Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch–94: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

"Good, very good, if so, you can barely play with this goddess."

Seeing Roy's powerful Archangel Avatar Athena issued a praise, a anticipated smile was showcasing on her face. 

The giant snake body under her skimmed, every twist of the bulky figure brought landslides, the habitual flicks of the tail destroyed the mountains as it coldly stared at the huge luminous figure with wings.


The monstrous beast gaped open its huge mouth, monstrous huge dagger like teeths flashed in sunlight as it whizzed forward. 

Despite it's hulking figure, it's movement speed was extremely fast, as it lunged at the Archangel's neck at the speed of lightning.

The colossal Archangel Avatar stirled the flame of his own wings, and directly bashed the end of the huge cruciform kite shield held in his left hand on the head of the hideous monster. 


The collision between the triangular edge of the kite shield and the head of the dragon-like snake sounded like the ringing of a huge metal bell on the mountain monasteries struck hard. 


The splashing sparks fizzled and the 'tung' sound echoed in the surroundings, producing an after shock near them, sinking the ground under the two titanic figures. 

In ancient times, the dragons and snakes have held the same symbolical meaning until people started to symbolized dragons towards the quadrupedal lizard shape, although this huge monster looked more like a snake, it's defense was no lesser than a dragon's. 


However, the strong thrashing force of the Archangel still lashed on the serpentine dragon with unprecedented force, making the monster cry in pain as it's head scales were crushed and vicious black blood dripped from not only it's injuries but also it's eyes and mouth. 

If The King Who Manifests at the World's End is the epitome of the Gods of Steel— 'The Strongest of Unbending Steel'. 

Then, Athena and Pandora are the apex of the Mother Earth Goddesses. 

Cause Pandora's power leaned more towards the support side, it wouldn't be wrong to call Athena as the 'The Strongest Of Tenacious Earth'. 


It means to exist, the persistence to exist. 

Courage, mettle, spirit, resolution to, exist. 

Tenacity means the mental and moral strength to resist any opposition, danger, or hardship. 

And no one could question the tenacity of earth, the primordial that carries and sustains all. 

As the divine beast summoned by Athena, 'The Strongest Of Tenacious Earth', it is bound to possess strong defense and robust life force—the characteristics of tenaciousness. 

The broken scales, the shreded skin, the burst blood vessels all healed before the Archangel even got to launch it's another attack. 

'Michael's steel attributes are still too weak.'


Roy lamented slightly as he saw the result which he had already expected, although Michael's epics and sagas are sturdy and he even holds the feat of imprisoning the Great Red Dragon Satan. 

But compared to the heroic deeds of killing the 'evil' dragons and snakes that has been passed around the world, Michael is in the weaker strata of this aspect.


The ground shook as the behemoths collided. 

If Roy possessed the qualified strong characteristics of steel, coupled with the strength of his Avatar, the bashing would not have ended with only some broken scales and simple blood lacerations but would have crushed the monster's head into meat paste.

Though, even if the dragon is split in half, it can still recover, but atleast that will consume more of Athena's divine energy, forcing her to reveal her trump card. 

This fueled Roy's existing impatience to kill a Heretic God of Steel, and then seized its spiritual foundation to strengthen his power and adding the characteristics of steel, filling his power gap.

Unfortunately, the appearance of a Heretic God is even rarer than winning a hundred million dollar lottery. Finding a divine item to actively call the gods is even harder. 

That's why when he first came to encounter the two Heretic Gods at the same time, subconsciously his mind was already thrilled with the thought:

'Buy one, get one free! I brought none but got two free!'

"Ho? That's it? Then melt under the toxin of my sharp fangs. But this time the poisonous death will not be soothing and cunning, human. It would be painful, extremely painful."

The dragon snake who was thrown away in the air, hovered on the ground before launching a direct charge. 


A tumbling swipe of the snake's tail entangled the wings and the legs of the Avatar. 

Roy directly gave up the automatic control of the Avatar and controlled the Angel incarnation by himself to grasp the jaws of the snake with both hands and tried to stretch it apart with full force of this body. 


The beast half roared in pain and jerked up towards the ground, pulling the hateful figure with it. 

'Just right!'

This kind of close-range entanglement posture is in perfect co-ordination with the fighting style of <Jacob's Limbs>, a solid advantage.

Thud! Crash! 

The huge Archangel and the monstrous dragon wrestled and struggled with each other as they rolled endlessly on the floor. The rolling duo trampled countless mountains and basins under their gigantic body. 


