Horror Camgirl

Chapter 15 - Yin Eight-Diagram Formation

Chapter 15: Yin Eight-Diagram Formation

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I poured two glasses for both of us. And when the fake Tang Mingli took the glass from me, Yin Shengyao suddenly stabbed his carotid artery with the blade I had given him.

“Ah!” The fake Tang Mingli screamed, with a woman’s voice. He shook his body and then turned into a horrible female ghost, with furies in her eyes. She threw a palm on Yin Shengyao’s chest.

Yin Shengyao was very quick and escaped her attack.

The female ghost disappeared after a flicker.

I was astonished. That blade didn’t kill her?!

The cinnabar on the blade was not the ordinary one. She made it according to the pamphlet Lord Zhengyang gave him. It could kill any common ghost.

So the female ghost was not an ordinary one?

If it was an evil ghost, it wouldn’t be an easy thing.

[Oh! Holy crap! So That Tyrant is a ghost?]

[My god! I was still immersed in his cute face. This is bad.]

[Where is the real Tyrant? Has he been killed by the ghost? No! Give my Tyrant back! Camgirl, kill her and I will reward you 20 crowns.]

At this time, East Wind Blowing sent a live comment.

[Don’t you worry, guys. The real Tyrant is by my side. He is also trying to save the camgirl. So everybody calm down.]

Those words eased the audience, but soon the air became tense again, because the light above glittered and then died out.

I hurriedly took out my flashlight. I could feel something was swinging over my head. And the moment my flashlight was on, I saw a long-haired female ghost was hanging on the ceiling. And the thing swinging over my head was her hair.

Suddenly her black hair grew much longer and entangled my neck. I got hung up.

I tried to shake it off. “Are you kidding me? My neck again? Can’t you come up with a better idea?”

A knife came from nowhere to cut off my hair. I fell onto the floor. A strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me behind his back.

It was Yin Shengyao!

I had kind of complicated feelings. I hated him, because in my heart, he was ruthless and merciless. I really didn’t expect he would save me.

“What else do you have? Show me.” Yin Shengyao tilted his face and looked at me coldly.

That female ghost floated up and climbed on the ceiling, flickering.

I gritted my teeth and handed over the Life-killing Knife to him, “You try to hold her. I’m gonna figure out a way.”

Yin Shengyao took it without hesitation. He then rushed forward, made a few clicks on the wall and then threw a chop on the female ghost who was crawling to him.

He met the female ghost head on. He now became a real man in my heart.

I tried to pull myself together. It was kind of easy entry level stuff, which only worked on common ghosts. But only one thing could subdue an evil ghost.

But it was extremely dangerous.

Anyway I wanted to try.

I took up a knife and had a cut on both of my hands. And the pains were killing me. I gasped.

To draw a yin Eight-Diagram Formation with a woman’s blood in the palms, it could suck a ghost’s yin qi to weaken her power and then subdue her.

Holding all the pains, I tried to squeeze out as much blood as I could to draw the diagram. When I finally finished it, Yin Shengyao and the female ghost were still fighting.

“Hurry! Bring her to me.” I cried.

Yin Shengyao frowned. Then he chopped on her arm and immediately turned around and ran away. The female ghost got irritated. She stamped her feet on the wall and pounced at him.

Yin Shengyao made a sudden dodge, and the female ghost directly fell on my yin Eight-diagram Formation.

And it was lighted up. The ghost screamed and all her resentment flew into the diagram.

And now on the 18th floor in the outside world, Tang Mingli and East Wind Flowing were like ants on a hot pan.

East Window Blowing was a young man about 17 or 18 years old, who had just been enrolled into Shancheng University of Political Science. He had been fascinated about evil and ghost stuff. When he watched my live streaming last time, he had already wanted to have a try. And since the hotel was near his school this time, he came to me.

Now he was watching the thrilling scene on the phone, “Tyrant, do you know how to get into their space? We can’t let them die in there.”

“Shut up!” Tang Mingli cried, wearing a long face. This kid made him annoyed.

East Wind Blowing felt wronged.

At this time, two tall and strong specop-like bodyguards came towards us escorting a man over thirty.

That man was kind of cute and quiet, having a face most girls liked.

“What do you want? Why do you bring me here?” When he saw it was room 1814, he looked panicked.

“Manager Lin.” Tang Mingli said with a cold face, “You should know exactly what we are bringing you here for.”

Manager Lin swallowed some saliva, and tried to avoid any eye contact, “I…I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“If you don’t, I can give you some tips.” Tang Mingli’s eyes shined with coldness, “Zhou Xiaohui? Do you know her?”

Manager Lin shivered, “She once worked here, responsible for supplies purchasing. Then she had depression and hung herself in the hotel.”

“Hung herself? Tang Mingli sneered, “Was it real?”

Manager Lin’s face turned pale, “The police said that. Isn’t it true?”

Tang Mingli then took out a file and threw it at him, “This is the proof proving that you and Zhou Xiaohui got commissions when purchasing, which would be enough for you to be in prison for 5 or 6 years.”

Manager Lin leafed it through, shivering. Only a few pages and he already got panicked, “You…What do you want?”

“It’s simple.” Tang Mingli grabbed his shoulder and dragged him into the room. He lifted Lin up in the air and cried, “Zhou Xiaohui, every injustice has its perpetrator, every debt has its debtor. The one you wanted is here.”

Now Zhou Xiaohui was lying on the yin Eight-diagram Formation. With smoke coming out of her body, her power had been greatly weakened, but still very scary.

She was not a common evil ghost. With only one step, she would be advanced to a ferocious ghost.

And the moment she heard what Tang Mingli said, she made a growl and made a ripple up in the air, sucking Tang Mingli and manager Lin in.

On seeing the female ghost, manager Lin’s legs turned into jello, while the female ghost’s hatred and resentment greatlu increased and she was about to get rid of the formation.

I immediately rushed to Lin and kicked him, “Is it you who has killed her and told the police she has hung herself? Say it!”

Manager Ling had already been scared the shit out of him. He immediately answered, “It was me. But, I can explain. I just wanted to quiet her. I…I didn’t mean to choke her to death. It was…It was an accident.”

“Is it you who has dumped her and married the chairman’s daughter?”

Lin held his head and said, “Yes, yes, but I didn’t love that woman at all. Her father forced me. Hui, I’m sorry. I…I really loved you. And I didn’t want to leave you. Trust me.”

Now all my audience were aflame with indignation.

[This is the most shameless man I have ever seen in my whole life.]

[You dumped your wife to marry the chairman’s daughter who you didn’t love at all, and now you are defending yourself? Such a freak!]

[Scumbag! Go to hell! Kill him, female ghost!]

[Hehe, screw the chairman and his daughter. They would be a laughing stick in this circle.]

[I have videotaped everything. I’m gonna send it to the police after the live streaming. Humph! Wait for your punishment.]

Manager Lin was still begging, “Hui, please give me a chance. I’ve had everything arranged for your parents. Your dad loves sliced cold chicken from spring and autumn, and I would buy it for him every week. And your mom. Her lumbar is not good, and I got her the best doctor to do physical therapy. And now she is much better now.”

Maybe because Lin mentioned Xiaohui’s parents, the resentment on her had greatly decreased, and the formation sucked it more quickly. Soon she had downgraded to a common ghost.

On seeing that, I cried, “Kill her!”

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