Horns In The Library

Chapter 13

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.” 

“I don’t want you to feel pressured, like you have to…” 

“I don’t,” I replied. “I like you. I feel safe around you. I want to see where this goes.” I hadn’t seen Madeline flustered much. Well, not outside of teasing. But she seemed completely dumbstruck now. I was very much hoping that the connection I felt was there wasn’t just an illusion. With some luck, she felt the same way about me. 

“I’d like that,” Madeline mumbled quietly. She looked up at me from the chair and gently wibbled it left and right. It was clear she was out of her element when she wasn’t in charge. It was hard not to find her vulnerability precious. I wondered how often she got like this. Was this just me, or was she always like this in relationships. I plopped myself down on the other chair and wheeled it toward her. I wanted to be able to see eye to eye literally as well as figuratively. “You’re sure?” she asked, and she seemed almost scared. 

I nodded. “Yeah. Sure, I wanna take things slow, but, yknow, if you want to, then I’d like to take them slow with you.” She seemed flustered again and, feeling bold, I took her hands in mine. “Is that… something you might want?” Madeline nodded. She seemed like she was stuck in her own head, overwhelmed in a way I found eminently recognizable. “Are you okay?” I finally asked her. She looked up. My eyes met hers.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’m not… how do I put this… I’m not used to… things going like this. Sure, sex is fun and has its place and all that, but this is something different, isn’t it?”

“I’d like it to be,” I said. “But I don’t want to ask you to do something you can’t. You mentioned people from out of state…” I let that hang in the air while the gears turned behind her eyes. I looked around. The library was quiet but it was still early. I didn’t want to push her to live a life that wasn’t hers, especially so shortly after meeting her.

“Hmm,” Madeline said. “You’re entirely serious, aren’t you?” I nodded. 

“I like you. Like I said, I want to see where this goes. Sure, it’s been intense, but I think there’s something below the…”

“The fucking?” she asked, eyebrow raised and lips pursed into a slight smirk.

“Yes, that,” I said. I still wasn’t over the fact that I’d gone from a celibate hermit to… this. Not that I minded. But it had been a drastic change, to say the least. “Yeah, I think there’s something more here. Maybe it’s the… the shared feelings that come with the fantasies. Maybe it’s just the fact that we’re both, yknow, succubi. Or maybe it’s just that we work well together.” I cleared my throat and squeezed her hands. “But yeah. I want to try this.” I took a deep breath. I knew she felt the same, to a certain extent. I couldn’t literally read her mind -- not all the time -- but she hadn’t exactly been undecypherable. I just didn’t know if she felt like this was something she could do.

“First things first,” she finally said. “The friends I see once in a while… those are playmates. That’s nothing I couldn’t… have with… yknow.” She looked up at me and blushed a little bit. “And I feel it too. It’s just been some time since I’ve tried something like this. A long time, actually. So… it’s good that you want to take things slow because I think I do too.” She squeezed my hands right back. “But yes, Evelyne, I want to try this too.” I nearly jumped on her lap. She smiled warmly. “And don’t take my… hesitation for a lack of eagerness, darling,” she added. It was her voice of course, her way of speaking, a voice that teased every word, but there was a vulnerability there that inched this woman further into my heart with every syllable. “It’s simply been a long time. I feel remarkably… exposed, around you.” Another pause. “I like it.” I pulled her closer, and our respective desk chairs wheeled towards each other. 

The kiss was soft and gentle. Sure, I was still a little pent up from earlier, and I was sure she was too, but none of that was expressed in this one moment of affection. Things had been going fast but compared to the frustrating slowness of the past few decades, this was a refreshing change of pace.

“So… what does that make us?” I finally asked. I wasn’t one for labels, but it couldn’t hurt to ask, I figured. She thought for a moment, her eyes a little unfocused, which gave me the perfect opening to strike with another small kiss. She grinned. 

“I don’t know,” she finally said. “Lovers, I think. At the very least.” Well, that was a bit more formal than the ‘girlfriends’ I had been expecting to hear, but it made sense, and I definitely didn’t hate it. I nodded in approval. “I had a question,” she asked, and I got up again. Not that I wanted to get away from her, far from it, but I couldn’t sit still. I was ready to jump out of my skin, brimming with energy. 

“Go ahead,” I said, hopping back up on the cabinet. 

“Well, I know we’re going to take it slow but, like… where are you going to be staying?” she looked up at me and twirled in her chair. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one who was a little giddy. She hid it better than me, but I could see her feet tippy-tapping as she turned the chair. It was a good question. I remembered the shattered sink and the demolished mirror.

