Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-86: The Legal Eternal Lolita

Alps are the highest and most extensive mountain range system that lies entirely in Europe, stretching approximately 1,200 km across eight Alpine countries. 

The Alps have a all-time highlands climate. Thus, higher areas are subjected to more rainfall and snow colder than the valleys below because the cold air cannot withhold so much moisture. 

Subsequently, the Swiss Alps encompasses nearly all of the highest peaks in Western Europe. These stunning peaks have attracted climbers and tourists for hundreds of years. 

Atop a beautiful valley between two pristine snow capped hills restricted to outsiders on the authority of being a dangerous wild zone, a helicopter hovered in the sky, slowly lowering down. 

"King Roy, this is the residence of the former Oldest Campione. One year prior, this place was abandoned. But Marquis Voban has great prestige throughout Eurasia. So, even if he is no longer here we still do send someone to sweep it regularly. And no one dares to touch the contents placed inside."

The pilot of the helicopter said respectfully, antithetical to his respectful tone, his status was just as lofty, the Vice-president of the premier dominating Mage Association in Switzerland—Glacial Touch which made him one of the most influential figures in the country, leaving any ordinary transcendent overwhelmed in cold sweat.

After receiving the task of 'escorting' the new King, the Swiss side has been treating the matter which could potentially become a country crisis with precedent care, this shows how big a shadow Marquis left on these people, inducing the terror with reminsent to Campione deep into their bones.

But under the respectful facade, deep in his heart only indignant bleats endlessly rose in complaints, owing to their fame wherever a godslayer steps, the being called peace seems to woefully turn her face away.

Quite ironically, they do want to take subservience to a Godslayer, filling into the position of the Wolfish Tyrant, but they also want the Godslayers to leave them alone. 

Unobvious to the inner turmoil of certain peoples, Roy was inspecting the exquisite mansion built in the deep valleys of the Alps, a literal natural paradise hidden from the rest of the world, equipped with all top-tier modern facilities.

It can be easily picked out that in order to build such a villa with its supporting facilities, the project was definitely huge, burning money like worthless dirt to complement in the least. But in Roy's opinion, money that fulfills one's utility is well spent, it's not a stretch to call this self sufficient make a engineerical miracle. 

It is very likely that the command of the Wolfish Godslayer forced the government and the Mage Association to work together to take on this hell difficulty level task with not even a simple complimentary reward in return. 

Marquis Voban has been the sole 'King' of Europe for the past two centuries until the Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne and the King of Swords Salvatore Doni made their debuts. 

Glacial Touch has always been under the command of Marquis Voban till his 'unfortunate' death, and the Alps can be said to be his private property held under the name of the Swiss Mage Association.

Marquis Voban didn't like to stay in one place and changed his abodes frequently. Therefore, from the highest of mountains to the lowest of forests, all have a residence of the Marquis marking their presence.

"Very well, since it is the property of the Marquis, then I should accept it. As his dear friend, I shouldn't refuse the inheritance handed over to me by Old Wolf."

Roy looked at the exquisite mansion and nodded in satisfaction, even 'intimately' calling the man who he killed with his own hands with a pally name. 

He defeated Marquis Voban, so there are reasons and qualifications to receive the other party's inheritance. Although Roy knew that the Marquis Voban may actually not be dead, but... 

The 'gift' that has been accepted is not to be given back! 

What? You never gifted me anything? 

Come'on, you clearly did, this is clearly your old brain taking a toll on your memories! Want me to two swing a 'hand' or two for your brain? It works wonders~ Maybe you will remember something~? 

Ah! What's with that angry face? Come'on tommy take this bone~ Still Angry? So what? Wanna Bite me? 

"Lily, Erica, let's take a look into our new abode."

Without waiting for the helicopter to land his feet left the support of the floor to a free fall with his two wryly smiling knights following in tow.


The heavy wooden door opened with a heavy toot and in came a figure with his eyes scanning the outer hall. 


The inner decor of the mansion stood upto his expectations but it relayed different from Roy's imagination. The decoration inside was not very modern despite it's modern outer front. On the contrary, it was somewhat similar to the ancient baroque styles hued in golden black. 

At the exact center stood a old wood burning stove despite the mansion having an all round internal heating system. 

Most probably, as a character of two centuries prior to modern age, with nobody in the world to relate to, Marquis still held onto a nostalgic inkling for the past.

"Rest in peace old Voban, your friend will fondly take care of your possessions."

* * *

—Flick! Flick! 

The uniformly chopped log in the furnace burned with a honey glow. Even with the deep cold climate of the Alps the interior of the mansion felt like a warm spring incoming with a cozy atmosphere.

Roy was leaning on a wooden rocking chair. A steaming cup of coffee in his right hand, and a occult book 'borrowed' from the kind Mage Associations in another, a perfect time pass on a cold, wintry afternoon. 

