
3.20 Friends :) :) :) :)

They left the Guild’s bar, the exited the tunnels through a different egress: A trap door beneath the rugged carpet of a broken-down building. The area wasn’t actually within the slums, rather, it was one of the more working-class districts bordering them.

“Moving up in the world, I see,” Irwyn raised an eyebrow as he observed the general state of infrastructure seemingly improve with each step they walked.

“Aaron’s idea,” Abbey - because that was the girl’s name as Irwyn hoped to remember - explained. “Also, you will look a bit out of place with the mask.”

“I suppose,” Irwyn nodded, removing it as the younger girl blatantly tried to have a peek as quickly as possible. “I mostly wore it for the mysterious effect now.”

“You wouldn’ need to. Your mug looks scary enough,” Waylan jabbed.

“Weak,” Irwyn shot back.

“Like your arms,” Waylan gave his favorite reply.

“My arms are not weak anymore, Waylan,” Irwyn grinned, his trap sprung.

“Bull,” Waylan scoffed. “You can’t build up proper muscle so quick.”

“You certainly can with magic,” Irwyn kept grinning as he flexed his arm. Waylan had to do a double-take.

“Fucking’ ‘ell.”


“We are almost there,” Abbey interrupted, pointing at a building across the street from them.

“Is that an actual orphanage?” Irwyn questioned staring at the building and the rather small sign declaring it as such.

“Yep,” Abbey nodded as they approached, “We got more hideouts now. Don’t know how the paper stuff works, tho.”

“Well, I can ask Aaron myself,” Irwyn shrugged. “Assuming I can meet him.”

“He should be home. Also Kali, Rain and Big Max. They have a boss meeting, I overheard.”

“Boss meeting?” Irwyn frowned at the word.

“Well, they started getting really weird two months ago,” Abbey shrugged. “Like, powers and stuff. They keep saying it’s not magic but, you know… Not normal too. They convinced everyone that they should be bosses since Old Crow left - above adults.”

“Much like me, eh?” Waylan laughed, distinctly from the other side than Irwyn had thought he had been standing. “I wasn’t the only one Old Crow got a gift before leaving.”

“I guess that makes sense with the tattoos,” Abbey looked Waylan over again, specifically the thickly inked skin. “It’s more visible than anyone else… well maybe except Kali.”

“These powers are visible?” Irwyn raised an eyebrow.

“You will see,” she shrugged. “I think they might evacuate if we stand by the entrance much longer.”

“Kalista almost made the call,” a new voice interrupted them, making Irwyn look over to a completely unfamiliar face - much like the voice. It was said by a strange lean boy - thin and tall wearing baggy clothes with all too many layers. And they looked at least in their late teens, so Irwyn should at least recognize them, which he did not. With a glance, he realized neither had Waylan.

“Who are…” Irwyn spoke but the boy interrupted him with a hand gesture.

“Inside,” they nodded their head back towards the entrance. “Out of sight.”

“All right,” Irwyn nodded. No matter who it was, they were not a mage… at least as far as Irwyn could feel. Perhaps a new recruit of some kind? The Tears usually only took in children younger than ten but there had been exceptions - like their cook - and things might have changed. So, they headed in, past the front door. There wasn’t much of a lobby but there was a hallway with a decent number of coat hangers, most adjusted for the height of children and occupied by coats, as well as many filled shoe drawers. Besides the obvious door that led further inward there was also a side room where they were taken.

“Alright, give me a moment,” the strange boy spoke to Irwyn and Waylan, taking a few steps back. Abbey had left at that point, saying she would pass along that the duo was here.

Then while Irwyn mused the boy began to change. Just a bit taller. Just a bit fatter. Facial features shifted; the throat visibly quivered with what had to be yet more transformation. Arms grew thicker, more muscular as did presumably the legs. Suddenly, the clothes were not quite so baggy but rather fitting the frame. Also, the face was very familiar.

“Maxim,” Irwyn gasped, doing a double take as his old friend took on the shape he had always known. “Wow.”

“Fuck me thrice sideways,” Waylan’s reaction was much wordier, accompanied by a laugh. “Big M can now become any size and any letter.”

