Honghuang: I lead the Chaos Demon God to penetrate the heavens!

Page 141

And the road to the Central Great World will be closer only through the Xuanhuang Great World.

Before the chaos invaded the Xuanhuang world, the center and Xuanhuang were connected by a teleportation array, but the teleportation array between the two worlds was cut off because of chaos.

People in the central world thought that the teleportation array had completely dissipated, but they didn't know that a small teleportation array stood impressively under the already destroyed foundation.

That formation was left by Shi Chen, as for the purpose, it is very simple.

I saw that Pangu had set foot in the Xuanhuang Great World on the teleportation array left by Shichen since he left the Chaos World.

However, he was not in a hurry to go to the destination Central Great World, but chose to travel in the Xuanhuang Great World.

Especially the race he is most interested in, the Pan clan. He calls himself Pangu. He thought he was the only one in the endless heavens, but he didn't expect there to be another race named Pan as the surname.

No one knows what exactly happened to Pan Gu among the Pan Clan, not even the timeline when Shi Chen communicated, but Pan Gu's power has come a step closer since he came out of the Pan Clan.

The former Pangu's avenue of strength has reached the peak of the chaotic realm, but it is very difficult to take that step.

That realm does not mean that you can reach it when you are strong enough, but also requires endless opportunities. If there are not enough opportunities, even if the eternity passes, you can only stand still and not move forward.

And when Pan Gu came out after setting foot in the Pan Clan, he had already taken half a step towards that step, don't underestimate this small half step.

When he started to take that step, his essence had already changed, just like the time, even if all the Chaos Demon Gods combined, he couldn't be the enemy of them all.

This is the horror of that step. Even if it has not been reached, the essence has changed after it begins to metamorphose.

Pangu was very happy when he was promoted. If it was another strong person, he might doubt it, but he would always trust Pangu Shichen.

This is not only because of trust, but also because of the endless years of friendship between the two of them, many of which cannot be explained so simply.

And after Pan Gu stepped into the half-step transcendental realm, he finally headed towards the teleportation array left by Shi Chen at the beginning.

"Is this the teleportation place of that world?"

Pan Gu quietly looked at the ancient star in front of him, ordinary and silent, it was an ancient big star without any life, but on this big star there was a teleportation array that connected to the central world, if it wasn't for Shichen Tell him he won't believe it.

I saw that Pangu took out an exquisite jade slip, a silver light shone on the heaven and earth, and a silver beam of light with endless divine light shot up from the ancient big star.


Under a loud bang, a giant formation reaching the sky was reflected between the heaven and the earth, and the endless law of space and time fluctuated violently. This is the teleportation formation connecting the central world.

I saw Pangu stepping out with one step, and his whole body had disappeared in the silver light.

Chapter 297

As Pan Gu's figure disappeared into the Xuanhuang Great World, Pan Gu arrived in a strange world under the waves of space.

There is no prosperity here, and all the heavens respect Confucianism and Taoism, more precisely, they respect a little bit of righteousness, and it doesn't even count as Dao, it's just a law.

If other worlds are respected by warriors or cultivators, then this central world is respected by scholars.

Everything is inferior, but reading is high. The status of scholars in this world is higher than that of emperors. When scholars speak, everything must be quiet.

The dynasties and sects are just toys in the hands of these scholars, pawns when they are bored.

Creatures in this world will be sent to the academy when they are four years old after birth, where there are special spirit stones to check whether the child is suitable for studying.

In fact, it is whether there is a trace of arrogance in the body. Only children with arrogance are worthy of becoming scholars. Others either do nothing for a lifetime, or choose to become warriors.

And what caused this big world to be so deformed is precisely from the grand ancestor of heaven and earth. The times are destined to be so, and it is not a deformity created by him.

"It's really an interesting world."

Feeling the awe-inspiring aura of the whole world, Pan Gu is a little funny. Instead of practicing the Dao, the creatures of one big world go astray and follow the Dao with the law. This is destined to be a road of no return.

"Who! How dare you trespass into our central world!"

While Pangu was still observing the situation in this great world, a ray of grandeur emerged from in front of him, and a vast figure appeared in front of Pangu.

I saw his eyes fixed on Pangu, because he was too familiar with Pangu's aura. Not long ago, he felt it from the Demon God of Order in the Xuanhuang Great World.

"You come from that world!"

I saw that figure looking at Pangu, his tone was full of unkindness, the atmosphere of Confucianism and Taoism in the whole world began to permeate, and the aura of grandeur swept the whole world.

All creatures are in fear, even those who are the most powerful, Wenzu's anger is not something they can bear.

"I didn't expect you to be ruthless enough to refine them into puppets."

