Homelander: New Legacy

[43] : This is the Marvel Universe!?

[A/N] : Support & Read 10 Advanced Chapters on Patreon!


"Ahhhhhh, !!!"

Roger found himself once again in mid-air, having been abruptly pulled into a new world without any preparation. This sudden transition left him panicking, as he was momentarily unable to control his flight, helplessly plummeting towards the ground.

“Seriously!? It’s actually a passive trigger!! Whoever designed this traversal point must be out of their mind!”

Falling alongside some scattered items from his office, Roger voiced his frustration loudly as he descended. The passive trigger meant he would always have to set aside time in advance for these transitions. But that wasn’t the most pressing issue; the real problem was that he couldn’t fly!

It seemed that during the transition, the biofield that allowed Roger to fly had clashed with the energy of the traversal point, leaving him unable to sense it for a while. Fortunately, the effect didn’t last long. Just as he was about to crash into the ground, Roger finally felt his biofield again and managed to halt his fall in mid-air.

“Phew… that was close…”

Roger let out a relieved breath, patting his chest to calm his racing heart. It seemed that during the traversal, the energy of the traversal point interfered with his biofield, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to fly. However, after the traversal, the interference subsided within about ten seconds.

Once he had stabilized himself, Roger immediately checked his suit. During the traversal, he had felt intense pain, as though something was crushing him or hitting him with the force of a bullet. If he were still an ordinary person, he would not have survived, but thankfully, he had the durability of Homelander, with skin as tough as steel to withstand most physical attacks.

The only concern now was his suit. The suit was made of the same material as Tek Knight’s armor, designed to withstand most firearms, with strength comparable to Starlight's skin. So unless something unusual happened, the suit should be fine...

“Phew… thank goodness.”

Looking down, Roger confirmed that the suit was indeed intact, not even a scratch on it. He wasn’t sure if this was due to the quality of the material or the traversal energy being less destructive than he had feared. The intact suit meant Roger didn’t have to worry about flying around naked.

After ensuring everything was in order, Roger finally began to take in his surroundings. He had noticed right after the traversal that this world was indeed a technological one, as he had hoped. Using his enhanced vision, he spotted some road signs below in English, indicating that he was likely in either the United States or the UK.

However, there was something unsettling about the place, it was eerily quiet. There wasn’t even the sound of cars honking or people talking. Could this be a post-apocalyptic world?

Roger frowned as he considered this, planning to search for any signs of life. Just then, a large, doughnut-shaped spaceship caught his eye.


The enormous doughnut-shaped ship cast a shadow over the streets as it descended, landing on a distant street. The moment Roger saw the ship, he knew exactly where he was.

No joke, he had watched the last two Avengers movies so many times that he could practically recite them. He recognized the ship as belonging to Thanos’ army, from Avengers: Infinity War!

The ones arriving were members of the Black Order, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. They were here to take the Time Stone from Doctor Strange!

“No way… no freaking way!! Why did I have to land right at the Infinity War timeline!? I’m dead for sure, damn it!!”

Roger hovered in the air, utterly bewildered. The plot of Avengers: Infinity War involved Thanos collecting the Infinity Stones and snapping his fingers to wipe out half the universe’s population. The entire process, from Thanos killing Loki to acquire the Space Stone to obtaining the Mind Stone and snapping his fingers, took less than 24 hours.

After that, within 24 hours, half of the life in the Marvel Universe would turn to dust and vanish without a trace.

And now that Roger had landed in the Marvel Universe, he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t be among the half eliminated by Thanos’ snap! A 50% chance was way too high, and Roger had never been particularly lucky.

“Well, crap… stopping Thanos right after arriving? This mission is insane…”

Roger let out a wry smile, realizing that now was not the time to be hesitating. The traversal point would need time to recharge, and based on previous calculations, it would take at least two months. But now, Roger didn’t even have a day, if he didn’t want to gamble on that 50/50 chance, he’d have to try to stop Thanos!

With that thought in mind, Roger quickly flew toward the spaceship. The first step to stopping Thanos was to prevent Ebony Maw from taking Doctor Strange.

However, in his haste to stop the Black Order, Roger failed to notice how eerily quiet all of New York had become.

Bruce Banner stepped out of the New York Sanctum, wearing a robe he had hastily grabbed inside. Banner didn’t know much about the Sanctum, but he was certain that this was Earth.

Earlier, as the Hulk, he had been with Thor, trying to escape the destruction of Asgard, only to be ambushed by Thanos’ forces. They had slaughtered half the people on the ship and taken the Space Stone, which Thor had been safeguarding.

It was during this encounter that Banner learned of Thanos’ plan, to collect the six Infinity Stones and wipe out half of all life in the universe. That’s why he had been sent back to Earth, to warn the Avengers and prepare them for the coming threat.

However, as he emerged from the Sanctum, something felt wrong. The streets were too quiet, eerily so. Not even a whisper. For a moment, Banner feared he had arrived too late, that Thanos had already succeeded, and Earth’s population had been decimated.

“Oh no…”

Banner stood in the street, dazed. If Thanos had already won, what was the point of his return?

But before Banner could completely lose hope, a massive spaceship appeared in the sky, grabbing his attention. His eyes widened as he recognized it. Before he could process what was happening, a beam of light shot down from the ship, and two figures, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian, appeared on the ground.

“No way…”

Seeing the Black Order, Banner’s initial reaction was relief, followed by panic. Their presence meant Thanos hadn’t succeeded yet, but the Avengers were nowhere in sight, and Banner didn’t think he could take on two of Thanos’ lieutenants alone.

This was a job for the Hulk.

Staring at the Black Order, Banner muttered to himself, “Come on, big guy… it’s your turn…”

He tried to summon his rage, hoping to transform into the Hulk.

But nothing happened.

“Hey, big guy, now’s not the time to hold back! Transform! Come on, transform! Now!!”

Banner pleaded, even slapping his own face in desperation. But instead of the Hulk, he got an angry growl in return:


For a brief moment, Banner’s skin turned green, and the Hulk’s consciousness surfaced just long enough to shout ‘NO’ before retreating.

“What do you mean, ‘no’!?”

Banner was nearly frantic. The Hulk was refusing to come out, and with Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian about to attack him, Banner squeezed his eyes shut in despair.

But just as the Black Order was about to strike, a yellow portal suddenly appeared behind Ebony Maw. A gauntlet with a repulsor on its palm emerged from the portal and blasted Ebony Maw straight in the head.


Whatever Ebony Maw had been about to say was cut short as he was knocked to the ground by the blast.

Emerging from the golden portal were three figures: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Wong!


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