Horror Camgirl

Chapter 19 - An actress Who Kept a Child Ghost

Chapter 19: An actress Who Kept a Child Ghost

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I asked a carpenter to make it into a peach sword. When I held the sword in my hands, I could feel its warmth and a touch of its aura somewhere around it.

After I had done everything, I ran out of money.

Spending money was always faster than earning it.

One day, I got a phone call from Zhu Ling inviting me and Tang to watch a drama.

The next day, on the premiere of Song Na’s new film, media from home and abroad gathered there, let alone crowds of fans.

Tang and I sat with Zhu in her car. When the car drove in, she opened the door and revealed herself in public.

“Who is she?” People were whispering, “She is gorgeous.”

“Is it Zhu Ling? Isn’t she?” Someone shouted.

“Zhu Ling? Wasn’t her face ruined?”

“It may be a rumour. Look at her face. It is perfect. Unlike she has been deformed. ”

“Zhu Ling, I love you!” They were Song’s fans but they used to be Zhu’s. They were excited to see her back.

“Zhu Ling! Zhu Ling!”

The crowd shouted for her name. She walked into the hall with sweet smile on her face. Her condescending elegance made fans move a space for her to walk through like a queen. Every step she walked by, she was even more beautiful and attractive.

Tang dragged me to an entrance for staff only.

The press conference was going on in the hall. A man in a silver suit was putting his arm around Song’s waist. The loving birds looked intimated.

At the moment, the door popped out, came in Zhu Ling. She was wearing a navy blue floor-length gown which had Chinese cymbidium on its hemline. In addition to her delicate makeup and elegant updo with a classic Chinese pearl hair pin placed right at the top, she was a living fairy in a painting.

“It is Zhu Ling!” A reporter screamed. Everybody looked back and pressed their cameras at her.

Song Na was standing on the stage, outraged and shocked. Fang Huajian was amazed what he saw and took her hand on her waist subconsciously.

The reporters rushed toward Zhu Ling, “Zhu Ling, your face looks perfect.

Are you planning a comeback today?”“Zhu Ling, do you have anything to say about your old schoolmate stealing your boyfriend?”

“Zhu Ling, would you share the surgery hospital that you had skin grafting?”

Zhu Ling answered with a smile, “I will answer all your questions. But before that, I have something to say to those two on the stage.”

The reporters got all excited because they were about to see a drama. They gave her a way right after.

Zhu Ling stepped on the stage. Fang couldn’t help saying, “Ling.”

Without looking at him, Zhu Ling said to Song Na, “I just wonder what I have done wrong to make you do such things to me.”

Song put her acting skills on and forced a smile, “Zhu, I am so happy from the bottom of my heart that your face is cured. You have my full support if you want to come back. But you can’t accuse me of things that I haven’t done. It’s true that I stepped in your place after you left. But I earned it. As for Huajian, we love each other. If you hate me for that, I apologize. ”

Speaking of which, she bowed before Zhu Ling. Her speech sounded sincere and serious enough to make the public feel sorry for her and thought Zhu Ling was the wrong one.

Zhu Ling hummed, “What you said meant nothing to me. You stole my career. I can make another success in the future. You stole this man from me. This man is selfish and untrustworthy. I thank you for taking over him. But what disappointed me is that you paid my maid and security to poison me and even tried to kill myself when I had delusion. How malicious you are! ”

“What? Poison?!” Reporters pressed their cameras at them like hell. It was a big scandal!

Song was surprised, “How does she know about the prison thing?  The poison was rare. Few people knew about it.”

She took a deep breath and then said, “Zhu Ling, you can’t accuse me of things that I didn’t do. I am innocent. ”

“You should tell it to the police. I have already transferred my maid and security to the police. They would say anything to reduce their penalty. ” Zhu Ling sneered.

Two policemen walked in and showed the arrest warrant to Song Na, “Miss Song, we suspect you of poisoning Zhu Ling. You are coming with us for investigation. ”

They cuffed her then.

Song panicked and turned to Fang Huajian who was avoiding her like she had a contagion. She was full of disappointment and hatred, “You are such a selfish and untrustworthy rotten man.”

I was watching among the crowd. All of sudden, I felt a cold air behind. I looked up and saw a four or five years old kid on the flash bulb with empty eyes, mouth broken, smiling quirkily.

A child ghost?

I was told that many actresses kept child ghosts. Did this one belong to Song Na?

Taking out of my phone, logging in my channel, I named: Child Ghost at the Press Conference, Who Is behind It?

I couldn’t just say that the ghost was kept by Song because I didn’t have any evidence.

Thousands of viewers flocked in my channel.

[It is new that she has live streaming during day time. Wait. Is it Song Na’s press conference? Why I see policemen? What did she do?]

[Wait. Look. It’s Zhu Ling there. Wasn’t her face ruined? But now her face is fine, and she is even more beautiful than before.]

I explained the whole thing to my followers and whispered to them, “Guys, I am not asking you to focus on the crime or things. Look at the flash bulb which is swinging. Because there is a child ghost on it.”

I aimed the camera to the light, “You may not see it, but…”

Before I finished my sentence, live comments kept popping like crazy.

[Oh my god, it is a child ghost. You see that? Four or five years old, wearing red, bald head, eyes with no white part.]

[I see it! It is a child ghost! People say that actresses keep child ghosts. I thought it was just a rumour.]

[Who do you think keeps it? Song Na or Zhu Ling?]

[It’s hard to say. But I guess it’s more likely to be Song.]

I was confused because no one on site could see the child ghost but my followers could.

While I was thinking, the light swung violently. I looked down and saw the policemen who were taking Song Na away approaching right under the flash bulb.

“Look out!” I shouted.

I swooped down and shovelled one policeman away. The light collapsed right in front of us. If it hadn’t been me, the policeman would have already been smashed in the head.

The hall was in utter chaos. Song pushed the other policeman away and ran away.

“Freeze!” The policeman chased after her, while the child ghost darted out toward him.

I got back on my feet and took out a jar of black dog blood, spayed it all over the ghost. The ghost screamed and a strong smoke came out of its body.

People in the hall was screaming and running. No one knew what just had happened. But the audience in my channel saw it very clearly.

[My Lady, kill that bastard!]

[Your power is even stronger after only a few days. Come on! A crown for you!]

[LOL. I knew it! This ghost was kept by Song Na, otherwise it would take on her side.]

The ghost was burnt and turned black. It looked at me maliciously and then swooped on me.

All of sudden, Tang wrapped its neck with a chain behind it.

“You can see it?” I was shocked.

“I applied bull’s tears to my eyes.” Tang explained, “Be quick! I can’t hold it for long. Do something!”

I pulled a dagger out of my bag and pinned it into the ghost’s head.

The dagger was made of Thunder-strike wood leftover from my peach sword. This one was short and good enough for carry-along.

Now it saved my life.


“Who is she?”

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