Horror Camgirl

Chapter 17 - Removing Scars for a Movie Star

Chapter 17: Removing Scars for a Movie Star

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Only, my face was still unpleasant to look.

My heart was full of hope that one day I will become gorgeous.

The question was, how did I sell this? Who would believe in my products with no certificates?

I had no choice but to turn to Tang Mingli for help.

Tang Mingli told me that after I left, the police came and took away Manager Lin. The murdered receptionist was his lover, who he had an affair with.

What was worse was that he had affairs with other women who didn’t even know he was married.

When Lin’s wife found it out, she divorced him quickly and took all his shares and money.

He had nothing left and was about to be thrown  in prison for decades.

He told me he had everything else figured out too.

It was amazing how he could manage such a thing.

I asked him if he knew anyone who was rich, female, and also having ugly scars.

“Lucky you.” He smiled on the phone and said, “I happen to know someone.”

Zhu Ling was once a very popular female movie star. She was gorgeous, had a good figure and excellent acting skills. Her dubut caused a sensation because she won seven international film awards which she starred.

It was said that as long as she starred in the film, even if it was the worst film, the audience would buy it.

However, at the height of her career, she was burned during a shoot. Half of her face was ruined.

Although her life was saved, once her face was ruined, so was her career. Fortunately she had money which could be enough for her living. She stayed in her house and never got out since then.

She was an acquaintance of Tang Mingli’s. So when he made a phone call, she agreed to meet.

Tang Mingli drove me to a lakeside villa in the suburban mountain city. The villa was unique in shape, post-modern style, simple and neat, especially magnificent compared with the clear lake and the green mountain.

A middle-aged maid led us in. She whispered, “Miss Zhu is in a bad mood today. Please understand her situation. Do not say anything to upset her. ”

Through that sad look on her face, I could tell she really cared about Zhu Ling.

We came to Zhu Ling’s bedroom. She was sitting alone by a huge window, making her look lonely.

“Zhu Ling.” Tang said softly, “We’re here.”

Slowly, Zhu Ling turned her head. Covered by her long black hair was her half-burned face.

“Tang, I didn’t expect you to come to see me.” She said emotionlessly, “Since the accident, everyone who once chased after me every day has been avoiding me like I am a monster.”

“You should be happy that they don’t come, otherwise you would be disappointed.” Tang said.

Zhu Ling laid her eyes slowly on me and said impolitely, “Tang, is she the person you talked about? Does she really have any ointment that will cure my burns?”

I nodded and said, “Exactly.”

“Is it Chinese ointment?” She asked.

I nodded again. “Yes.”

Her face was serious and she said: “Tang, I agreed to meet because of you. But you should know that I have never believed in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is a fraud. They are all liars. I have never touched traditional Chinese medicine in my life.”

She turned and said, “You should go.”

Tang Mingli wanted to say something before I stepped forward and cut in, “You’ve tried everything, haven’t you? You also have done multiple skin grafts. But none of them worked. Why don’t you give it a try? You have nothing more to lose now.”

Zhu Ling hummed, “So your ointment is free?”

“Of course it’s not.” I said,” And it’s not cheap.”

Zhu Ling glanced at Tang Mingli unfriendly, “So you made me meet a liar. You’ve gone too far.”

That was Zhu Ling, a straightforward and honest woman in front of anyone. She offended a lot of people because of her straightforwardness. When she was still in power, those people kept quiet; when she was down, they all came down on her.

When Tang Mingli was about to say something back at her, I suddenly took off my hat and mask, showing my ugly face.

Zhu Ling looked at my face and was obviously shocked.

“This is fibroma. I had it when I was little. The doctor said it couldn’t be cured and I would live a life with this face.” I looked her straight in the eyes and said, “But I never give up. Even though life is hard, I will keep living optimistically. That is why I can understand your pain. You can trust me that I will never lie to you.”

She might be moved by what I said. After a long time, she sighed and said, “Fine, I’ll try. But FYI, if it doesn’t work, I won’t pay.”

“Of course.” I nodded, “You can apply a little first to feel it out.”

The jar was made of blue and white porcelain, looking quality and elegant. As soon as I opened the lid, a sweet scent followed. Tang was amazed. Even Zhu Ling enjoyed the scent.

I dug up a small bit myself and applied it on her right cheek. Then I said, “Don’t wash your face tonight. You will see how well it works tomorrow morning.”

Zhu Ling snorted, evidently with a doubt.

I didn’t argue with her until tomorrow.

On the way back, Tang Mingli could not help saying, “You should not be so sure about the effect tomorrow. Even it is good, it doesn’t work that fast. Although Zhu Ling is now unpopular, her uncle is the most powerful underground man in Rongcheng City. And that was why no one dared to confront her even if she had offended so many people.

I knew what he meant. If the ointment didn’t work tomorrow, she would think I was playing with her. It wouldn’t take a minute before she killed me.

I just smiled and said, “We will see tomorrow.”

Tang Mingli shook his head helplessly and thought to himself, “I can protect her no matter how. She can do whatever she wants. ”

The next morning, Tang Mingli called me and said with a surprising tone, “Zhu Ling told me on the phone just now that your ointment really worked. She wants to see you now.”

I smiled with confidence. I knew it would work because I tried so many times on me.

When we came to the lakeside villa again, Zhu Ling was much warmer this time. There was hope in her eyes.

“Look, it works.” She came up excitedly, pointing to her face where was as smooth as new like a baby’s skin after it was applied with my ointment.

Tang Mingli was astonished by its effect. He turned his head to look at me.

The girl always surprised him, he thought.

“I am sorry that I was mean yesterday.” She apologized, “I’ve been fooled many times. I had to be too cautious. ”

“Never mind.” I waved my hand. “I’m not a doctor. You have the right reason to judge me. Ms Zhu, I will cure your burn. I will charge you two…three hundred thousand. What do you say?”

Zhu Ling stared at me. I couldn’t help thinking, “Did I make a too high price? The ointment cost me a few hundred. Now I charged her 300 thousand. Would she think that I was blackmailing her?”

“Three hundred thousand?” Zhu Ling could not believe what she heard. “Is it so cheap?”

I realized that, for Zhu Ling, her face was everything. She could pay three million or thirty million to cure it, not to mention three hundred thousand. Some international movie stars even bought tens of millions of insurance for their legs, arms or breasts.

I regretted not to ask a lot more, even though I thought I asked enough. I really still couldn’t understand rich people’s world.

This time she was very happy to transfer 300,000 to me, plus 100,000 to thank me, she said. I accept it reluctantly.

I scooped up a large lump of the ointment and carefully applied it to her face. She enjoyed it and invited us to stay for the night and witness the miracle with her in the morning.

I agreed in case accidents would happen.

We had a light but delicious dinner, tea and dim sum later in the evening, and then went to our own rooms.

When I passed Zhu Ling’s room, I smelled a strange fragrance and stopped.

“What’s the matter?” Zhu Ling asked.

“What’s that smell?” I asked.

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