The Archangel Avatar caught a opening gap, and timely held the snake's tail recess with a firm hold and flipped back on it's leg. 

Without giving the beast the opportunity to move, the tall luminous body took a 360-degree rotation like a top, and used it like a discus combined with the inertia to through the snake body into the mountain ranges.


Roy who was clashing in close combat with the sickle wielding goddess tackled the incoming blade with his knuckle-like ringed fist and asked a question that seemed foolish considering the time and place: 

"Athena, do I look handsome? Like very handsome?"

"What—," Athena looked at his face in dumbfoundness as she spoke, or atleast tried to. 

"I'm The Alpha & Omega, Bask In My Glory!"


Athena let out a shrill scream, as blood dripped from her five orifices and her origin seemed to be gurgled by a twisting force. 

'Umu~ only the <Visage of The Alpha & Omega> can display my inner handsomeness. Just look at the goddess going crazy over my cosmic face~'

Though some narcissistic nonsense was going in his mind, entertaining himself, his actions were not a bit slower. 

"The Weapon Of Judgement! The Dread Of The BEAST, Come Forth! Cause I Judge—"

"You Are Guilty!"


Roy seized this opportunity and summoned the <Sacred Line of Judgment of Good and Evil> again. 

The 'Judgment' that servers concepts was envoked as he hurled the <Sacred Line of Judgment of Good and Evil> which had transformed into a cruciform spear with full force into the air. 

The Archangel understood it's masters intentions. The huge luminous figure melted into the hurled spear. The force increased as the intensity of brightness doubled and punctured straight into the beast's head. 



The pained roar of the beast stopped in the middle as the hulking body turned into dirtly brown specks of light and vanished. 

The Dragon Snake of Tenaciousness Earth—obliterated! 

"Aaaaaaaah-! Damned Human!"

Athena raised her head and issued another cry of pain. Her hair was a tangled mess, her face looked disheveled. The slit-like pupils were suffusing with pain and anger.

"Ah? Haha, looks like my face was too handsome to handle? That, I'm truly sorry you kn—"

"Roy. Mrkl. Crowley. You have made this goddess angered!"

The wrathful tone was evident in the goddess's crushing voice, as if she wished to chew a certain hateful Campione alive. 

Her hands jerked in anger as she literally shouted:


The black reaper sickle in her hand was thrown like a broomrang, shooting for his head like a bullet. 

The mountain on which Roy stood begun to decay under the wrath of the goddess, even the concept of 'mountain' lost its vitality and turned into withered dust.

"<Jacob Limbs•Fifth Style>!"

"<Debacle of Babel>!"


The hurling sickle out for blood vanished under the hit of the imaginary bullet, as if erased from the world. 

Tap! Whish! 

Roy also rushed towards Athena like a arrow released from a tight raised string, while raising his right fist.

"<Dragon Subduing Saint Fist>!"

Pop! Crackle! 

Five rings were placed on the roots of the fingers of Roy's right hand, and his two continuous punches landed on Athena's charming face, denting the face of the wrathful goddess.

The strong dragon suppression intent of the punch made Athena, a goddess of dragon and snake feel the sharp bone-scrunching, tearing pain coarsing through her nerves and soul. 

Athena, who was blasted by the punch, turned around in mid-air, with a rematerialized sickle in her hand. 


Roy's powerful sixth sense made him tilt sideways for something deadly was surely coming for his head. But the incoming projectile was not far away, could still pierce through his shoulders, there was not much time to evade. 

He snorted. The holy tattoos that were only on his forearm encroached his whole body as the Adamic runes that he had previously inscribed on his body surfaced one by one forming a protective covering.


The strength of the giant projectile clashed with his body, the huge force made him grunt, the main shock were absorbed by the runes but he still felt his chest going number as he looked down. 

A ominous owl headed awl was held together by the runes was even causing the runes to decay, the golden runes were turning purple black as the size of the awl decreased and ultimately crushed. 

Two-Third of the rune protection that could even hold the thrashing of two Heretic Gods were gone under a single attack! 

'F–! Goddamn! Silent incantation?! Why now one by one new surprises are popping up?! This goddess was hiding her true power all those years..?'

He didn't know why, but some words that his father had spoken to him in his previous life as either a lesson or as a warning, surfaced in his mind subconsciously. 

'Son, never ever anger a woman. Never ever. Your dad has never seen a more scary existence that an angry women. And if you ever did anger one, run. Don't stand stupid but, run! An angered woman's vengeance is not what we men can withstand.'

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned-!


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreon with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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