Liliana was busy in the kitchen, from time to time, some exquisite cakes and snacks found it's way to his platter.

Meanwhile, Erica had a thin lensed glasses planted on her nose, her eyes were buried on the computer screen as her hand simultaneously filled the paperworks. From time to time she dialed the phone to contact with the Italian side. 

As the leader of Italy and Vatican, and the unspoken co-lord of the entire Europe, Roy actually has a lot of daily mudane tasks. It's just that Roy gave all of these troublesome polite talks and paperwork to Erica to handle and devoted his time to studying. This talented girl from Milan whom he initially recruited to be his secretary has now turned into the CEO of the 'Roy Inc.'

He closed his eyes as his train of thoughts drifted and took a sip of the handmade coffee, feeling the unique bitter taste lasting on his tongue to be eventually swallowed down his throat, Roy exhaled comfortably. 

He turned over the Gorgon Stone with a hand shaped of mana and threw it up and down like a coin. 

"Fate is the two sides of the same coin..."

Placing the book in his left hand on the table, he turned his head slightly to look out through the window to the beautiful snow wonders of the Alps, like a forbidden kingdom of ice fairies as the corners of his mouth curled with an understanding smile.

As dearly Roy was enjoying his first snowy vacation, sightseeing was not the reason he came here. The snow scene outside the window that was reflecting the vigorous sun light suddenly dimmed, as if the night had suddenly fallen due to the always hardworking Mr. Sun taking an early leave today.

"Campione—Roy Crowley."

Erica and Liliana, who were busy in their respective chores, looked surprised for a moment, without further ado the duo hurriedly stood up and summoned their companion swords from their personal space while cautiously gauzing for any further reaction. 

Although they didn't perceive anyone despite sweeping around their with their mana, their bodies had already suddenly beginning to tremble. A touch of irresistible horror was bursting from the hearts of the duo, as if some terrifying existence was eyeing to devour them whole. 


Erica and Liliana looked at each other with gritted teeths. Although the two girls are firm-willed, the human innate instinct still falters to the spirit of Divine aura.

A Heretic God has descended! 

"Aye, aye, madam. How about coming in for a cup of coffee? You should not refuse a little willful request of this humble Campione, Miss Gorgonophonos. Ah! You surely not thinking about destroying this beautiful mansion I procured through countless hardships, right?"

Roy felt the blood in his body boil again, leaping to tear the divine body to shreds. He disliked this instinct forcefully pushed to him with ardent hate. He forcedly suppressed this irrational behavior getting out of his control. Letting his powers being in control of his actions is a big no-no for any occultist. 

"Queen, the foundation of the land

and the city is yours, you are its mother,

mistress and guardian..."

"Athena of the aegis, spear-shaker, holder of the Gorgon shield, war-maid

who steps into battle with lightness and graceas if it were dance, the clash of swords ringing like cymbals to your ears..."

"Bright-helmed Athena of the steady gaze,

mistress of many skills,

bearer of much knowledge,

ever-insightful one who cherishes..."

"I pray to Athena, learned one, clever one,

daughter of Metis, mother of wisdom,

and great and thundering..."

The torrents mixed in faint prayers of countless humans of preceding era chanted together to express their devotion and faith to their revered Goddess. 


"Human—You are bold."

A proud, noble, elegant and slightly immature voice of the sky crashing pitch came from outside through the air, and the door of this villa burst opened... The chilly wind and snow from outside invaded this warm spring-like room. 

A petite figure stood at the door. Although her stature was small, her face and tone childish, she exuded an ancient and unyielding majesty of the Ancient Queen of Gods!

But different people have different perceptions. For some, she represented something more greater and noble—

The never ending pursuit and crystallisation of hope of all lolicons of past, present and future—The Legal Eternal Lolita! 

Clock hands will rotate infinitely, Seasons will change, Years will pass by, but the flatness is justice airport will never be demolished! 

Form this moment on shall the spirits of the cultured feminist of little girls of the past and present shall rest in peac—

"Hey~ That was some cool bgm! Can you teach me too?"

The only 'disciple' of the Esteemed Lolicon Sect Elder Romani 'Baka' Archaman, though he may not admit, had his attention affixed on something clearly of lesser importance.


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You can seriously consider to join our server. We do have many interesting people, three secret chiefs (admin) who have faithfully carried on the working spirit of Romani— A Tsun Rich Russian Loli (maybe a trap, she is the laziest), A tentacle of Outer Gods (some say it is an eldritch loli, it is highly obsessed with waifu rolling), A doggo salad confused with his own gender who aims to rebel and usurp my sect leader position (heh, a fool, not knowing the greatness of heaven and earth!). Plus, there's me, you know me, so I will not praise myself much. 

Ah, there are some unimportant background characters too. ( Hoho! That's what you all get for calling me lolicon. Seriously, I only changed the display picture to attract the real lolicons—, oops! A-A slip of tongue. Bye, see ya~) Umu~


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*

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