Homelander: New Legacy

[53] : Battle!

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High above Wakanda's protective barrier, the Avengers' aircraft hovered in stealth mode, observing the scene below.

Wakanda had now become a breeding ground for zombies.

The strange creatures that Thanos had brought with him, along with the original inhabitants of Wakanda, had all turned into zombies, gathering in dense clusters.

Due to the zombie virus, even the previously dead had come back to life, making it impossible to tell at a glance who had died in battle and who had turned into a zombie afterward.

All that was clear was that both Wakanda and Thanos' forces had been completely wiped out, with no surviving normal beings.

Looking further away, the ships that Thanos' army had brought were lined up on the ground, not a single one taking flight. It seemed that the zombie outbreak had happened too suddenly, leaving Thanos' troops with no time to escape.

Black Panther T'Challa and his loyal guard Okoye stared at the scene in silence.

They bowed their heads, mourning the dead in Wakandan fashion.

Thor gripped his axe tightly, lost in thought, while Rocket let out a sigh at the sight.

"Well, looks like if we fail, we'll still turn into those ugly things."

Roger looked down at the zombie army below without saying a word.

What was described in the movies was different from seeing it with his own eyes. The sight of this massive horde of zombies made Roger feel a bit uneasy.

No matter what it was, when enough of it was piled up, it became impressive, grand, and intimidating. This kind of atmosphere could easily make one feel helpless.

As Roger observed the scene below, he noticed something was off. Except for those who were mourning or lost in thought, everyone else was staring at him.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Uh, what should we do next?" Kurt asked, holding Ant-Man's head.

Roger blinked, momentarily confused.

Ant-Man Scott spoke up, "Thanos has turned into a zombie. Should we still follow the original plan? You seem to know a lot about Thanos, so we'll follow your lead, Captain Roger... Oh, by the way, wasn't the Captain's last name Rogers? I kind of miss that..."


Seeing the others' expectant gazes, Roger finally realized that they had made him the de facto leader of this temporary team.

Although he had been giving orders based on his knowledge of the story, he hadn't expected the Avengers to actually follow him.

It turned out they really were looking to him for guidance...

While Roger had experience leading the Seven, he had never dealt with something on this scale and wasn't sure where to start.

But seeing everyone's eyes on him, Roger cleared his throat and said, "To be safe, we'll stick to the original plan. Since Thanos has turned into a zombie, there's no need to rush. We'll wait for Vision to arrive, and then figure out a way to get close, cut off his arm, and take the Infinity Stones and the gauntlet..."

Roger believed that the more allies they had, the better. It would be best to wait for Captain Marvel to arrive before attacking Thanos.

However, sometimes plans couldn't keep up with changes. Just as Roger finished outlining his plan, Thor, with his keen senses, suddenly said, "Something's wrong... He's found us!!"


No sooner had Thor spoken than a beam shot out from Thanos' hand!

It was the Power Stone!

The purple energy was condensed into a destructive beam, shooting straight at the stealth aircraft in the sky and piercing through its cabin in less than a second!

Fortunately, the fuel tank didn't explode, but the aircraft could no longer stay in the air. It spiraled out of control, plummeting toward the ground like a spinning top.

Seeing that the aircraft was about to crash, everyone inside quickly took action to escape.

Roger quickly grabbed the nearest people, Winter Soldier and Kurt, while Ant-Man was carried away by Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation.

Rocket, with his jetpack, carried Groot out of the cabin. T'Challa, covered by his Black Panther suit, held onto Okoye tightly, shielding her from the impact.

Thor, meanwhile, was the most direct. As soon as Thanos fired the beam, he took to the sky, swinging his axe and gathering dark storm clouds charged with lightning.

As the aircraft was destroyed and everyone fell, Thor unleashed a thunderstorm, clearing the area of all nearby zombies.

This all happened very quickly.

By the time everyone landed on the ground, the sound of the aircraft crashing and exploding in the distance reached them.

Roger safely landed with Winter Soldier and Kurt, and the others were mostly unharmed.

The Black Panther suit absorbed the impact, so even falling from several hundred meters didn't harm T'Challa or Okoye.

As everyone landed, Hope, who had been scouting, flew over, enlarging herself in front of them and asking worriedly, "Is everyone okay?"

Roger looked around and said, "We're fine for now, but that might change soon."

As he spoke, Roger gestured around them.

Thor had cleared the nearby area of zombies, but those were just a small fraction of the massive horde.

There were many more zombies converging on their location.

And unlike ordinary zombies, these Wakandan warriors and Thanos' creatures were armed.

"We're screwed, guys. I really think we're going to die here today, for real!" Ant-Man, usually optimistic, now felt they were doomed.

According to their original plan, they were supposed to wait for Vision and the alien reinforcements before landing and fighting Thanos.

But now, Vision and the reinforcements hadn't arrived, and they had already fallen into the zombie horde.

At this rate, it wouldn't be long before they were overwhelmed and turned into zombies themselves.

Roger knew they were in a life-and-death crisis, but his expression remained unchanged. The more dangerous the situation, the more he couldn't afford to panic.

He looked up at Thor in the sky and said to the others, "Thor and I will try to hold off the zombie army and Thanos. You all go into Wakanda and see if there's anything we can use."

"Can you handle it?" Rocket asked worriedly.

Thor and Roger were the strongest fighters among them. If they turned into zombies, the battle would be lost.

Roger smiled at Rocket and said, "Whether we can or not, we have to try. Don't worry, we'll do our best not to turn into zombies."

No one wanted to become a zombie, and Roger was no exception.

So, when he decided to hold off the zombie army, he didn't charge in to engage in close combat. Instead, his eyes glowed red, and he unleashed beams of energy that swept through the advancing zombie horde like a deadly game of Fruit Ninja.

In just a few seconds, the zombies fell like wheat being harvested!


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