“Not really any size,” Maxim shook his head. “I cannot actually shrink that much yet - I have to hide most of it under the clothes. Maybe one day.”

“You know, shapeshifting is supposedly extremely advanced art,” Irwyn smiled. “I think those masters that can do it might genuinely go black with envy if they saw you do this without any magic.”

“I will take your word for it,” the man just shrugged. “I am not properly shifting yet though. I can only do surface stuff: Skin, outer muscle and such - maybe a few tricks as well. Cannot really do anything with organs and bones - and won’t for years.”

“It is still amazing,” Irwyn insisted.

“Insane for infiltratin’,” Waylan nodded along. “You could just do someone else. Even steal their voice.”

“I haven’t quite dared go that far. Vocal cord are... finicky,” Maxim nodded. “I have been practicing for it though. Anyway, we should go meet up with the others. Kalista was freaking out.”

“What happened?” Irwyn frowned.

“I left before she got coherent,” Maxim shrugged. “She sometimes sees something she probably shouldn’t and needs to catch her breath.”

“Let’s go then,” Waylan led by example and headed for the door. “I missed the lovebirds and brainman. And you too Big M.”

“We sure as the Void missed the two of you as well,” Maxim allowed himself a smile at that, leading the way. Back into the coat-way, then through. Beyond lied a large communal area mostly filled with tables. It was not quite as wide as the old expansive hall the Tears used to live in but it was not that far from it. There were many kids playing around in groups - besides those who had already noticed something exciting was about to happen and were gawking at the trio as they walked through the door - which marked this as a communal leisure area, though Irwyn saw a window open into the kitchen on one side, meaning it was probably where everyone ate as well. Besides that, the room had several entrances and exits Irwyn obviously wouldn’t be able to parse. Maxim led them to one of them at the far end.

Irwyn experienced another surge of nostalgia as he entered a large-ish office. The arrangement was exactly the same as the one Aaron had used in their old hideout. Down to the chairs and other supplies since it would double as the primary meeting place for the adults. Which is a purpose it also clearly served now, given the 3 other people inside. He had expected them of course… then he paused as he took a second look

“Kalista?!” Irwyn exclaimed with alarm. He stared at his old friend, that eagle-eyed observer who could spot a fly on a moonless night… wearing a thick blindfold completely covering both her eyes.

“Hey Irw!” she waved, cheerfully, though she sounded a bit winded. Rainer worriedly holding her in a hug only supported that idea.

“What happened…?” Irwyn wasn’t sure how to phrase the question.

“Your eyes,” so Waylan finished for him.

“Hmm?” she paused, surprised.

“They mean the blindfold,” Aaron supplied from behind her. He was seated at his desk though Irwyn currently did not have the leeway to spare the man a proper look.

“OH!” Kalista exclaimed. “No, this is nothing. I have been wearing it for half a month now.”

“What she means is,” Rainer actually explained. “That her sight is not hurt. Quite the opposite, really. She can see you perfectly fine through it.”

“You can just look through solid objects?” Irwyn paused.

“Well, duh?” she smiled. “I am not wearing it to flex though. I have been… witnessing a lot of shit, frankly, when it’s not on.”

“Kalista had been seeing a bit too good lately,” Rainer supplied again. “She often cannot describe what she saw properly but she had been knocked out by it a few times out of nowhere before we did this.”

"That sounds dangerous," Irwyn frowned. "Maybe there could be a way to shield from it better?"

"Not exactly many people I could ask," Kalista shrugged. "So blindfold it is."

"But maybe I could," Irwyn replied. Seeing things one shouldn't see? The source might have been more magical but Elizabeth had experience with that. And presumably also knowledge about how to deal with such issues. It was hardly unheard of among mages.

"True, Irwyn's been makin' new friends," Waylan nodded with a slightly exaggerated emotional tone. "Really brings a tear to me eye - Irwyn talking to other people. Well… person."

"Now that is unfair," Irwyn defended himself. "I have made more than one friend over the past few months."

"More than one generally means two," Aaron gave his two cents. "I might believe you if you say three convincingly enough."

"Now that is just plain rude," Rainer spoke. "I am sure Irwyn has made dozens over his long journey."