“I’m not getting that deposit back, am I?” She giggled softly and the butterflies in my stomach cartwheeled in response to the wonderful noise.

“I doubt it,” she said. “Besides, I think the landlord might be a little surprised to see someone with a different face and name come to pay the difference.” Oh, shoot. I hadn’t even considered that. None of my paperwork had my name and face on it. For all intents and purposes, the old me didn’t exist anymore, which gave me a brilliant idea.

“What if I was dead?”

“Well, I’d miss you,” Madeline smirked. I stuck out my tongue. “I see what you’re saying. We’d still need an ID for you. Unless you want to be my dirty - little - secret.” She enunciated those last three words. Of course it was a terrible idea but the way she’d said it made it sound dangerous and exciting. She giggled at my expression. “You’re not the first creature to go through a rapid change like this, dear. I’ve got some people I can call, get you some papers, some documents that prove you exist. But the question still stands. Do you want to stay in that dingy apartment of yours?”

I flopped backwards. The large piece of furniture held my weight with ease, and I stared up at the lazily spinning fan. I had no idea. My desire to leave Alderberg had come from a lack of belonging, a feeling of wrongness, which I’d always attributed to the sleepy little town. But the problem had been in me, mostly. I hadn’t fit in Alderberg because I hadn’t fit in me. The urge to leave wasn’t nearly as strong now, and the urge to stay had been multiplied exponentially. Her fault. Would this work? Would there be a place for me here, now? I sighed deeply. 

“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “Like the other stuff, I think it can’t hurt to take my time, yknow?” I propped myself up and looked at her. She nodded. 

“I could take you on here as an intern,” she grinned. “You’d have to do exactly as I say, though.” Our gazes met, and locked in place. 

“Oh no,” I said softly, and slithered off the cabinet. It was amazing just how much more in control of my body I was now that it didn’t fit me like shoes on a snake. I sauntered over to her and leaned on her armrests, hanging over her. “What ever shall I do?” I whispered. She grinned up at me, grabbed me by the collar and pulled me down for a kiss. 

“I have a guest room,” she said once she released me. Interesting. “It’s a separate room, with its own bathroom.  You’d have privacy and your own space. Rent-free, though I really could use help around here.” Her voice was a little more businesslike, which I didn’t mind. Teasing aside, there were some practical matters to consider. I nodded. “It’s not quite not moving in together,” she said with a little smile, “but it gives you a place of your own while you figure out who you are now.”

“That’s… amazing, Madeline. Thank you.” She smiled and turned to her PC, launching a program that seemed to display mostly barcodes and numbers. Her eyes flitted across it, and then she turned back to me.

“Of course,” she said. “It’s the least I can do. I overturned your life pretty brusquely,” she laughed. “And don’t think you owe me anything. Except maybe some teasing from earlier,” she added. She reached out and her hand caressed my neck softly, before slipping behind my head and gently grabbing a handful of hair, tightly but not roughly. I gasped. That was entirely new, and not entirely unwelcome. Madeline glanced at the door, and then, seemingly satisfied with the lack of customers, she assaulted my neck like a starving lesbian being handed a fresh, juicy, smaller lesbian. I groaned at the assault of her teeth, and when she pulled away I had trouble focusing on the here and now. She turned back to the computer as if nothing had happened, adding numbers to certain columns while I came back to my senses. “Now we’re even,” she said matter-of-factly but the corners of her mouth betrayed a playful smile aching to get out. 

Like hell we were. I got out of my chair and immediately knelt down next to her, squeezing her thigh. She turned to me with her eyes wide, but I just nudged her out of the way and crawled under her desk. If she thought she was going to get away with just working without me driving her crazy, she hadn’t been paying attention. I grabbed her by the back of her knees and pulled her toward me. She gasped, especially when I scooted her forward to the edge of her seat and began to fiddle with the buttons on her jeans. So far, they’d done a great job of hiding her sizable assets, but when I ran a careful finger over it I could feel it straining against the fabric. Finally, the button popped open and I pulled her pants and underwear down just a little bit, enough for me to expose her to the air. Gosh. This was the first time I’d seen it, or any, really, up close. My only previous experience with one had been severely uncomfortable and it had been magically excised from my life. But this was… something else entirely. The smell was intense. Maybe it was my transformation, maybe it was the arousal, but there was something intoxicating about it. It didn’t hurt that it was definitely not small, from what small ‘research’ I’d done online. 

