Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 288 - 37, Making Shady Moves

Chapter 288: Making Shady Moves

Vienna Palace

Chief of Intelligence Tyron reported: Your Majesty, negotiations between Britain and France over the Suez Canal have failed. The French government has decided to disregard the British and proceed with excavating the canal on its own.

This was to be expected. The Suez Canal was of enormous importance not only to Austria but also to France. Having invested so much in the initial stages, it was obviously impossible for them to give up because of British opposition.

The current power gap between Britain and France was not as vast as it would be at the end of the century. France still harbored ambitions for world hegemony. Moreover, they possess the strength to match their ambitions.

The French army boasts a standing force of up to 400,000, second only to Russia and Austria on the European continent. Also, the total tonnage of the French Navy exceeded 60% of that of the Royal Navy and was nearly 70%.

Possessing a world-class navy and army at the same time, the French are the most balanced among the great powers, with a comprehensive national strength that is not inferior to any other major power. With such formidable strength, it would be difficult for them to remain docile.

The only unfortunate aspect is that this is already the peak for the French. Their national power is no longer sufficient to support further advancement.

To compete with the Russians for hegemony over the European continent, Frances population was too small. In this era where the human wave tactic reigned supreme, slow population growth had directly eliminated France from contention.

To compete with the British for maritime supremacy, the building of continental forces diverted resources and prevented them from exerting their full power. Of course, they could not compete with John Bull.

France, caught in the middle of all this, saw only its own strength and did not realize that it had already been left in the dust by its competitors in terms of development potential. Still, they dreamed of being the worlds hegemon.

From a strategic perspective, the predicaments of France and Austria are somewhat similar; both must develop their navy and army simultaneously and cannot concentrate their strength on one aspect.

Austrias advantage is that it has a larger population, a larger territory, and more abundant resources. However, its disadvantages are also quite obvious. As a multi-ethnic state, if it cannot achieve national integration, problems will arise as soon as nationalism awakens.

Having clarified the cards in his hand, Franz considers himself somewhat luckier than Napoleon III. Despite Austrias numerous ethnic groups, they are still more likely to stay in line than the French population!

Learning from history, Napoleon IIIs reign had not been bad, but only one defeat and his hot-headed citizens had driven him from the throne. In contrast, the original Franz in history had successive defeats in the Austro-French and Austro-Prussian wars, yet he still held on to the imperial throne, showing the difference.

Since coming to power, Franz has promoted both linguistic and marital unity across ethnic groups.

At present, language unification seems to have been the most successful endeavor. German is widely spoken in urban areas, but in rural areas, except for children in compulsory education, the older generation, if they could speak some German, were already considered active supporters.

TN: Ive previously misunderstood that they created a new language based on the German language which was why I translated it as the Austrian language but in actuality, it was German all this time. Please forgive me for this oversight.

Nevertheless, nearly 70% of the population nationwide uses German. In minority regions and newly occupied Balkan territories, the prevalence of German was in fact highest amongst civilians.

With regard to literacy, although official statistics claim a literacy rate of over 67%, the prevailing social reality of widespread illiteracy remains largely unchanged.

Franz did not think that being able to write a few words made someone an intellectual. This 67% could be understood as 67% of the population can write their own name.

A true unification of language and writing would have to wait until the current generation receiving compulsory education grew up. This was not something that could be rushed.

In contrast, the increase in the number of mixed-race children was much greater. As industrialization encouraged more interaction between ethnicities, intermarriage naturally became more common.

Theoretically, as long as there are three million couples in inter-ethnic marriages, all the races in the entire New Holy Roman Empire are bound together.

Everyone would become related, and ethnic consciousness would fade. Frankly speaking, except for extreme nationalists, who would discriminate against their own relatives and friends?

Franz instructed, Keep an eye on the French. Digging the Suez Canal not only requires massive investment, it also involves unknown risks. The French government will inevitably have to raise funds on the capital market.

Investing in the Suez Canal was a very profitable business. Once this golden waterway was opened, wealth would flow in. Naturally, Franz would not pass up the opportunity.

Theoretically, the French will seek Austrian cooperation after British opposition in order to minimize risks. However, the French will never give up control of the canal, and Franz doesnt expect to get a controlling stake.

In this situation, the Austrian governments share would be 30-40% at most, which seemed substantial, but with more sharing the cake, Emperor Franz must be mindful of appearances.

Instead of investing directly with the government, its better to secretly buy some shares on the capital market. After all, this investment is only for dividends, and the more discreet the better.

Yes, Your Majesty! Tyron replied.

After a moments pause, Franz asked, Whats the latest news from the Kingdom of Prussia?

Tyron replied, The Kingdom of Prussia is still undergoing reforms, and the reign of Frederick William IV is somewhat unstable, with internal tensions rising. His own health is also poor, as he hasnt appeared in public in a long time.

The specifics are uncertain as Prussians have blocked the news. However, judging from the frequent activities of William Frederick Louis in the political arena, we can infer that Frederick William IVs health is deteriorating.

Upon hearing this news, Franz realized that the famous William the Great was about to make his mark on history.

But to be one step behind meant to be forever behind. The Kingdom of Prussia had already missed its window of opportunity.

The three-way split of Germany was created by Franz himself, and how could it be easily broken under the restoration of the Vienna System?

Now Britain, France, Russia, and Austria are all hoping for stability in continental Europe, and this is not something that can be influenced by individual efforts. Unless he can work miracles and make them all collectively lose their minds, theres no chance.

In history, the unification of the German territories by the Kingdom of Prussia took place against the background of the mistakes made by the government of Napoleon III. It wasnt just one mistake, but rather three consecutive lapses in judgment that created opportunities for them.

The current international situation is even more severe. If France and Austria couldnt be provoked into conflict in Italy and Britain and Russia in India, they have no room for maneuver.

After pondering for a moment, Franz ordered, Tyron, find a way to get rid of the Prussian envoy to Russia, Bismarck. Make it seem natural, without revealing our involvement.

If there isnt a suitable opportunity, then ruin his reputation first, which will prevent him from advancing further.

He who is their hero is my enemy.

Although Franz has always followed the rules of political struggle and rarely played such conspiracies, that doesnt mean hes incapable of doing so.

To be on the safe side, he decided to deal with the Iron Chancellor first. Without him at the helm, the Prussians wouldnt be able to cause much trouble even if other radical members came to power.

The Kingdom of Prussia has limited national strength and cannot afford to lose in the struggle for supremacy. Any misstep could spell disaster.

William Frederick Louis is not an easy man. Without a chance to win, he wont take any chances with the radicals. Not all prime ministers are like Bismarck, able to force the king to yield.

Yes, Your Majesty! Tyron replied.

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