Homelander: New Legacy

[91] : Ability Test

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Roger and the others were prepared for Apocalypse to arrive at any moment.

Surprisingly, after waiting all day, they found that Apocalypse didn’t immediately come to the X-Mansion. It was unclear whether Apocalypse genuinely thought that the people of the X-Mansion were difficult to deal with, or if Erik had said something to him, causing him to delay his arrival.

With Apocalypse not showing up, there was also no sign of him in Cairo. The people of Cairo were slowly evacuating, and within two days, the evacuation would be complete. There was no need to worry about them being buried under the pyramids.

So now, the question was: *What if the people of Cairo finish evacuating, and Apocalypse still doesn't come?*

Faced with this thoughtful question from Roger, Professor Charles Xavier responded nonchalantly:

"What does that have to do with us? After all, I wasn’t the one who issued the evacuation order."

Hearing this, Roger couldn’t help but exclaim, "Good one!"

Charles was right. It was the Egyptian government that issued the evacuation order, not Charles. Even if the people of Cairo had complaints, they should address them to Egypt’s top officials, it had nothing to do with Charles.

Of course, Charles was only joking about it having nothing to do with him.

The fact that Egypt’s leaders issued an evacuation order could be traced back to Charles if anyone looked into it deeply. Once the situation was resolved, Charles would certainly come forward and reveal the truth.

Mutants and humans were currently in a honeymoon period; it wasn’t worth creating friction over this. Everyone knew that peace between humans and mutants wouldn’t last forever, but at least, for now, both sides were coexisting peacefully.

Another day passed, and Apocalypse still didn’t show up. Roger decided to stay at the mutant academy for the time being. After a busy day, he finally had some time to rest.

The dimensional portal was still charging, and the time for it to complete seemed unchanged. Roger used this downtime to study his superpowers, particularly focusing on discovering which of his abilities had been enhanced after this dimensional jump.

For this, Roger specifically asked Charles and the others to help him with testing.

"Looking to train your abilities? You’ve come to the right place."

Charles said this as he led Roger to the specially modified training base.

Back when the X-Men were first formed, it was Charles and Erik who sought out suitable mutants to join their team. These mutants, once found, underwent special training to become fully qualified X-Men.

Mutants like Banshee, Havok, and Beast all improved their abilities through this training, as did Mystique and Magneto.

So, Roger’s request for them to help test his powers was certainly within their area of expertise.

"So, where would you like to begin your tests?" Beast, Hank McCoy, asked Roger as he stood at the entrance of the prepared testing chamber.

Walking into the room with Hank, Roger looked at the myriad of testing instruments and replied, "Um... how about we start with strength?"

"Strength, huh? You can try the barbell over there."

Hank pointed to a barbell connected to some machinery.

Roger glanced at the barbell, which looked fragile to him, and then turned to Hank. "Are you serious?"

Hank responded, "I know you're very strong, but give it a try. This barbell isn’t ordinary; the machine behind it can increase its weight to match that of a heavy-duty truck…"


Before Hank could finish his sentence, Roger had already crushed the barbell in his hands, as if it were nothing. Roger didn’t seem to have used much effort.

Roger: "..."

Hank: "..."

"...Sorry, I thought it was sturdier."

Having broken the equipment made Roger feel slightly embarrassed. However, internally, he was a bit puzzled. Hank had said it was supposed to be heavy, so Roger had subconsciously applied more force, only for it to break with little effort.

*Heavy?* Seriously?

Seeing the damaged equipment, Hank’s expression became grim. It wasn’t so much the loss of the equipment that bothered him but the fact that it had broken so easily. Did this mean his research was useless?

Feeling a surge of competitiveness, Hank fiddled with the broken equipment before waving it off. "No problem. I’ll just make a new one... But seriously, how strong are you?"

"I’m not sure; that’s why I asked you to test it."

"Take a guess. You must have some idea."

"Uh..." Roger thought for a moment before explaining, "You know commercial airplanes? The ones that carry over a hundred passengers?"

"Yeah, I know. What about them?"

"I once lifted a fully loaded one by myself. It was tough and exhausting, but I did it."

Roger said this earnestly.

During the event in The Boys universe, Roger had used his bio-force field to assist, but lifting the plane had been mostly his own strength. It demonstrated just how powerful he was. Even though it was challenging, Roger had recovered fairly quickly afterward.


Hearing this, Hank fell silent, staring at Roger in disbelief.

After a moment of hesitation, Hank sighed and said, "I can't measure your strength... at least not with the equipment I have. Let’s move on to another ability test."

It wasn’t that Hank wanted to give up; Roger’s strength was simply beyond what any of his instruments could measure. For now, testing Roger’s full strength was impossible, so they had to try something else.

"How about we test your durability next? Let’s start with impact resistance."

Hank began preparing for the next test but quickly realized something. "Wait, I haven’t asked how durable you are."

Roger thought for a moment before replying, "Normal bullets don’t affect me, and I think I could withstand a missile. I haven’t tested it, but I’m not sure about nuclear bombs."

Hank: "???"

Hank: "????????"

*Did he just say missile?!* Why even bother with testing?

"Can I ask you something?" Hank finally said after a long pause.

"Sure, what’s the question?"

"With all this power, how did you lose to Apocalypse? You're the strongest mutant I’ve ever seen. Is Apocalypse really stronger than you?"

When Hank saw Roger return unharmed, he assumed that Apocalypse wasn’t that formidable.

But now, after hearing about Roger's abilities, Hank realized how wrong he had been. Roger was like a walking weapon! For Apocalypse to escape unscathed meant he must be incredibly strong!

Roger smiled sheepishly and replied, "Well, first of all, I’m not a mutant. And secondly... I don’t actually know if I can beat Apocalypse. I think I probably can’t."


"Yeah, Apocalypse has tons of powers and could easily turn an entire city to ashes. He’s the most powerful mutant you’ve encountered so far. I don’t think I can take him."

Roger answered honestly.

Despite not having fought Apocalypse much, Roger genuinely felt he was outmatched. Apocalypse had countless powers, while Roger had no more than twenty, even if he counted them individually. It was clear who had the upper hand.

Also, Roger preferred to play it safe. Apocalypse had Magneto and Storm on his side. Only a fool would stay and fight them all.

Hank didn’t know how to respond. He felt that measuring strength based on the number of powers and level of destruction was flawed. But he couldn’t argue with Roger’s logic. If that’s how the comparison worked, Roger probably couldn’t win against Apocalypse, even though something still felt off...

"Maybe next time, you should seriously fight Apocalypse. You might just win," Hank finally said before leading Roger to the next test.

Since Roger’s body could withstand missiles, the next test couldn’t take place indoors.

Hank took Roger to the lakeside, instructing him to stand in one spot. Then, he called over Alex Summers, also known as Havok, to stand in front of Roger.

"...Are you sure about this?" Havok asked Hank once more.

Hank didn’t reply, instead looking toward Roger, who had already taken off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique.

Roger overheard their conversation and shouted to Alex, "Don’t worry! Just go for it. I can take it!"

"If something goes wrong, it’s not on me..." Havok muttered before getting into position.

Unlike his counterpart from The Boys universe, Havok didn’t have super speed. His power was simpler, he absorbed heat and radiation, converting it into energy that he could release.

It was similar to Roger’s heat vision.

Havok’s most powerful attack was a beam of energy fired from his chest, where he focused all his stored energy into a single, concentrated blast.

Essentially, it was like the Kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z.

Now, Havok was about to unleash his Kamehameha on Roger to test his durability!


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