"Do you, of all people, not live by the motto of 'one is enough'."

"I don't think you quite understand what you just implied, Irwyn," Kalista chuckled.

"Hmm?" Irwyn raised an eyebrow, looking back at his words, then almost fumbling and backtracking. "No! Not like that!"

"Are you sure?" Waylan immediately backstabbed him.

"Yes, quite!"

"Very defensive," Aaron commented.

"Who is she?" Kalista was clearly latched on.

"I do not like the angle this is taking."

"What angle? Please elaborate,” Rainer grinned.

“I am going to walk out,” Irwyn threatened.

“Fine, fine, I wanted to figure something out anyway,” Kalista smiled. “Waylan, Irwyn, could you please stand at the opposite sites of the room?”

“Aye,” Waylan affirmed while Irwyn gave a ‘sure’, each walking as far away from the other as they could, curious but following her request. When they did Kalista took a deep breath, turning her head towards Waylan. Rainer gave her a slight worried glance as she removed her blindfold.

Although the room wasn’t small for an office, it wasn’t large either. As Kalista stared at Waylan Irwyn could somewhat see her eyes from the profile, if barely. And they were quite something to behold: For instead of her old iris, Kalista’s eyes now shone. With an iridescent swirl of dozens of colors and their shades, from bright to dark, sharp to soft; Irwyn would have thought it clearly magic was he not feeling otherwise.

Kalista stared at Waylan for a good ten seconds before nodding, taking a shaky breath and began to slowly turn in Irwyn’s direction. Irwyn was clearly missing something from how careful she was being. It took Kalista a few more seconds just to look to the center of the room, intently not shifting towards Irwyn. Then she flinched.

“Alright, nope, nope, nope,” she snapped away from Irwyn, Rainer already putting her blindfold back on in the middle of that motion with exceptional dexterity.

“Are you fine?” Irwyn asked.

“Yes, I am alright, just freaking out a bit,” she sighed. “Were you always like this or is that just recent?”

“Like what?” Irwyn inclined his head.

“Does he look normal to everyone else?” she first asked instead of answering, then continued when she got nods from the others. “Well, with the blindfold on you are kind of glowing. Which is already notable because everyone else looks completely normal. Without it, looking at you feels like literally staring into the Sun. Maybe worse because you are so close. Painful even at an angle.”

“Ah, that sounds… unpleasant, sorry,” Irwyn apologized.

“Not your fault,” she sighed. “But try not to come unannounced too often. I nearly passed out when I wanted to check who was coming here out of the blue.”

“And we almost evacuated,” Maxim added. “Except it was so unexpected I went out to see what is going on up close since we would probably not have the time to run even if we needed to.”

“As I said before, I can try and ask if there might be something that can be done,” Irwyn nodded.

“Where can we find you, if need be,” Aaron asked.

“We are at the soldier’s camp,” Waylan answered. “Well, I might be all around the place if Irwyn can get me out of my ‘duty’.”

“It should not be a problem to free you up,” Irwyn shrugged. Elizabeth wouldn’t mind.

“Your friend is from the military?” Kalista observed.

“Nah,” Waylan answered again, “She is very much above it.”

“Elizabeth, her name,” Irwyn started, ignoring Rainer and Kalista snickering. “Is nobility and has been assigned to captainship of the company stationed here due to the Lich war.”

“Oh, wow,” Kalista whistled.

“He is underselling it,” Waylan glanced at Irwyn. “Nobility is a few notches lower than the word I would use.”

“I would not want to overwhelm Kalista by telling her right away.”

“I am unfreakable,” she harrumphed with a snort.

“You said higher,” Aaron said. “How, high are we talking?”

“As in, meets the Duke for family dinners,” Waylan snickered with a grin.

“You are fucking with us,” Rainer first laughed, then paused, staring at Waylan’s unmoving face. “Holy shit, Irwyn.”


“You are traveling around with an actual Blackburg,” Kalista did not quite freak out. She just stared; mouth slightly opened. “Wow.”

“You really are moving up in the world,” Aaron laughed. “And I thought we were making progress here in our hole of a city.”

