Horror Camgirl

Chapter 11 - Meeting Yin Shengyao Again

Chapter 11: Meeting Yin Shengyao Again

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

It seemed he was a little drunk, saying with a sneer, “Mr. Tang has a good taste of women. Show me your face. I wonder why he is trying to protect you.”

Speaking of which, he ripped off my mask.

He was so fast that I even had no time to response.

“No!” I cried while covering my face. But he had already seen it clearly, and wore an astonishing face, “You are so ugly! Is Mr. Tang blind?”

I shivered and tried to run away, but he stopped me. He then said, “Now I know. Mr. Tang is playing too many beautiful girls, so he wants to try some freak ones.” He touched his chin and said, “Though you are ugly, you have a nice body. It’d be fun if your face is covered.”

Now I shivered even harder.

“Why? Why don’t those men take me as human? Can’t they leave me a tiny bit of dignity? Would they only be happy to step me into the ground like I’m a weed?”

“Or maybe you have kind of special skills…to entertain men? Mr. Long said with viciousness in his eyes.

I lowered my head, and couldn’t say a word.

“Enough!” Someone cried! Mr. Long turned around and laughed, “Mr. Tang, what about you tell me in person why you are attracted to her?”

Before he finished his words, Tang Mingli already threw his punch on his face and blew him away.

It irritated Mr. Long. He jumped up and pounced at Tang Mingli.

Tang Mingli didn’t expect that Mr. Long also knew kung fu. But compared with his, Long’s kung fu was unworthy to be mentioned. Only a few rounds, he already knocked Long down.

Long was outraged and cried, “Don’t be cocky! If my big brother were here, he would beat the shit out of you.”

Tang Mingli cast a glance at him and said, “Even a dog is so arrogant? People of your Long Family are just so so.”

Then he pulled me up and said, “Let’s go.”

After getting out of the Mind Calming Pavilion, Tang Mingli said to me angrily, “Why didn’t you fight back? You just let them humiliate you?”

I took a deep breath and said, “Is there any use? I have nothing now. You people could even smash me with a finger. If I had struggled, I would only have suffered more, even ten times or even a hundred times more. The only thing I can do is to endure. Only when I am strong enough, I can have my dignity in front of you people.”

Tang Mingli said nothing. His eyes showed kind of complicated feelings. There was helplessness, sadness and also pity.

But I didn’t need anyone’s pity.

Pity sometimes was more hurtful than humiliation.

On the way home, I didn’t say  a word. After we got home, I started to practice qi cross-legged. I wanted to get stronger, much stronger, then I could protect myself and my family.

Dignity was not what others gave you but what you earned for yourself.

I guided that wisp of qi to flow through my body. Until early the next morning when the sun rose, a wisp of purple qi emerged. I immediately breathed it in.

It seemed that wisp of qi had become much stronger.

Was it the so-called Hongmeng Purple Qi?

When I got up the next morning, I felt totally refreshed and had inexhaustible strength.

I read that pamphlet Lord Zhengyang gave me again and again, and spent a whole day to make preparations. On the night of the third day, we came to Heims Hotel and booked No. 1814 room.

When we just entered into the hall, I got startled. I couldn’t move a bit like my legs were frozen.

I met him again! It was Yin Shengyao, the man who raped me but took me as monster, the man who turned my younger brother into a vegetable.

He didn’t notice me and walked directly to the elevator.

He looked very cute. With that business suit, he looked graceful and charming. He showed kind of a king’s manner.

But such a man had a merciless heart.

“What’s wrong?” Tang Mingli pinned my shoulder and whispered by my ear.

I lowered my head and hid away the hatred in my eyes, then said, “Nothing.”

Tang Mingli didn’t press me then. We took another elevator and went up to the eighteenth floor.

Room 1814 was at the end of the corridor. I didn’t know why. The lights of this floor were much dimmer, making me shiver down the spine.

I opened my live stream room, and named it “Phantom Horror: Room 1814 where ghosts hover”.

Over a hundred viewers surged in in an instant.

[Camgirl, you are finally here. Since I watched your live streaming, I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep. Your live stream is my life. No more talks. A jade pendant for you.]

[You are so mean. The camgirl tortured herself to entertain us. You should reward her a crown at least.]

[Easier said than done. What about you?]

[All right, no big deal. I am rich. I have money.]

In a few minutes, I had already received three crowns.

I explained, “Hey, guys. I wonder if you have seen an American horror movie called 1408 Phantom Horror. I like it very much. And today we are gonna have live streaming here in a haunted room.”

I introduced them the background of this room, and then said, “Tonight, me and my guest…”I moved thelens towards Tang Mingli and asked, “Hey, cute guy, what would you like the audience to call you?”

[Holy crap! Dude, don’t be a pussy, or you’d get banged.]

[Bossy CEO, you really turned me on.]

[A crown for the Tyrant! Your highness, can you show me your chest?]

I curled my lips and said, “Everyone, let’s get to the point. Tonight me and Tyrant will spend the night in room 1804 and see if there’s really a ghost.]

[Wow! The camgirl and the Tyrant check in one room! Will it change from horror live stream to off-color live stream?]

[Camgirl, if you can sleep the tyrant tonight, I’m gonna reward you ten crowns.]

I pulled my face and said, “Everyone, I told you I am quite ugly. In order not to make you puke, I’d better not take the off-color route. All right. Now I’m gonna show you this room.”

Heims Hotel was indeed a five-star hotel. Though Room 1814 was only an ordinary suite, the decorations were quite classy.

But, it was cold.

I checked the air conditioner which was read 26℃, but why so cold?

Maybe because its yin qi was too heavy!

After showing them around the room, I said, “Guys, it’s only 8 o’clock, so the ghost won’t show up now. So we’re gonna take some rest. See you at 12!”

I closed my live stream channel and exhaled a long breath, then said to Tang Mingli, “There are still four hours. I’m gonna buy some snacks. We can eat some food while waiting.”

Tang Mingli nodded, while scrubbing his peach sword carefully with a piece of lint.

I bought some barbecues. When I went to the elevator and the door was about to close, suddenly a hand sticks in and stopped the elevator.

I raised my head and got frozen again!

It was Yin Shengyao!

I hurriedly lowered my head and pressed down my hat. He didn’t recognize me. With the elevator rising slowly, my palms were all cold sweats out of fear.

I’ve got a dagger in my pocket. If I pulled it out and stabbed him now, would I have a chance?

I peeped at him. He was tall and strong. I had ever seen his body, all muscles. While I was only a weak woman, and only killed chickens before.

I was totally not his rival. Besides, I was afraid I didn’t have the guts.

Killing a person was never an easy thing.

“What perfume are you wearing?”

I shivered. Was he talking to me?

“Don’t make me ask twice.” his voice was as cold as the ice, but with kind of irresistible tone. I clenched my fists, took a deep breath and said, “I never wear any perfume.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said no more.

The elevator stopped at the 18th floor. When I quickly stepped out, I found he also came out.

I got stunned! Was it possible he recognized me?

I picked up my pace. And when I came before Room 1814, I heard someone was also opening the door behind.

Yin Shengyao checked in Room 1812? Next door to us?

Was it a coincidence?

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