Horror Camgirl

Chapter 13 - Tang Mingli VS Yin Shengyao

Chapter 13: Tang Mingli VS Yin Shengyao

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Tang Mingli used all his strength to split the elevator door open. It was totally dark inside. There was no elevator there at all.

“Let’s take the stairway.” We hurriedly ran to the escape stairs, but the door got locked by someone with a plastic pipe. Tang Mingli took out a dagger from his boot, and tried to cut it. And he cut it off!

I was astonished. There was usually an iron wire inside such kind of plastic pipe. One could imagine how sharp his dagger was.

Tang Mingli pushed the door open and we were both frightened with our eyes widely open.

There was no elevator behind the door, but still that corridor paved with red carpet on the 18th floor.

Tang Mingli said, with his eyebrows knitted, “We are trapped in here.”

[What’s going on? Have they entered the ghosts’ world?”

[Oh no! Camgirl, fend for yourself. We all support you mentally, and with more rewards.]

[Guys, I just called the police, saying someone died in Heims Hotel. Now the police are in room 1814. But no one is in there. The hotel said no one checked in tonight on that floor. The police said it was a crank call and wanted to arrest me. What should I do? Waiting online for solutions. Very anxious!]

[You scared the shit out of me. The more I thought of it, the scarier. If so, the camgirl and Tyrant didn’t check in the hotel but entered into the ghosts’ world from the very beginning?]

I seemed to remember something. I took out my phone, looking at the bullet screen, suddenly I thought of a very scaring question.

My phone had no signal, but why the live stream was still on?

I nearly threw my phone out of my hand.

Tang Mingli stopped me and said, “This is the only tool we contact with the outside world. You can’t throw it away.”

I swallowed some saliva and said to the audience, “Hello everyone, as you see, we are trapped in here. There is no signal but the live stream is still on. I have no idea what’s going on, but you are my only hope to survive. Please don’t leave me.”

[Don’t worry. I won’t sleep tonight. I will stay with you.]

[Camgirl, don’t be afraid. Just do it! We will support you with crowns.]

[You are the bravest, calmest girl who sings the best. You are my goddess from now on.]

Now the number of the viewers had reached 100 thousand, and was still increasing. It was amazing. Only those top online celebrities could make it.

And meanwhile I received more and more rewards. Even the crowns were over 50 now.

I risked my life for it. Now I only hoped that I wouldn’t get killed by a ghost in my live stream room.

At this time a real-time comment attracted my attention.

[Camgirl, why don’t you go check out the cute guy next door? See if he is a human or…a ghost.]

I was stunned. Was Yin Shengyao really a ghost?

I turned to Tang Ming for his opinion. After keeping silent for a while, he said, “We can go take a look. And if he dies, we can collect his body.”

I frowned. What? Did he also have a thing with Yin Shengyao?

We came before room 1812 and knocked at the door, but no one answered. And when I tried to go in through that big hole in the bathroom, Tang Mingli took out a card and swiped it, the door opened.

“When the waitress came cleaning the room, I stole the keys from her.” Tang Mingli pushed the door open while explaining to me.

There laid a pair of strong and long legs on the floor, while the upper body got totally covered by the wall. My heartbeat accelerated. Was it Yin Shengyao?

We got close carefully. And then we saw him lying on the ground, with his eyes closed. He lost his consciousness.

“See if he is still alive.” Tang Mingli said, “I’m gonna check the room.”

I got close to him little by little, with my hands shaking.

He was still alive, because his chest was moving. If I wanted to kill him, now was the best opportunity.

I remembered the day he kicked me after he raped me and the way he looked at me. I remembered how he knocked over my brother with that red Ferrari. And I remembered my brother who became a vegetarian lying in bed now.

The rages were burning in my chest. I stretched my hands and squeezed his neck.

Only if I killed him, everything would be over. My hatred, my wrath and my sadness would all be gone.

“What are you doing?” Tang Mingli’s voice came behind. I suddenly came to myself and stopped. What had I been doing? Had I tried to kill him? I was doing live stream.

I tried to calm myself down. Then I touched Yin Shengyao’s neck and said, “I felt his carotid artery. He still has heartbeats.”

[So she was feeling his carotid artery. I thought she was trying to strangle him. Hahaha!]

[I don’t think so. Judging from her action, she was indeed trying to strangle him.]

[Use your brain. She didn’t even know him. Why would she kill him? For fun?]

I glanced at the bullet screen. Fortunately the audience didn’t overthink it. When I tried to stand up, my wrist got grasped. My blood froze! When I turned back, I looked into Yin Shengyao’s ice cold eyes.

When he had kicked me out of his bed, he also looked at me that way.

I could never forget about it.

I tried to get rid of it, “Let go!”

He clamped me with his big pliers-like hand, and I couldn’t shake it off.

Wearing a cold face, Tang Mingli pulled out his dagger and pointed at his throat, “Let go of her!”

“You can have a try.” Tang Mingli narrowed his eyes, which was filled with danger now.

The three of us were in a stalemate. They had fought for quite a few rounds through their eye contact.

While I twitched my mouth and said, “Guys, think about our situation. The ghost may rush out to end all our lives at any time, while we are still fighting each other.”

After a moment’s silence, they both made a step back. Yin Shengyao let go of me, and Tang Mingli put away his dagger.

I rubbed my sore wrist and then turned to Yin Shengyao, “You got attacked by someone?”

With all doubt and vigilance in his eyes, Yin Shengyao turned around, took out his phone and tried to call the police. Tang Mingli teased him, “Don’t waste your time. We are all trapped in here.”

No one answered the phone.

He pulled his face and asked, “What the hell is going on?”

I tried to restrain my hatred deep in my heart and said, “Now we are all in the same boat. How about we lay down our prejudice and cooperate? Otherwise we are all gonna die in here.”

Yin Shengyao and Tang Mingli looked at each other, saying nothing. Then I continued, “How about we exchange our information now?”

I told him about our whole experience. And after a moment’s silence, Yin Shengyao also told us his. He got a cup of water. And when he put the cup beside his mouth, he saw a shadow behind him in the water.

But when he turned around, nothing was there.

He frowned and took up the golf club for decoration in the room. Suddenly he heard someone singing. It seemed to come from inside the wall. So he put his ears against the wall. Suddenly he heard someone fighting. It was like a man and a woman.

The woman sneered, “You want to dump me and then marry that well-matched woman? Let me tell you! It’s impossible! If you don’t cancel your wedding, I’m gonna expose all your nasty things. See how you are gonna work in here.”

The man’s voice sounded dangerous now, “Are you threatening me?”

“So what?” The woman said arrogantly, “I know all the nasty things you have done. And you think you can dump me?…What are you doing?”

Then it was all fighting and struggling sound. Gradually, that sound faded away.

Suddenly a woman’s screech was heard. Yin Shengyao then had a headache and lost his consciousness.

When he just finished his, the bullet screen got exploded.

[It’s simple. What that muscle guy heard was the murder case that has happened in room 1814. They were a couple. The man wanted to dump the woman and marry another pretty, rich woman, but the woman didn’t agree. So the man killed the woman. And that explains why this room is haunted.]

[That woman said the man couldn’t work in the hotel anymore if he dumped her. So was the man an employee of this hotel?]

[Not common staff for sure. Maybe the son-in-law of the hotel owner.]

[That man must have done a lot of illegal things and the woman should have sacrificed a lot for him, but finally have been killed by this man. So she is haunting this room.]

Two heads were better than one. Now those audiences had almost guessed the whole story.


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