Ever so slowly I wrapped my fingers around the base. Just because this was a learning experience didn’t mean I wasn’t going to torture Madeline at the same time. “Evelyne,” she whispered above me. I heard the opening and closing of the library’s automatic doors. Uh oh. I took a deep breath and the musk was overpowering. Oh well. In for a penny. I looked at it again. I realized I subconsciously hadn’t been able to make myself think of all the common words for it, and made a mental note to ask her how she liked to refer to her anatomy. 

But there was time for that later. Just then, I discovered a new little quirk of my anatomy. As the customer approached the front desk, I found out that I didn’t have a gag reflex, and bottomed Madeline out down my throat. Her grip on the edge of the desk was strong enough to make it creak. I heard the customer ask her a question and I made sure to pull away far enough so we could both come up for air. She was halfway through her answer when I slid her down my throat again. This was fun.

As the customer, satisfied with their answer, walked away, I felt a hand run through my hair, and she bucked her hips ever so slightly. It was a surprisingly gentle gesture, especially considering my current position. I bottomed out again, swallowed her whole. The hissing intake of breath was as much of a reward as her subtly shaking legs. 

I pulled away again for air and sat panting under the desk for a few seconds, staring at the gently pulsing length before me, and I smiled to myself. My life had changed considerably, and I was, well… happy. Everything was weird and new and intense. But it was mine. She was my weird. This body was my new. And this, I thought as I grabbed the shaft and slid the head in my mouth again, was my intense. 

She didn’t come, sadly. Another customer asked her for help finding a specific book and simple directions hadn’t been enough, so she’d promised to come over to help them find it in a second. I helped her shove everything back into her jeans and waited until she left before I scurried out from under the desk quietly. My knees were a little dusty, but that was it. I found her helping the hapless customer in a row and waved at her innocently. She professionally walked me around a corner, then unprofessionally shoved me into a wall and kissed me deeply. I was sure she could taste herself on my lips. I knew I still could. It was her taste, and that made it… special. 

“You,” she hissed. 

“Me,” I said coyly.


“Maybe later,” I said and kissed her on the nose. “Unless you can stay quiet. This is a library, you know.” Her eyes were wide with indignation, and I couldn’t help but flash her a bratty grin. 

“I’m going to do things to you, Evelyne,” she whispered in my ear, lifting my skirt with her knee and pushing against my crotch. “And you’re gonna beg before the end of it.”

“I can’t wait,” I sighed and kissed her again. Yeah, my life was weird now. But I was here for it. I gently pushed her away. “Now, before we get to that, I thought you mentioned we had work to do?” I looked around the library. “Where do I start?” I looked at her and her expression slowly shifted, like a flower blooming at dawn. Her face went from hungry, horny, desire to one of… tenderness. She let me into her life, I realized, and I think she was realizing that too, now.

“Take the day to familiarize yourself with the filing system,” she said and guided me between the rows. “I know you know where the fantasy is, but there’s a lot of hidden nooks and crannies to this place. Take your time. Most of this place has a history to it.” Madeline had a look of admiration in her eyes when she walked past the shelves. 

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, and quickly stole a kiss. “Oh, and another thing.” She looked at me, an eyebrow raised. Maybe she was scared I was going to tease her again. I resisted licking my lips at the memory. “I’m cooking tonight. I want to pay you back for breakfast.” I kissed her again before she could protest. I took her hands and entwined our fingers, then looked her in the eyes. “I really like you, Madeline.” One more kiss. For good luck, or a similar excuse. With that, I let go and wandered off between the shelves, taking note of the different departments. Behind me, I heard Madeline catch her breath. 

“I really like you too, Evelyne,” I heard her say, and my heart did a little victory lap.

This the end of Part 1! I definitely like these two and I already have ideas for another part, so don't worry, this story isn't dead :)

So, here comes the plug again. I'm very grateful to have you all as my readers. It's been helping me get through a lot of things and is actually paying for my medication at this point, which is just... mindblowing! If you want to support me on Patreon I'd be very grateful. It means I get to write more of this, and you get your wholesome smut :) A small donation already goes a very long way, and bigger donations get to commission stories off of me, so please have a look around! You also get access to story drafts before they go on here, sometimes days or weeks before they're published!

Anyway, that's enough shilling. Well, almost enough. I'm on a discord server of the ever-prolific QuietValerie (right here) where you can find her wonderful stories, like Ryn of Avonside, Falling Over and The Trouble With horns, as well as other authors' works, and talk about them with fellow fans, and even the authors themselves! I heartily recommend joining it and reading their works! 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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