased in the market, Roy hardly heard any news related to any divine happenings. 

The magic eye from Roy's clairvoyance lets him know all the secrets that have happened in this world. Therefore Roy knows exactly where the 'Last King' sleeps. 

But Roy's power is still fundamental to bash through any situation. Currently, he is not an opponent of the 'Last King', if that monsterity awakens, it will be a disaster for the all the Godslayers.

Roy is now quietly waiting for some Heretic Gods to spawn. Then kill them to obtain their spiritual base, and under the improved Pandora's ritual version 2.0 by Aiwass, increase his strength, just like the protagonist of an RPG game, you must first upgrade your own skills and take your level to max, and then face the final Boss.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way!"

"Oh what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!"

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the wa–"

Roy, who had just finished washing, heard the ringtone of his mobile phone. Tying a towel on his waist to stow away what Princess Alice called the envy of all men, he picked up his call without even peering into the caller's name, there not many people who have access to his phone number, those who have are all for some importance. 

"Master Roy, your orders for the Seven Sisters Alliance to increase the efforts to excavate the ancient ruins has been rewarded. We have detected subtle divine fluctuations in the ancient submerged island to the south of the Mediterranean Sea, exactly at the latitude and longitude you ordered."


Finally! What he was waiting for the last two years is here! 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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P.S. Credits to Sylex (a.ka. The Enlightened). Thanks for making one, cause I don't know shit about making or managing one. 

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