Pan Gu looked at Wen Zu's aura, he suddenly admired Wen Zu, he was really a man with city and ambition.

How many powerhouses are there in the entire central world?In addition, there are only seven or eight statues of Wenzu, and this is still adding the two that were suppressed by the Demon God of Order at that time.

That is to say, there are only five or six superpowers in the central world today, but now there is actually none of them, because they were all refined into puppets by Wenzu in front of him.

In fact, there are other ten thousand ways in the central world, which can be seen from the appearance of warriors, but Wenzu is also a ruthless person.

In order to prevent other people from surpassing him, he actually followed the same path that Hongjun Yu Honghuang took at the beginning, which was to respect himself alone.

It’s just different from Hongjun’s unique way of immortality. Wen Zu actually chose to give up even Taoism, so that future generations can only follow the Haoran method. With no way and only way, this group of people has actually stepped into his trap .

Those who walk alone learn from me live like me and die like me. A group of powerful people who are going to perish without knowing it have lost their own will. Although they still have their own consciousness now, as long as Wenzu manipulates them a little bit, they will become Wenzu's. wedding dress.

This is also the reason why Pangu said that they were all a group of puppets, that is, everything was planned by Wenzu.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be able to see it, but it's okay, no one can change what has been doomed for a long time."

Wenzu's expression was slightly satisfied, and he also plotted an eternal real world with his own power, including the origin of the world, which is indeed enough for him to be proud of.

"This seat doesn't want to care about your sneaky things, this time I came to this seat only for one thing."

Pan Gu didn't want to talk too much with the other party. In his opinion, although he was very proud to have calculated a big world, in fact, his Wenzu himself was also a tragedy. In order to make the creatures of the whole world believe in him, he had to go by himself.

That is to say, in fact, Wen Zu had already given up his own way, so what if he devoured other powerful people in the future, he has no chance to escape, and his way has come to an end.

If Wenzu knew about this situation, I don’t know if he would have made such a choice in the first place, but it can only be said that time is fate.

"My central world probably doesn't have what you want to do."

Wen Zu frowned. Although Pan Gu hadn't said what it was, he was always a little uneasy, as if the other party's visitor was not kind this time.

"Who said there is no? For example, you surrender to the Central World!"

There was a trace of a smile on Pangu's face, but while he was speaking, a vast force swept across the entire central world, and endless creatures trembled under this terrifying force.

How strong is Pangu's power?In the chaotic world, it is estimated that Shi Chen can give an answer. Since Pangu stepped into the chaotic world, he has never made a full-scale attack, even the Void Yuan Devouring Beast Clan did not allow him to make an all-out attack.

But this time, in order to coerce the entire central world, Pangu's vast avenue power swept across the entire heavens. Under this terrifying power, even Wen Zu, the most powerful man, trembled slightly.

"The power of Tao!"

Wen Zu's tone was a little fearful. He used to possess the power of the Great Dao, but unfortunately, in order to complete the plan in his heart, he gave up the Great Dao and chose the Law. Now he is afraid of Pangu's Great Dao power, which is like the abyss of heaven.

Dharma is nothing more than an inferior product derived from Dao. When Dao sweeps across, Dharma is just a child who can only be beaten passively.

"Now that you know what Tao is, then kneel down!"


As if a huge storm swept through, Pangu's words were God's will. Following his words, the entire central world trembled, and all sentient beings lost their strength to support their bodies and fell to their knees.

Wenzu really didn't want to kneel, he was the ruler of the central world, but what about being the ruler under Pangu's avenue at this moment?

"Crack, click!"

Wen Zu felt the sound of all the bones in his body cracking. The origin of the world asked him to kneel down, but his own will and arrogance made him stand.

The two wills surged wildly in his small body, and finally Wen Zu's will was defeated. Under the origin of the world with the blessing of the Dao, how can the Dharma without the Dao dominate one's own will.

"I am unwilling!"

A roar burst out from between the teeth. At this time, Wen Zu fell to his knees, but his hard spine was straight there. Even if he knelt, it didn't matter, he refused to admit defeat.

Chapter 298

After the conquest of the two worlds, the entire chaotic world finally calmed down completely. During this period, there was no conquest again, and it seemed that the war had been forgotten.

The chaotic world that has calmed down has ushered in rapid development. With the two eternal real worlds and the resources of the chaotic world itself, it can be said that chaos is developing rapidly.

Countless favored sons of heaven have made great progress, and even the number of supreme powerhouses has begun to increase.

In the past, there were only those Chaos Demon Gods who failed to break through the Chaos Realm, but now even those Demon Gods who have a different way of life have reached the Supreme Realm.