“It was Old Crow who got me in touch,” Irwyn nodded. “Then I got lucky while almost dying several times along the way. For one, I was in Abonisle when it was attacked.”

“You have to tell us that story,” Maxim immediately latched on. “We have only heard rumors.”

“Later, over something to eat,” Aaron said. “Are you in a hurry?”

“I only need to be back by dawn,” Irwyn said.

“And he still has a flexible schedule,” Rainer pointed at him in mock outrage, though he was visibly still reeling a bit from the revelation. Almost everyone seemed to be with the notable exception of Waylan who had already known.

“Wait,” Irwyn frowned, then stared at Rainer’s extended finger. “Are your… fingers longer?”

“Finally caught it, eh?” Rainer grinned, regaining his composure, then showing his hands off. His digits were… extended for the lack of a better world. Not enough to look inhuman but they did appear a bit uncanny. “Not beautiful like Kali’s eyes, but I don’t complain.”

“Hey, I love them,” Kalista patted his back encouragingly.

“I know,” Rain grinned then gave her an extremely exaggerated wink. “They are also more dexterous than ever.”

“What about Aaron?” Irwyn glanced over at the last person in the room rather than entertain the pair's antics. Maxim could change shapes, Kalista’s eyes glowed, Rainer had longer fingers… Even Waylan was tattooed. These new powers - that Irwyn was definitely going to have a lot more questions about - had changed everyone’s appearance to a point. Except Irwyn could not see anything wrong with Aaron, his friend was as he had always known him: Spectacled and lean. So Irwyn tried to look for what was off.

There was no ink on his sleeves for one, which there usually used to be but that was probably not it. Aaron wore a hat indoors so he might be hiding something beneath, probably that since he never used to do that before… or maybe the mark was beneath his clothes.

“Well, mine looks the least pretty,” Aaron did not stall, showing that it was indeed the hat. Irwyn suddenly realized that his friend had been wearing a wig attached to the headwear - so similar to his old hairstyle that Irwyn hadn’t even suspected it. And when the hat was fully off, Irwyn saw that it was indeed not pretty.

There was no other way to describe the bald head other than deformed. Like the cranium tried to extend up, forcing the skull to twist into an uneven bulbous shape. Almost like a tumor thriving on top the top of the cranium. It also did not help that the area was scabbed over and scared in places, angry red intersecting healthy-ish skin.

“Doesn’t dat… hurt?” Waylan asked quietly.

“Only when it gets bigger,” Aaron smiled. “And I have painkillers for that. It’s not nearly as bad as it looks. And it’s absolutely worth the inconvenience.”

“Does it make you smarter?” Irwyn guessed. He knew that the brain was the conduit between the body and the Soul. And that most brains couldn’t fully tap into their soul’s capacity for cognition. After all, his own technique to accelerate his thoughts basically relied on flooding his brain with mana to make it a better conduit for the transfer. But hypothetically having more brain sounded like it would also work.

“Yep, exactly,” Aaron grinned. “A lot smarter. And I can think faster.”

“That does suit you,” Irwyn admitted. Then had a thought. “Does your manual or guide or whatever say you should not mess with enchantments?”

“Nothing like that,” Aaron shook his head.

“Then how about this,” Irwyn smiled as he reached into his spacial bag. From within he took a certain ring that had reached him just recently. The one that would increase mental alacrity and he just so happened to have been promised a better one. Irwyn threw it at Aaron, “Try it on.”

“Kalista?” Aaron caught it, then called out for Kalista. She turned around and shifted the blindfold from one eye to have a closer look, back facing Irwyn.

“Yep, magical,” she shrugged. “Too complex to really get anything.”

“It’s at least conception magic,” Irwyn nodded.

“I have literally no idea what that means, Irwyn.”

“That it is really hard to understand, I suppose.”

“We gotta have a conversation about magic later,” Aaron nodded. “I don’t really have reliable sources and it would be good to know at least the generics. All right, I am putting it on.”

And so, Aaron did, slipping the ring onto his finger. A slight tremble went through him, his eyes widening. An ecstatic grin crossed his lips for a second… Which slipped immediately afterwards. Then Aaron began to violently vomit.

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