And with the help of Shi Chen at all costs, among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, finally one thousand of them broke through that threshold and reached the ranks of the strongest.

Eternal years have passed, and everything is developing towards what Shi Chen wants.

"Ancestor, we want to go out and have a look."

Among the temples of the gods, the saints of the previous generation of heavenly clan and the world said respectfully towards their ancestors.

It is said that since the last generation of heavenly clan saintesses and Tianxia came to the chaotic world, they were transferred to this temple by Dao, and they have never left here for endless years.

However, shortly after the Xuanhuang Great World was conquered by the Chaos World, this generation of saintesses who were the Celestial Clan also came here once.

This is the condition that Shi Chen promised to the other party. The purpose of her coming here is to make sure whether her sister is really living well as Shi Chen said.

The two sisters who came over that time cried bitterly, and finally let go of their suspicions. The former had long since fulfilled her dream after seeing the Great Ancestor Dao, and the latter had naturally surrendered to the chaotic world because of the Celestial Clan.

Although the Xuanhuang Great World has not been dragged back into the chaotic world by Shi Chen due to individual reasons, but after all, the controller of the Xuanhuang Great World is Shi Chen.

The saintesses of the Celestial Clan who let go of their ambitions no longer have the so-called hatred. The hatred between the two sisters is nothing more than a power struggle.

What is worth mentioning is that the previous generation of saintesses and the world became Taoist couples under the witness of Dao. The two defected from the original heavenly clan, and the world has always protected her.

It is said that beauties love heroes. During the long escape career, the previous generation of saintesses had already fallen in love with him, and in addition, Dao and Pan didn't pay much attention to them in the temples of the gods.

The two enjoyed a quiet life and solitude here, and they walked together naturally.


Facing the request from the previous generation of saintesses and the world, Dao didn't think too much about it. It was just Shi Chen who was worried about keeping them here. here.

Dao is a protectionist, and she is very concerned about her former clansmen. Now that the Xuanhuang World has been conquered by Chaos, Shi Chen's eyes will naturally no longer be on them two ants.

"Thank you, Lord Ancestor!"

With Dao's approval, both of them were very excited, and they were more willing to go to the mysterious world than the loneliness of the temples.

Although there are their ancestors here, but the ancestors have their own plans and they also have their own lives.

After endless years, they finally left the Temple of the Gods. The two of them were a little excited when they came out. Looking at the boundless chaos in front of them, they were a little confused for a while. After all, this is not the Xuanhuang Great World.

"Husband, we..."

A trace of confusion flashed across the eyes of the saintess of the previous generation holding Tianxia's hand. She didn't know where she should go in this strange world.

"Let's go home and have a look."

The world held her hand tightly, as a man, when his woman is confused is the time for him to make a decision.

He has not gone back for endless years, he misses the Celestial Clan a little bit, not only their friends and relatives are there, but also their roots.

"it is good!"

A smile flashed across the face of the saintess of the previous generation of Heavenly Clan. Like Tianxia, ​​she has not been back to her family for endless years. Although there is only one relative there because of her younger sister, this is enough, not to mention that Tianxia still exists today. .

Two children who haven't returned home for a long time embarked on a journey home, but what they didn't know was that Shichen had already noticed them the moment they appeared.

Ever since Shi Chen took charge of Chaos, he has refined the origin of the Chaos world, and now it is impossible to hide any troubles in the Chaos world from him, not to mention that there is still a powerful person among them.

But just as Da Dao thought, the current world and the previous generation of saintesses have lost their use value for him, and the worthless pawns are always too lazy to pay attention to each other.

Moreover, moving them might anger Dao, so it's better to pretend that everyone doesn't know how to sell Dao's face, so why not do it.

"Yuyou billions of years, time is really ruthless!"

Pangu couldn't help sighing, the time since the birth of Chaos is too long, so long that even Chaos Demon Gods like them have become antiques.

"Are you talking about me?"

Shi Chen had a black line on his face, he was in charge of the Grand Dao of Time, and Pan Gu's words always made Shi Chen feel that he was saying that he was ruthless.

"Ugh, just kidding!"

Pangu was a little embarrassed when he realized that, he just remembered that Shichen is in charge of the avenue of time, isn't he talking about him when he says time is ruthless?

"It seems that you are very free, why don't you find something to do?"

Shi Chen said in a faint tone, the meaning in the words was unclear, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Don't, I'm old, if you want to make a fuss, you should find those young people."

Pangu shook his head when he heard that, he didn't want to participate in the jokes, he might as well train and train his two incompetent disciples when he had that time, it's really embarrassing for him to step into the rank of Supreme after so many years.

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